What makes someone white Sup Forums? Being that most whites aren't actually 100% European and have small traces of other races I'm curious.
What makes someone white Sup Forums...
posting read able pictures
pink nipples, non brown eyes
>brown eyes
t. burger
At least be consistent, otherwise you just sound like a fucking idiot.
Now say it with me: newton, beethoven, bath, dante, galileu, etc. aren't white
Brown eyes are for monkeys, common knowledge iberic monkey
Funny isn't it?
And btw my eyes are green, but that doesn't stop from knowing how retarded that blue eye, blond american meme is
>says the guy from 'Belgium'.
>getting this easily rustled
You're showing your nigger genes, monkeys
British people were never white
>My mother is from North Germany
>My father is from Hungary
>Light brown eyes and light brown hair
According to Sup Forums I'm not white
Keep prepping the bulls and hiding your political stances cucks
pink nipples
>Most Whites aren't actually 100% European.
This is what Americans actually believe.
No but for real though, pink nipples really is the end game test
Do you pass it ?
We were never continental White.
Atlantic Island Whites aren't cucks like you fuckers.
their skin color
I would say people with 95%+ European genes.
This is what the average Italian looks like. If you have even 1% southern European or non-European heritage then you are a nigger.
more Italians here
This place is also considered White in the USA. D E L U S I O N.