What's the best thing about your country Sup Forums? Politically related

What's the best thing about your country Sup Forums? Politically related

High(ish) concentration of purple pilled and red pilled people.

This guy

Strong feel of national identity

Our diversity is our strength



Can confirm I have a massive ass.

I wonder if he got tendies when he got home.

World war 2 just ended here today

can use passport to basically go wherever I like without problems and standing in the pleb line at airports.

>purple pilled
What's this supposed to mean?

cops looking over shit as long as population obeys erdogan
syrians attacked a family for telling em to quiet their music, then they got lynched to death by turks, no one prosecuted, lawd bless turkey

probably some bullshit middle ground

Dunno about Sup Forums but on /x/ purple pills are "evil" occultists who work for the NWO/illuminati/reptiles

literally nothing

isn't god a serb?

You have the greatest meme polititian in the Yugosphsre

he is but he cant do shit politically


There aren't too many blacks in our government, I guess

Holy shit these are two different flags? I always thought they were the same country. I didn't know there were two countries that have a strawberry in the middle of their flag.


"leftist" president who hates the left

Our president is a meme.

Whoops, meant these two

Controlled opposition and zionist.

There isnt anything.

The only good thing I hope is Russia will bomb us first.
I will for sure fight on Russias side in the world war.

Here's your (you)

Or "nothing" to be more correct.

Our strong independant African president who don't need no dad.

Croatia is pretty distinguishable, but Serbia, Slovenia, and Slovakia are pretty hard to tell. I dunno why they would choose essentially the same flag for all 3

The twinks

God damn it NMR your shit with the "controlled opposition" meme is ruining the only thing that might actually do something
It´s not that motståndsrörelsen ever is gonna gain any popularity and ever gonna get anything through


Big Nige

direct democracy

How does it work? How many people go out and vote for stuff? How often do referendums happen? Do people who don't go to vote get penalized?

We have a nationalist qt

She was proposed to be Queen of Sup Forums

To those who dont know: the 2 people to the right are 2 of the key people in "Sverigedemokraterna".

Do you want us to lie? The truth is the truth and nothing less.

"Truth is stranger than fiction"
-Mark Twain

>How does it work?
If the people don't like something parliament has decided, they can collect 50k signatures within 100 days. If they manage that, a simple majority vote is held.
They can also force the government to do something by collecting 100k signatures within 18 months. If successful, a vote is held, and if both a majority of voters and cantons vote yes, it is implemented.
>How many people go out and vote for stuff?
Between 40 and 50% of those allowed.
>How often do referendums happen
There are four voting days a year, each with (on average) 4 issues to be voted on nationally.
>Do people who don't go to vote get penalized?

Or you could have posted this one


Multiculturalism of course, makes it look like a clown fest.

>Between 40 and 50% of those allowed.
That's weak for direct democracy, IMO
Why not?
And if someone doesn't like the outcome of the vote, can they get a countervote initiative if they get the required ammount of signatures? How long could you ping-pong an issue?

Ironically Nazis are funded by the same elite banks who funds Israel and are in-fact Israels partners.

its a complex situation with not right or wrong answers, yes I agree with you on this.


It's our greatest strength.