Why are americans so pro-israel?
What do you get out of your alliance?
Why are americans so pro-israel?
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free circumcision
That sounds like it would suck.
You'd rather pay for it?
>What do you get out of your alliance?
It is a relatively way to piss off the entire muslim world.
I'd say it's a pretty good investment.
not funny, try harder, faggot
Can I get you a tissue Achmed?
Because you're only conscious of the last 20 years of Israel's existence and obviously ignorant of the first 50.
Yes, I'm really glad our government has spent more per capita on Israelis than US citizens of the course of their existence.
It really makes me value the friendship of our greatest ally especially since we've received such great gifts in return, such as getting bombed and our technology being sold to third parties.
Man, I really love Israel.
Nah, man, I'm good
I'm pro Israel. Just out of spite for muslims. And Moshe Dayan is my hero, I love the 6-day war.
Don't forget about your Federal Reserve Bank, controlled by the same family which helped create Israel.
Those jews are such good friends.
In the words of my father, "They're the only sane one's in that part of the world." Can't blame him when you just see it from the surface.
Because Israel destroyed pan-Arab nationalism, which was a huge deal and a big help to the US globalists. After that the US started up a relationship with Israel because they realized they could use it as an agent in the region to secure US interests and to act as a forward munitions dump for direct US intervention.
That's why every Us president sucks Israeli dick, every time the UN wants to do anything against or critical of Israel the US shuts it down in the security council, and so on.
Why is Israel so pro multi culti, specifically in europe.
From what ive read the zionist have an agenda against whites, particularly Germans. OK, So send a few million muzzies to europe and have teh whites bred out of existance OK so far, this is the plan. BUT I thought jews were supposed to be smart, dont they realise that if all the white is bred out of germany theyre gonna be fucking themselves because then israel will be completely surrounded by muslims. And muslims hate jews, i mean really fucking hate, as in there will be an actual holocaust and they wont survive it this time. What the fuck is the zionist endgame, this course of action can only lead to their obliteration.
Dunno, ask the Trumpfags, they seem to get off on it
Israelites, sane? They may have been once, but today they aren't. It must be something with that area that makes people go crazy.
Because Israel is a beacon of freedom, liberty and democracy in the Middle East which is a place with tough Islamic dictatorships.
we get diddly squat. we should cut israel loose and let the muzzies swallow them up. also never forget the USS liberty.
Imagine this my Swedish friend, being in a family raised in the church all you heard about was God's chosen people and to my father who had nothing but a farm and a bible this meant hearing something bad about "God's chosen people" is crazy, but hearing bad things about Muslims doing bad things to Israeli citizens sounded like pure crazy ideology. That is why the boomers lover Israel.
We aren't. We just don't give a fuck.
A proxy for using nuclear weapons on the Middle East, should it come to that.
>We just don't give a fuck.
kek, you are the third more kewish friendly country in the world
The satisfaction of pissing off mussies and lefties mostly. You can't put a price on that.
Spotted the kike
>sends billions in foreign aid and military equipment
>h-h-heh...at least we piss off muslims
We get a friend in the region, who is also the strongest military in the region. We get FOBs, safe air space, friendly ports, and in short, Israel is the US foothold in the middle east.
We get just about all the geomilitary benefits of seizing a country and holding it for generations without any of the drawbacks. Its what the isolationists dont understand about why the US will NEVER let Israel go, or fall under attack. It would set US geopolitics back almost 70 years in an instant and would pretty much require the US seizing another coastal middle eastern country (Syria most likely)
Don't forget the lefties.
If you're going to pay for allies, which is essentially what we're doing, you might as well pay for someone who won't make half the fucking planet hate your guts.
Too bad that ship has sailed
Yeah but Muslims are not a threat to Israel once they get nukes and money from white and whites are gone so no one will judge Israel when they start to kill arabs.
>what do you get out of your alliance?
world domination.
Half the planet is going to hate you anyway.
Where do you go? Either the Sunni will hate you, the Shia will hate you, Israel will hate you, or both Turkey and Egypt will hate you at the same time.
You are fucked no mater what. Israel sits on nicely placed land with deep warm water ports. Its centrally located between everyone we need to kill (and if you need more reach...oh look, we own Afghanistan now too) Its extremely defensible from land, air, and sea attack...There is literally zero downside to Israel from a military standpoint.
It's quite simple. It's all about achieving Greater Israel by perpetuating instability in the middle east. Once the sunnis vs shia kill each other, Israel will dive in like a hawk and scoop up the territory.
Back during WWII the Soviets purged Trotsky and his people, and the Trotskiests in America (all Jews) went deep cover and pretended to be Conservatives so that they could strike back at the Stalinists who purged their Messiah.
Zoom forward sixty years. These crypto-commies are now called Neoconservatives. This is not a matter of opinion--it is actually historical fact.
Basically the Republicans are run by Communist Jews who've made a dark alliance with religious protestants who think Israel is important for bringing about the apocalypse. Pragmatic elements also use this as an excuse to make geopolitical moves that could never be justified otherwise.
They give about 1% of the GDP which Israel uses to either buy their goodies or develop goodies for them - or at least give them as much as access as they want.
America wants in way more than you guys think.
The very reason they're pissing themselves over Russia's growing relations with Israel.
enough! s-stop asking question, goy!
drink your goddamn flouridated water and s-shut up!!