I got put into mental asylum in germany in the Geschlossene which is basicly prision for retarded people

I got put into mental asylum in germany in the Geschlossene which is basicly prision for retarded people.
You ask why? My gf claimed i want to kill her because she smoked weed and i said i could fucking kill her. police came, they put me there, and i said this is fucking wrong, so the thing is they can't have me longer than 24 hours there without a judge hearing me and he decides if i stay or not.
They said if i play along and i say i stay there i can go tomorow, but i said it is wrong and i have a judge to decide if i stay there.
Well the judge came, i explained it to him, he said he believes me but he can't let me go because if something happens he is to blame so he made a Beschluss for 1 week.

It was fucking hell there, it was the baddest thing ever happend to me, but at least i got drugs and a diagnosis.
Ask me anything.

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Wasn't this the very fear and paranoia that created the Reich? This is good news indeed

Did you write a book about your struggle while you were in there?

serves you right for having a gf

>hurr I got drugs, hurr

you got diagnosed as mentally ill, say goodbye to your life If you ever had one

We are on Sup Forums you faggot cuck


It is germany so i can even be a pilot if i wanted.

Ă„rztliche Schweigepflicht.

Write an appropriately titled book outlining your right wing ideologies as well as your struggle against the matriarchy corrupting the people

oh, sorry didn't notice