in states where you allowed to shoot and kill intruders with no questions asked, are you also allowed to bludgeon or stab the person to death?
in states where you allowed to shoot and kill intruders with no questions asked, are you also allowed to bludgeon or stab the person to death?
only if its justified
what does that mean?
you could argue that its always justified and you can argue that it is never justified
I reckon so, but as said it needs to be justified, much simpler to just shoot an intruder 2-3 times, instead of taking your chances with a knife or other instrument. Best to consult your local laws because it can vary from state to state.
That's what the lawyer is for.
I don't think you can shoot them if they are running away and beating/stabbing someone gives them more of a chance to run.
you can beat and stab then UNTIL they surrender or are no longer a threat. if there is any proof that you, for example, stomped on the neck of attacker after they are already unconscious then you could be charged. the force used must match the perceived threat
Use the appropriate amount of force to make sure you and your castle are safe against a intruder. I.E if you attack them and break off then they run you can not go after or engage anymore with a knife , bat or other instruments. For firearms when they turn to run or start running you are to not shoot anymore.
That's the legal way anyways I know to stay safe in but fuck law and general way to write the report.
If you fear for your life, and some one has made entry into your home TO HARM YOU, you can use reasonable force.
If you beat someone unconscious, there is no need to continue.
Stab? I imagine so, but once that person flees, you can't chase them down and finish off the job.
These laws vary from state to state.
Why can't maple niggers use Google? It's it too hard for your tiny, frozen, brain? Or is this an attempt at conversation on gun policy?
Is a motherfucker trying to kill me?
If yes, then it's justified.
It's not rocket science you maple nigger.
>It's never justified :(
Fuck you. An old lady here in Canada once tried to defend herself by pointing an unloaded gun at a robber. She got sued by him, she lost and the robber weaseled out of being charged
Go fuck yourself. I hate cucks like you
do you only read the last half of every sentence?
going only by the way you worded that first post, I know what your stance is.
It's not technically "no questions asked" but as far as I know every single US state either has a written law or established doctrine that if someone comes into your house and acts threatening you can kill them.
In some states there is an extensive statute about being allowed to kill someone that is almost "no questions asked". Texas for sure.
I live in Florida and we invented stand your ground, which extends the castle doctrine (home defense) to anywhere you are allowed to be so it's the same legally, though cops would probably assume it was justified even quicker if it was in your house. As the law stands, you are basically allowed to kill anyone you feel is physically threatening your life.
>sued by him
I strongly suspect a (((lawyer))) urged him to.
holy shit leaf, step outside of yourself and read the whole thing
i would be mad too but wew lad
her fault. you never pull a gun on someone you dont intend to kill, thats basic training.
Depends there as well. That kid who shot the 2 black guys trying to break into his home shot one while they were fleeing and he was okay because they had initally shot back at him when the firefight broke out. They could have been relocating to fire back again.
It's technically better to kill someone who attacks you or who you believe is threatening your life.
Only one side of the story that way unfortunately.
Not how it works here. It's "technically" legal to shoot someone in self-defense in Canada, but it's practically impossible to be justified
>meanwhile in Canada
>merely pointing a firearm at a home intruder is considered too far in some cases and could end up with you being charged
what a fucking mess
thanks, Pierre
Florida was also the first state to make concealed carry mainstream again in the late 80's by making our licenses attainable by regular people like a drivers license after literally every state except Vermont passed concealed carry bans or strict licensing requirements around 1900.
In Florida so long as you aren't a felon you can basically own any weapon (the only weapons I know are banned are ballistic knives, for some reason). Apart from that, if Uncle Sam allows it, Florida allows it. A Florida concealed carry permit allows you to carry almost any weapon, though most just carry pistols.
You don't need a permit for pocket knives, tasers, or most pepper spray.
nice confirmation bias
Nah, in the military they teach you that pointing a gun at someone can be a de-escalation tactic.
It can be considered torture if you continue after subduing the intruder. Shooting is quick, easier to justify, and can't be painted as sadistic.