What do Russian Sup Forumsaks think of Poland?
What do Russian Sup Forumsaks think of Poland?
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just remove that
Nothing, really.
I think all white countries should get along
>tfw no Russian friend to dance kasatchok with
hold me Sup Forums
Some good poles and some bad, our history makes us dislike each other
polyaks are honorably untermench. so no.
I'm part Polish and I am starting not to like Poland because it is anti-immigrant. I've always hated Russia.
As long as they don't pretend u*****e exists we're cool.
Would you like fries with that hug?
prosze zkasuj ten obraz pedal.
Why would you not like a nation for wanting to keep their identity?
Yes, i'll listen to the opinion of a traitor.
I just feel like countries such as Poland and Hungary should do their part like the Western European countries have to end the refugee crisis. Also Poland and Hungary have become less democratic.
>countries such as Poland and Hungary should do their part like the Western European countries have to end the refugee crisis
Poland took Ukrainians while the West didn't even give a shit
Dunno about Hungary but they're bros so no bully k
Well that's good at least. We do need to help Ukraine a lot more with arms.
please leave america
you are cancer
ty jestes zdrajca jak chcesz lisac huja od putina XD
lol palestine isnt a country
I will if Trump wins.
Is this really the record you need to be correcting? Or did you see "Russia" and "friend" in the same thread and jump the gun?
and since WW2
neither is poland
I agree, lets get rid off sweden, germans, holland and france. There are no white people left. Only muslims and cucks.
It's amazing that there are incredible heights of culture in cities like Krakow and then nigger tier cities like Poznan or Lodz. Overall I'd say Poles are pretty based and an important part of European history.
t. American visiting Poland
No I just wanted to express my dissatisfaction with Poland and my extreme distaste for Russia.
It was nicer and easier when Poland was a part of Russia, IMHO. But if they really wanted independence, then I'm not the person to talk them out of it. The country itself is nice, and so are the people. Meh.
because other part of him is jewish.
Don't care at all. Some saying of your politicians are in the spotlights for a day just to prove how your government is retarded
What a niggardly thing to be doing.
I think that Poland is pretty good country, and Poles are nice nation with character mixed of Slavic dreaminess and West-european common life tradition
I wonder about this too
A Polish guy told me that the Russian people are ok, but he didn't like the government. Idk how common that opinion is.
>West-european common life tradition
not about Poland. West-european common life tradition you can find in the Czech Republic. Poland is the final frontier of eastern Europe style
Do Russians respect Tesak i.e. second greatest russian Pole after Dzherzhinsky?
Sometime they say the similar to me (I am a Russian tourist here). We don't like Germany and Russia, but we like you, they say
No they should not.
We should destroy the cause of their distress in exchange for economic advantages and send them back.
I have white family in the Netherlands
Poles and Russians are two Chads in a bar, trying to chat up the same slag. We both think we're tough, we are cynically witty, can drink more than anyone else. So we end up fighting, rather than just DPing the bitch. If all Slavs united and turned on the West we would be uncucked gods.
to active war zones?
Muh heritage: The post
We should strike terror in their hearts so that the only thought of striking us back would be blasfemy.
But I think we have some competitors on a field of drinking - Fins and Scots. They can drink more than we can
Why would a Sup Forumsack go to that shithole?
Typical Brit face, to be honest. One of the ugliest nation, especially girls.
What about Rokossovsky?
Truth is I don;t give a shit if they will stay alive or not. I just don't want them here. I fucking knew that fighting with kadafi and asad was a stupid nigger-tier decission. They were fucking heroes holding hordes in their places.
USA should take most of them since it's you who did all that mess.
He's got the nail right on the head here though user
Probably the worst part of russia
Holy shit senpai how much have you had to drink?
Finns are solid drinkers, in my experience Welsh are more solid drunks than Scots.
Having been many times to Britain and America I can assure you that Americans, though of mostly mixed race by now are infinitely more fit and attractive than the people of your inbred hobbit island. There certainly are American races that will be recognized in the future as distinct from their European descendants due to racial blending as well as representation only by really a small portion of the total European gene pool. By that I mean thank goodness European paupers and peasants stayed home while the ubermen founded a new continent abroad.
Shit, that was exactly the attitude of the last Polack I've talked to!
nice proxy faggot
Barking puppy, like ukraine.
Spierdalaj, urodzony w Polsce.
Truth be told I'm not Anglo and I know full well how fucking ugly the majority of people here are, but I still snatched myself a qt eastern European born here so I don't really give a fuck.
Also American beauty has become either imitating a gorilla or being a block of lard covered in plastic.
You have same blood, bro
Poland is a nice country and we can have good relations if you want to; I heard that poles hate russians a lot, but there's no hate for poles here (I'd say russians don't care about them)
We should establish frendlier relations and divide Ukraine
Born in Poland cunt. Fought alongside ultras since the age of 13. State champion wrestler in US. I know who I am bitch. What can you say for yourself and the sorry ass state of your country.
We always were enemies. Tried to fuck each other up since forever. Eventually, we are succeeded. Now they are holding a grudge. Maybe after a century or so they will let it go.
Why have not you found common language with ultras?
>What can you say for yourself and the sorry ass state of your country
That I'm living in it you filthy expat.
It was nicer and easier when Polish king was Russian car. Russians then knew their place.
Russia's greatest ally!
One grows out of that at a certain stage of his life. But would certainly no discourage any young white male in engaging in some senseless violence. Wpierdol dasz lub dostianiesz pare razy I wtedy swiat sie otwiera.
kek, he has the same surname as former Polish Prime Minister.
Most people don't, only national-christians and for some reason they are half of poles on Sup Forums. I mean I don't trust Putin but who do? Russians are slavs and brothers, we are one blood.
>Polish king was Russian car.
I will never say you what the Katherine the Greate did with the throne of Polish kings
>By that I mean thank goodness European paupers and peasants stayed home while the ubermen founded a new continent abroad
You do realize that is precisely the opposite of what happened? Only poor people emigrated to America.
Why France?
Fucking leave America you plastic European loser. They don't want you and we don't either.
>1400 SAT
>State champion wrestler
>bunch of qt girlfriends
>read most of the classics
Please Amerifat, don't interfere, I'm trying to make America great again.
It's not that easy. We have to pick a side. It was either Nato either Russia. Russian economy condition is...well not stable and ppl still remember commies so the choice was simple
I wanna eat Emma Watson's ass
Raise your standards.
I will dance with you (Russian)
> Poland and Hungary have become less democratic.
>implying you wouldn't want to hatefuck her for all the feminist bullshit she is spilling
you don't travel much to holland do you faglord?
I happy for you being all nationalistic and not flooded by shitskinsbut poland has one of the lowest birthrate in the world. WTF, Poland?
Wypierdalaj korab
When will Poland become a part of Putin's empire?
We don't care about it? Seriously, this "remove Poland" meme exist only in Sup Forumsacks minds. I never met a Russian who even had some opinion about Poland.
>nigger tier cities like Poznan or Lodz
Fuck off Goober
Not much, honestly. Only that you hate us.
>Hungary has become less democratic
Kek it never ever was a democratic country
Spam this sht elsewhere it's not relevant
Gonna do them handjob or something?
You westerners are weird.
I am Polish and I think some of us Poles hate Russia more than they love Poland.
Personally I think we should make amends and have good relationship with each other.
Almost no one hates Russians as people. Polacks hate your government and Soviet mentality that some of you still possess.
To counter that, my Polish neighbors hate both the Germans and Russians.