What do you have to say for yourselves, white males?
Sup Forums Absolutely and irrevocably BTFO. There is no argument against this
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wtf I just donated to BLM
Yeah but who owned the slaves? Oh yeah; whites. WHITE PRIDE MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!
Wow I didn't realise American houses are made out of cotton, really makes me think.
Name one way the U.S.would be worse if there were never any blacks in it.
>niggers built this country
Everything is made of cotton?
there's a reason slave labor was mostly farming activities only
building a house was too difficult of a task for them.
Blacks didn't build USA
>this country was built by cotton pickers
Nah, try again.
Saying that slaves built the U.S. is like saying mules built the U.S., they're just farm implements.
Jesus was Caucasian, just like the rest of the Arabs.
How come they don't understand history? This is just like the native american arguement "you guys are illegal immigrants too goy." No. We owned people, we killed people, black slaves weren't considered people. We killed native americans cause we wanted their land, and we treated blacks like farm tools because we could. You weren't people until we let you be people
it's the "blacks built the USA" episode
tell me one (US) Nigger that could be compared to the achievements of Henry Ford, Tommy Edison, Milton Friedman.
The only thing that Nignogs can be proud of, is stealing and popularizing Peanutbutter from the nativ american tribes in central america
niggers are retarded slaves fucking worked in agricultural fields and picked cotton they were not skilled tradesman and didn't build shit. Shitskins and niggers love to claim 'whitewashing' when it's really history being subject to darkening because white guilt SJW types and faggots and the minorities themselves feel bad that they're trash and just can't compete
why couldn't we have just enslaved a less annoying race? like the american indians for example.
oh that's right. the mind of a nigger is so weak that they are the only race that can be broken down into a life of servitude and labor.
Inspires one to ponder, to a great extent.
dis country made out of cotton.
Kind of like how the zulu dindus do with their we wuz kangz boogaloo except this is true
>Milton Friedman.
Thomas Sowell comes to mind.. Then again, I think they worked together.
Blacks truly believe that there must have been some sort of slave socialism program because every story they make up has 100% of whites owning multiple families of slaves as if shit was free back then.
i know this is some low tier bait but fuck it im bored (hehe but fuck)
1. niggers building anything lol
2.period art of jesus has him as white, but without the beard actually
3. there are no nigger history books because they dindu anything historical nor write books about history
4. poster has too much time to think because he is unemployed half drunk and can barely formulate a rational thought
And if you think about it if a dindu could do he would do... But he dind... He dindu.
blacks were heavily employed as construction workers in the deep south post-emancipation. Wage controls had to be put into place so companies employing whites could compete with the lowered costs of operations of these fleshed out companies on leaner budgets, simply because you could pay blacks less.
Did this person learn American history from a Loony Toon?
every culture has been enslaved at one point or another, my fellow burger.
Damn, I guess I'm #MentallyHill now
ill grant you his education is impressive
did he invent anything? or change anything?
im pretty ignorant on him but aside from commenting on politics, has he done anything?
He just couldn't make it cuz he had work
The worst part is that they are repeating this worldview over and over again and its slowly becoming mainstream. The history of America is no longer that of white men conquering wild territory and forming it into a powerful country by working and fighting and risking their lives, instead it is turning into some sissy whiskey drinking faggots whipping around blacks.
Who REALLY didn't see that coming? Let's be honest, we all knew just looking at the top image what the second image was going to look like.
Stopped reading at the first comma lol.
People in the middle east aren't automatically dark skinned. White Romans use to populate it until sandniggers came out of the desert wastes in the small corner of Saudi Arabia.
Slaves didn't build this country, it was white indentured servants. Slaves just did some agricultural work.
Jesus was white, his parents Julius and Cleopatra. His parents killed to stop what would have been the greatest and most powerful nation the world would never see. Jesus teachings Roman+Indian mythology. Julius last words to the only man who knew about Jesus. "Only you knew" not "you too brother"
citation needed
using a labor force to build that couldnt read, write or follow directions seems like a pretty shit business strategy
Slaves were hardly used but for some production.
Jesus wouldn't look much different from a Greek in the same area. Jesus looks white for the same reasons Asians would draw Jesus as Asian or Africans would draw Jesus black.
History books are simplistic but the whitewashing claim is complete conspiracy theorizing.
Fucking retarded.
its actually Looney Tune
i dont know why
>too much time to think
>on Facebook
Get a job nigger
>Old man enjoying his retirement.
>Watching his family getting married and having kids.
>Suddenly jamal pops into the picture
>He knocks her up and runs away as is the custom for the negro.
>For the next 3 years the spawn of the negro manages to suck the life force out of the entire family.
>The kids are scared, the men put on a brave face and the women look haggared after listening to all that single mum bullshit day after day.
>The old man has taken the brunt of the force to protect what is left of his family, his hair has receded, his beard has become unkept, he now waits for the end.
>The old man soldiered on as he only knows how to.
jesus fuck user, read a book.
he writes red-pills for normies on political, social, cultural, and economic topics. quite literally anything written by him is based.
How the hell did cotton built a country?
A machine could pick more cotton in one day than a human in a year. So did that machine built the country?
>did he invent anything? or change anything?
He's an academic. I imagine he's taught and inspired many people, like Friedman did. I believe he was less into advising governments, and more about think-tank work though.
>has he done anything?
Write books on economics, mostly. I'm not too sure of everything he did, I mostly know him from his interesting interviews.
1% of the population owned slaves. Wonder what the other 99% of white people did? Really makes the neurons fire.
peanut butter?
hey now mapleman, you literally said exactly what i did. he writes about politics. but has he DONE anything?
according to you he is just an educated Sup Forums
i want someone that advance humanity in some meaningful way
almost became a brooklyn dodger until he decided to make something of himself and studied econ.
disciple of milton but with some different ideas.
biggest flaw is he's a late 60's black conservative so he's neo-con on some issues.
Indenture servants.
She is right on Jesus part. But it's a business, and people can't relate to the item if they can't relate.
Jesus was caucasian. He was just kinda tan.
eh. he isnt a bad example of a great black man, but i was hoping for someone that was successful and developed something
still good i suppose
But only something like .4% of Americans owned slaves.
And it was mostly Jews not whites.
blacks didnt invent peanut butter
all they did was come up with some peanut butter inspired recipes
wrong. look at period art. jesus was caucasian. no beard tho
Somebody had to crack the whip on the backs of the lazy niggers.
Exactly, when you use a lawnmower to mow a lawn you don't give the object credit. Same for slaves.
I'm pretty certain the musical, solar powered farm equipment of the 1850's didn't do much more than pick cotton and shit up the place.
>a strong man
wow we don't want any of this now #imwithher
You know I would expect this kind of behavior from an edgy high school student full of teen angst but I'm sure this is some college educated """adult""""
Our country wasn't really "built" until the industrial revolution, which the vast majority of took place in the Northern states, while the Southern states (with the vast majority of slaves) grew crops and made textiles.
The North and its industries built America. Great industrialists made this country into a global powerhouse long after slavery ended.
Stop killing da future aztronots, yo