Yes, yes well done Trump, however...
Yes, yes well done Trump, however
>Trump will win because he has more facebook followers
It's okay, whether trump wins or not i'm still killing myself. Just him winning would delay it just to see the reactions.
The debates haven't even started yet.......
Oh my bad i forgot the "TRUMP lashes out on HILLARY with a flood of sexism and machism" future headlines silly me lol
>social media patterns
t. President Pewdiepie
Yeah, after the debates, Hillary will have it in the bag. Drumpf has no debate skills, he will just resort to personal insult and get flustered and wave his head around and make weird faces.
Trump can act normal when he wants to.
>Mr.Marketing will win cause he has more followers on social media
The alt-right really is insane.
thankfully 15 year olds can't vote
Fuck off Ahmed, you trash.
What is wrong with the education system in red states?
>Trump starts pulling ahead dramatically during the Democrat Convention and the fallout from the email leaks
>The media and pollsters suddenly decide to "adjust" their methodology, Hillary conveniently gets a massive spike
>Said email leaks have shown that the Democratic party has been colluding with the media for
>What is wrong with the education system in red states?
Their schools lack diversity.
wtf i hate trump now
Worked for Trudeau just a few miles north m8
All Hail President Bieber!
wew lad, you sure showed us
So he just consciously deciding not to?
>Drumpf has no debate skills
Doesn't matter... he has shouting match skills. Did you completely miss the primary debates?
why are the ctr shills always like 2 weeks behind in memes?