Do some republicans want to lose this race?
WTF is this crap
Do some republicans want to lose this race?
WTF is this crap
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>Do some republicans want to lose this race?
Yes, they're called Neo-cons. That's why the Bush family, Krystol, McCain, Cruz, etc. don't like Trump. They want to keep the status-quo with Hillary.
It's a subversion tactic by the Jews
Yes, most of both parties are controlled by a few large corporations controlled by a few families. They have plans for us. Trump isn't involved in those.
The two parties are nothing more than two teams with the same owner.
Trump came along with his own ball and the owners don't like it.
>Former CIA analyst, smart, shoots straight w/out bullshit, has seen some shit
>pro life
>essentially MGTOW w/ no family, can't be blackmailed or concerned about pissing off spouse w opinions she does not like
>no effeminate, non utilitarian hair or beard
he is the complete antithesis of the dumb faux masculine Trump supporters and neo nazis here on pol
He is Mormon. They want him to take Utah and deny Trump the Presidency and send it to the house, where they will vote for him.
and yet he's willing to hand over the next four supreme court appointments over to Hillary goddamn Clinton just to spite Trump.
I mean for fuck's sake, a BALD president?
We elected a goddamn nigger before we elected a bald man and you honestly think he stands a chance in a culture that allows women to vote, women who are known for voting based on which candidate has better hair?
his brain is a big guy
>ex cia
>tied to big banks
>hasnt held one office position before
>no VP
>waited until after most state ballots are final so hes not on them
>5k twitter followers
>literally a no name
>green party will do better
They don't want their party, which has existed for over 150 years, to have its reputation tarnished by a bigot like Trump
For some "Republicans," Hillary winning is not losing.
>people call Trump a RINO
>Trump is the most Republican candidate we've had in 100 years
He's there only to split the Gary Johnson vote. Otherwise, Johnson would win.
"Hey vote for this fucking spook who literally won't get 20 votes."
Who the fuck would actually vote for this guy and why do they exist?
>Trump wasnt part of the Patriots' simulation
Hillary is going to win. He only needs to peel away a few hundred thousand votes - if that. He could spend all his time in Ohio if he wanted.
Too late conservashits. If America had any interest in your bullshit we'd have a rato nominee.
MGTOW are laughably pathetic.
Repubs are controlled opposition
To piggy-back read up on PNAC and the relationship/money flow between the Bush family and the Sauds to find out why US policy on the middle east has been retarded for the past 30 plus years.
For you
its called voting for the least shitty candidate that can win. Turns out it's Trump. Hail Trump. I hate Trump.
If I wasn't registered in a battleground state (Florida) and he started earlier I would have voted for him. I work in MI so his CIA background appeals to me and it seems like he'd get rid of a lot of the red tape involved in doing my job, letting us get rid of a lot more Jihadis. Selfish reason, but my reason nonetheless
I think Hillary may have something else coming down the pipe that could end her for good,
and the spooks are positioning to keep Russian subversion out of the US election
Goldman Sachs may be assholes, but they are OUR assholes in a world full of fucking assholes
deal with it
Trump isn't actually racist so they want a real skinhead.
That face doesn't match that head.
>The banker Jews have the best interest in mind
so you want to deal with the mullahs in Iran?
or the Russian Mafia?
the Chinese?
The Cartels in Mexico?
Yes. As long as leftists and neocons end up suffering.
>TFW visualizing Trump schooling Jeb, Marco and Hillary at B-ball
Any excuse to stop Trump will be used. You can be sure of that.
>lonely bald guy
>bad with women
>no kids, not helping to continue the white race
>CIA, mind-controlled by MKULTRA
>missed the deadline to be on over half the state ballots
>even if he won every state possible he wouldn't reach 270
>has no feasible way to win
>is running solely to ensure Hillary wins because he's a neocon kike puppet
Back to plebbit with you.
so mob rule/religious theocracy/ monarchism really is the libertarian dream
that is, unless you consider neocons to be " too far to the left", and you just want to play gangbanger/ soldier in an anarchist law of the jungle world
>ex ((((goldman sachs)))) banker decides to run to help deny trump the nomination
wow, whou couldve seen this coming
>Do some republicans want to lose this race?
Yeah, they're called Trump supporters. Literally handed 8 years of Pres. Hillary and 3 Supreme Court justices away the day they nominated him. Turns out jacking off to anime and politics require different skill sets.
>Mormon CIA
Holy fuck, do they take Scientologists too?
>Do some republicans want to lose this race?
A lot of them actually do. They don't like Trump and they'd rather have Hillary, because Trump has already tarnished the reputation of the GOP.
He's a Jew Manchurian Candidate. A plant, just like the 4 other rubes ((((((((((((((Bill Kristol)))))))))))))))))))) ran as an alternative to Trump. The whole point is just to scuttle the election. What you're seeing is the fruit of lazy Republicans letting RINOs and traitors, ie: people like Paul Ryan, encyst upon the party without opposition.
So now, when a non-neocon threatens to win the election, they just throw it.
>Do some republicans want to lose this race?
Yes. The ones invested in the status quo, aka RINO's, or Cuckservatives. Largely indistinguishable from Democrats.
They are currently on a gravy train, and Trump is a threat to that.
for sure Hilldog is pretty hawkish and is generally in favor of neo-conservative foreign policy so other than raising taxes she is pretty close to what a lot of cucky RINO types want in a president. Trump on the other hand is more disruptive and willing to challenge established norms of political theory which includes possibly slaughtering a few of their sacred cows such as "free trade" and an international alliance system which exists now more as a vestige of the cold war rather than an effective way of projecting american power
Mormons literally convert dead people to Mormonism. They're not picky.
They want Hillary to win. She is good for the establishment. That's why they're doing this.
The face of eight years of Hillary Clinton, ladies and gents. Trump was right, the election will be rigged. By his own party. Against him.
Didn't they try this once before, and the guy wisely said the old "After much thought and prayer, I decided it was not my time"?
Bunch of cucks
>has missed the ballot-access deadlines in more than two dozen states.
This is fucking bullshit.
>But Mr. McMullin, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, studied in Utah and could take votes from Mr. Trump in the heavily Mormon state.
Oh so that's why.
Just another plot of the establishment to help Hillary win.
Lol Trump doesn't stand a chance against Hillary anyway. So what's the problem?
End yourselves. God has crushed you. If you aren't for the poor and needy God doesn't want you.
>literally a globalist kike plant
>CIA and Goldman Sachs
>"Mr. Trump, I'm CIA"
I'm not fully convinced this isn't a shillary plant.
Shillary was allowed to get by the FBI/spooks because they needed her to counteract Russian infiltration via Trump and family and campaign
she may not make it to the end with these emails and possibly even her health, which would leave Trump ( Russia) with a clear shot they are not going to risk