>studying mechanical engineering
>job field is oversaturated(?)
>may not make 3.0 by graduation
>don't want to live with parents forever
How fucked am I?
>studying mechanical engineering
>job field is oversaturated(?)
>may not make 3.0 by graduation
>don't want to live with parents forever
How fucked am I?
>10 years ago, everyone was taking liberal arts degrees.
>5 years ago, liberal arts graduates glutted the job market and couldn't get jobs and relatively rare STEM grads laughed at them
>2 years ago, everyone switched to STEM degrees
Guess what happens now, genius?
I always assumed that there aren't any other degrees that are any better though
It's not about the quality, it's about the rarity.
>everyone switched to STEM degrees
What shithole do you come from where the broad mass can get into STEM programs and-
>checks flag
>it's a BAD thing that everyone in the UK can access university!
Bit of a stretch, mate. The US has to pay at least
40 grand to buy their useless degrees..
It doesn't matter what your gpa is once you get your first job.
>Implying americans actually pay 40k for uni and fasfa doesn't do it for them
Because this job will eventually develop into "muh NEET experience", I'll share my story.
>Considered STEM, but nah
>Started working warehouse job at 18. Nights and loads of overtime to artifically boost salary
>Got a loan for my own house at 20
>Got disability insurance with a one-time payout of $187,000 in case of disability
>After 3 years I set my plan into motion
>Go to doctor and claim I have anxiety and depression
>Go 12 months while receiving 100% of my former salary
>After 14 months get granted disability payments
>Make $62,500 per year before taxes. More than the average wagecuck
>15 years left on my mortgage, then I own my house
>Applied to disability office to be able to study, despite anxiety. Get it granted
>Starting my (free) degree in mechanical engineering next year. Just in case I don't want to be NEET anymore
Life is good m8s.
Start your own company. While you have no fixed expenses and no commitments you have little to loose.
If it doesn't take off you at least have something on your CV.
You know calculus and modulus function, so you're always smart enough to find a job in programming.
lmao at how stupid hamburgers are.
>Graduate in soft-science biomed engineering from EPFL
>Get 120kCHF/yr job out of the gate at néstle
>Laugh at faggot physics and "hard" science losers who cant get a job because every STEM-lord chose the same worthless degree
>Sip wine
Why the hostility medpack
if anything, there are far more people in soft sciences like e.g. biomed than in physics etc.
there's literally ten jobs in the world for physicists. in our country alone (assuming you aren't some proxy ahmed faggot or 1st generation subhuman) there are hundreds of thousands of jobs for biomeds, chemists, and nat.sciences.
hamburgers are subhuman. also a lil' drunk
Should've taken mining engineering mate.
>100% job placement
>$55k-85k starting salaries
>Predominantly white males who get shit done
>Get to play with explosives and big equipment
>Can work in any state or any country
Pull up those bootstraps, ditch any other outside influence like partying and sex, and make that paper.
There's plenty of time after you get a degree and get started in a career to amass the rest.
>$55k-85k starting salaries
lol...janitors here make more than that. hamburger land really is garbage
I'm a mech engineer with a 3.5gpa but no intern experience and I graduate this semester how fucked am I
Isn't it boring though? Maybe people say the same about my field (EE).
did some physicist fuck your-, erm, steal your calculator? Just because we're big on pharma doesn't mean that there's no place for physicists, plenty of job opportunities in various fields of engineering, if anything it's the jack-of-all-trades degree in the industry, with additional job opportunities in banks and informatics.
>a job with water thieves
Good for you!
I'm 24 and it was a mistake for me to major in physics. Getting a free ms in applied math I think that'll pay off but wish me luck.
The disposable income would be a more relevant number. Don't you for example pay like 1.5k CHF/mo for daycare if you have a child?
Switzerland is 1.3 on the big-mac index, the highest among all countries if I'm not mistaken?
$55k is more than the average wage in your country, and that's on the low side, lmao.
Not boring for me. If you don't like something you shouldn't study it. I think EE and MechE sound boring, so I was between NucE and MngE, and I chose mining.
all my MechE and ElecE friends switched to computer science. Way easier and you make way more money. Just do it quick
>can't make 3.0
What the fuck, are you even white?
> ME
You're fucked, man. It's all about CE or CS - hard degrees, but with a negligible amount of effort post-college you'll easily land a job.
ME on the other hand ... maybe you can work at a bike shop?
My suggestion: try to grab a CS minor before you graduate. ASAFP.
>can't make 3.0 in mechE
have you considered a more intellectually suitable profession such as fry cook or high school janitor?
>it's a BAD thing that everyone in the UK can access university!
Yeah, thank god you guys hiked the tax rate through the roof so all those plumbers can spend 4 years partying and getting a B.A. in Psychology before they start their job
I'd hardly call EE boring. Electricity's fucking magic, though.
MechE and EE are both great bachelor's degrees cause they're both really versatile. I got a BSME and then went in to PetE. Most of the specialized knowledge you can learn on the job or the company might have a tuition reimbursement program for graduate school like mine did. Shit's cash.
You are a dumbass
I graduated in Quantum microbiology with a 4.8GPA, and I have alot of work.
Maybe you should spend a few more years and upgrade your title?
How was getting laid off by Schlumberger?
>>may not make 3.0 by graduation
Is that because you are struggling with the subject or because you are lazy?
What happens is those thousands of STEM jobs that are empty start to get filled. Also, a lot of people just cannot finish a STEM degree, which is why they were in Liberal Arts to begin with. It's a win for everyone that has an IQ capable of getting logical shit done with their brain. Too bad these people are too busy working to reproduce. The dropouts will be having kids.
Physicists can get into anything with data modeling/statistics.
You seem butt mad that you're stuck in your field
I dont get it. Just get an intern job in a good Engineering firm while doing your masters.
Everyone I know who studies Engineering have intern jobs or been hired fulltime
In Denmark at least there's a lack of engineers. But companies here hate hiring Asian engineers as they fuck everything up.
I cant believe they granted you disability payment based on depression and anxiety.
>40 grand to buy their useless degrees..
Paki detected, like that shit doesn't happen in UK
Same here. Engineering company I work for wanted me to start after my bachelors degree in half a year, but I don't want to work yet.
They're desperate for engineers, especially German ones since.. Well, the chinese are odd, people from the Middle East don't even get interviewed and nogs don't know shit.
Also a lot of the work is done within Germany so the language is a huge advantage.
Food technology engineer btw.
> But companies here hate hiring Asian engineers as they fuck everything up.
Kek, I recognize this too. Not that the Asian engineers are stupid, but making the cultural interface work isn't worth the money for most small/medium size enterprises.
>Also a lot of the work is done within Germany so the language is a huge advantage.
I work with many German customers and this drives me crazy!
My dad hired a chinese EE and she went to a company to check stuff for a certain certificate.
She called him, being completely upset since she didn't understand them at all. She speaks perfect German but in the company they spoke with a heavy Bavarian dialect.
It takes years until you understand all dialects of German. Great for me.
I'm a student in Niedersachsen (visiting senpai atm in north). Where are the biggest concentration of BME in Germany? Are they in Hannover, Oberruhre (Freiburg/Karlsruhe) or Bayern?
I can somewhat disagree with Arabs, but nigs truly nog all the time (only exception that I've seen is a Nigerian lad who does body building too)
>soft-science biomed engineering
Biology and medicine aren't soft science (except for the psychiatry corner). Soft sciences are things like psychology, sociology, etc.
Sounds like you need biomeds there. How hard is it to get a Swiss passport? I have an American one but it's useless.
I got a BS in mechE, I've been working in my field for 5 years, pair off all my loans and I'm making $70k salary. I feel lucky but I hate sitting behind a desk shitposting all day, so I think I'll quit soon. I might try my hand at brewing beer or growing vegetables. I just don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything by mechanizing labor to replace American workers with Chinese built machines.
So what degrees are better?
E = E0ei(k·x−ωt), with linear dispersion, ω = c|k|.
What am I?
There are going to be a lot of engineering jobs opening up in the near future. Don't worry about not finding a job.
Also, don't get bummed out if you don't have your "dream job." You will probably be working in a different industry in 10 years.
booo boo boo cant handle real capitalism. go vote for bernie sanders you cuck faggot
>Are they in Hannover, Oberruhre (Freiburg/Karlsruhe) or Bayern?
I dunno, Finbro. Looked it up and apparently it's scattered between Hamburg, Frankfurt and Bavaria. Seems that it's distributed more or less even.
A nerd
why do i care about the nigger food index. it would be more expensive here because we viciously guard our beef industry to stop foreign disgusting shit tasting meat from entering our markets. so the price of a nigger sandwich is much more expensive here because they have to use meat and not """meat"""
>55k/yr with a degree
lmao...i pay my maid that.
>>a job with water thieves
He works for a company that helps the countries in the third world to gain access to clean water.
He's a philantrophist.
Careful, medpack. You don't want the horde to come over.
>studying mechanical engineering
>job field is oversaturated
Only if you suck.
its impossible. the best you can hope for is a C permit. but you need a swiss company to sponsor you, which you won't get.
my maid is portugese..but i dont care because she's going to be deported the moment i stop vouching for her c-permit :)
>biomed engineering
Are you sure you aren't just a nurse?
Same boat OP. I just graduated from a top 5 university in ME. Neither me nor any of my peers can't find any ME jobs.
yea ahmed, i'm sure. biomed is soft-science but it's in super high demand in food-science shit like néstle. we just purify synthetic flavors to sell to poor people countries like america. chill job with amazing pay. 120k starting, 160k by 4 years and 250k at the 10 year mark
Wie siehts mit Asyl aus? Wenn ich mir Schuhcreme ins Gesicht schmier, übern Bodensee ruder und sag dass ich vor den Museln flüchte?
A physics student?
Hell that equation isen't soley used by them but I will still put it as the most likely.
Well here only two dudes of my class that graduated this summer doesn't already have a ME job and one of them is because he doesn't want to work in the field.
The answer was a monochromatic wave.
Sure it wasn't just bioengineering, François?
You can't really be one of those. Unless this is some sort of new gender identity thing that's going on.
A cuck.
I identify myself as a higgs bosom. Respect that.
same shit pretty much. who cares. all nat.science degrees are just as valuable as long as they come from a swiss school. since non-swiss schools are all shit tier
If you've got a halfway decent capacity for mathematical thinking - and not much more beyond that - and you are concerned about career prospects, please start doing programming courses!
I work in IT recruitment and I can't stress enough how much the market is short of good graduates. We've started seeing outstanding computing graduates (especially guys who've had pretty good exposure to Object Orientated programming or certain flavour-of-the-month frameworks like AngularJS) earn £35,000 STRAIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE.
These aren't Oxbridge grads with Firsts in physics either. Bog standard brains who knew what to concentrate on earning £35K on day one of their graduate job!
4.0 is the max possible GPA any number above that is an indication of a system that is 'everyone gets an award' and should be classed as extremely questionable.
Not really fucked, but work *hard* to get some internship experience while you're still in college. Maybe pick up some general programming classes in case it's hard to get a job directly in the MechE field.
europe has a 0-6 system you ridiculously idiotic hamburgler
You forgot to exponentiate something.
I realized that when the Swiss exchange student, that I fucked for a while, told me that she had 3 semesters of analysis for her bachelors in.. food technology. They also teach more biochemistry and more actual since at the ETH than here at the TUM, despite both being "elite" universities.
This is terrible advice for a 20yo student with little (or no) actual work experience.
If you're still here OP, minor or double in a specialized field. Larger employment field and need, usually more pay too.
I did naval arch. and marine eng. over civ./mech. The professors seemed a lot more connected to the industry and ultimately helped me pick up a job in the end.
>europe has a 0-6 system you ridiculously idiotic hamburgler
So he only got 4.8 out of 6?
Why even bother if you are no good at school?
lmfao shut the fuck up
It took me 3 days to find a job in Slovenia for permanent position as an ME, and Slovenia is a shithole. Wtf are you on about not enough jobs for engineers?
Go work for a mechanical contractor. Hvac is not going away and demand is growing with global warming.
What's your salary?
Starting a BA in International Relations with either Arabic or Russia, probably the latter. What does /pol think?
Unfortunately their was no BA in Creating the New Reich.
1500€ after taxes. in other words: enough to buy an apartment, a car and have plenty of disposable cash left. Here, that's quite a nice sum of money.
And most didn't complete them or took 10 years for their BSc. Of course they won't manage to find a job.
Pretty nice.
this. its literally impossible to get a good job unless you were born rich and have connections, or have an IQ over 150.
A refugee
>tfw Mech Eng
>tfw we have high demand since our energy department are full of senile retards and possible oil
>tfw studying in a uni thats dirt cheap and practical
Is there anything in your country that isn't dirt cheap