What, in your opinion, is the cause for homosexuality, Sup Forums?
What, in your opinion, is the cause for homosexuality, Sup Forums?
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Probably genetic.
1.some are born that way
2.lack of women/men
3.social conditioning by liberals
Brain rewiring
Child abuse
like everything else, it's a combination of genetics and environment
The alt-right
Jews, it is laways these fucking jews
>3.social conditioning by liberals
not enoug to make you having a boner for a hairy man's ass
Until we see baby faggot brains I'm going to stick with my belief that it's a confused identity towards gender roles
There isn't one single cause. Homosexual behaviour is a symptom.
Men are sexy.
There doesn't need to be any other reason.
Get educated :)
How is being gay a fetish? Sexuality is proven to be on a scale, so that doesn't make any sense.
>my uncle touched me in funny places when I was a kid
>girls made fun of me in the school
>my highschool crush made fun of me
>guys made fun of me in the school for being a fag weakling
>I did not have a father
>I want to piss off my mummy and daddy
It was an excess of the contrarian spirit. Now, as it gains social acceptance, more losers will strive to hop on the bandwagon.
Evolution weeding out weak genes.
Imbalance of hormones. Excessive amounts of estrogen, not enough testosterone. It's not a coincidence that most homosexuals have feminine traits. This is not difficult.
I think it's a virus. Most sodomites were abused as kids. However it seems like only whites praise and accept homosexuals despite (supposedly) having the lowest rate of homosexuality in their population.
(((((kinsey's))))) (((((science))))) wasn't biased at all
>not enoug to make you having a boner for a hairy man's ass
Maybe not, but it was enough to get me into boipussy.
Fall of Civilization
My roommates are twins with a lesbian mom. One is gay and the other is straight. How?
Mental illness caused by either lack of access to women or attention from an older (homosexual) male
Estrogen and Estradiol in the water supply.
I think that dividing sexuality into two opposing identities is modern. In traditional societies men would fuck boys but still marry and have children. I think what's happening today with homosexuality has a lot to do with whyever people are having less children.
Not wanting to deal with the disgusting and horrible creatures that women are.
Okay, I'm gay so I'll go through this.
>I was never molested.
>Nope, I was friends with girls like most gay guys.
>Um, nope.
>Not really, honestly.
>I do have a dad.
>I really don't.
probably genetic or hormonal causes during gestation. homosexual activity exists in other species, there must be some sort of evolutionary advantage, probably for the group and not the organism, or, there once was
homosexuality is older than modernity, but i think that this obsession with identitarianism is a symptom of modernity in decline, a kind of decadence - spinning off the most absurd trendsexual identities that seem more like a desperate attempt to resist a natural order when they perceive themselves powerless to resist political order
Two kinds of gay.
People who are born gay and people who become gay because of their upbringing.
It's naturals, something like 3% of men are fags
fear of sticking your pole in a hairy blood belching axe wound that lies on the couch and bitches at you while spending your money
can i get your perspective on this expansion of sexual identitarianism?
for example, it was once LG, LGB, then T, then Q, IA, and then, most recently the catch all of + has been added
i'm for freedom from discrimination for all people, i just don't care for individual struggles, and am fascinated by it all
Thinking hairy man ass is better than a vagina, yea totally normal.
I think it's a random mental glitch. If there was any regular pattern to its causation, somebody would have noticed by now.
How would I know?
That statue looks like it was designed by the One Punch Man webcomic guy.
>falling for the vaginal jew
Broads are only good for breeding. When fertile robots are invented, we won't have a use for them anymore.
Human sexuality is probably more amorphous than you'd think. It's a huge problem-- how do you program an animal to know which of its species to fuck, when our mating signifiers boil down to a slight variance in body shape, that can often vary as much between individuals of a sex as much as it varies between the sexes. We don't get striking plumage or horns, and our sense of smell is so shitty that we couldn't even discern the influence of pheromones until recently.
So, evolution has to strike a balance between not passing up mediocre mating opportunities and making us exclusionary fine-tuned to select the very best mates.
Sometimes our systems fuck up. It gets miswired. We might get a couple of connections that were set up for the female brain, but should have been pruned out by the time we went through puberty.
In the midst of so many errors, it makes sense to build in some tolerance-- so that people don't end up exclusively attracted to girls who look exactly like their mother or something. Sometimes that tolerance casts too wide a net, and people end up bisexual.
It's also possible there's some selective force making sure that these people exist. The thing where gay men carry genes that make their female relatives more successufl.
Other men.
google pre optic hypothalamus development from weeks 3-7 in the womb. your x-y or x-x is obviously decided instantly, but the hypothalamus gland determines who you lust after. very interesting findings recently in glandular biology. kinda makes sense too, with faggotry being more common place now a days, our soil's minerals and enzymes are heavily being ruined - along with the modern processed food diet just isn't providing enough of the right stuff to the pregnant woman's body. ever wonder why they're hungry for such weird stuff? there ya go.
An enzyme carried by rats, i cant remember the name, but cats eat the rats and pass the enzym onto humans, it has little effect on developed adults but is passed onto children, it causes promiscuity in females and homosex in males. II cant remember where i read this shit but there was a lot more detailed information and the arguments and statistics given were very convincing.
>What, in your opinion, is the cause for homosexuality, Sup Forums?
pic related
pseudo-estrogens being purposely put in our foods - eugenics
should've stopped at b
t. bi
They're born that way, nothing besides killing can be done and quite frankly men fucking isn't much of a big deal.
As far as i'm concerned as long as they're useful to society and don't force their personal life into everything they're my equals.
>despite (supposedly) having the lowest rate of homosexuality in their population.
Apparently not having a father around to beat the gay out of them is really driving up the gay population among blacks.
This. Some men like feet, some men like cocks. It hardly warrants a special label or worse still, a special status.
Some sort of hormonal thing in the womb, same goes for transgender
In my case, I'm gonna blame my extremely obvious hormone issues (fairly certain I have klinefelters) coupled with internet access and non-existent social life.
Guess I'm happy I don't have any crazy delusions at least.
but enough for a big % of girls to "experiment" with lesbianism
As a young man, Kinsey began inserting objects into his urethra — initially drinking straws before moving on to pipe cleaners, pencils and finally a toothbrush – to punish himself for having homoerotic feelings, and inserting toothbrushes continued throughout his adult life.[18][19][20] After becoming accustomed to the pain of urethral insertions, he circumcised himself without anesthesia.[20]
People say that they are born gay and that is why it is natural. Well also people are born with down syndrome but I don't hear anyone to say that it's natural.
Failed men desperate for validation and reinforcement from other men, for a variety of reasons, in various permutations and forms.
Humans use sex for many things, and a sense of personal validity is one of them. Ask any slut or whore.
Uh, nope, I think that's because black people grow up in poorer areas and are famously more open about things, including their sexuality.
Being flaming faggot does not make you gay.taking a dick up the ass (or putting it into one) is what makes you gay.Gays are not some new species, even if some gays think themselves to be so
Huh? Nobody claims it's "natural", they just claim they are born that way.
Probably genetic, sometimes dormant brought about by cultural or personal events.
Underlying reason? Probably to stop overpopulation from an evolutionary standpoint? Of course this is just a possibility.
Mental illness
>What, in your opinion, is the cause for homosexuality, Sup Forums?
Really cute guys.
Sexual and physical abuse as a child.
he can't. faggot be lying. the orientation is the symptom. the hormonal make up is the moldable clay.
>Endocrine system irregularity
>Social conditioning from a parent
>Trauma, psych and/or physical (Aunty made me lick her pussy now it repulses me, Janitor blew me and I liked it) Results vary between gender and victim response to the incidents
>A person chooses to be (more females do that)
Personal note. Have a female cousin. Her dad gassed himself to death after finding out his wife was a whore and most of his kids weren't his. She flipped and became a lesbian.. male abandonment issues and all.
There is no one answer to why someone is gay.. There is one common thing with all gay people and all the reasons why one might be gay... None of them are healthy human beings. They are either physically defunct or mentally fucked. Just because there are so many faggots it does not make it OK. A lot of people have cancer... or are cancer... like OP. Is cancer a cool thing?
The social conditioning derives from the jews subverting US culture.
>inserting objects into his urethra
>to punish himself for having homoerotic feelings
>to punish himself
wtf? That's like punishing yourself for gay fantasies by having your boyfriend pound your ass for an hour. How is this guy an accepted authority on sexuality?
You don't have use for them now you fucking faggot
>taking an obvious bait
ok while you are at it than maybe you can tell me your stance on this faggotry.
I would say it is probably genetic. Likely everyone has a genetic marker that carries homosexuality as a behaviour, it's just that most people haven't got it triggered.
I heard of a rugby player who broke his neck in a fall, totally macho heterosexual, girlfriend and the like - but after some brain damage as a result of oxygen deprivation his brain made new neural pathways and one of those was a trigger for homosexual tendencies.
It's a strange phenomenon. I expect with genetic screening and modification we can probably eliminate homosexuality along with all the other perversions and """""alternative""""" lifestyles.
If you don't like it as a child why the hell would you like it when you're an adult
Long as they leave me alone i don't care what they do.
Well this thread made me gay desu
It's both a mental deffect and indoctrinication desu.
Damage to the posterior pituitary gland. Has nothing to do with genetics... his endocrine system is malfunctioning because of the trauma it. No switch was flipped, he gland just got fucked up... n now the messages for hormone production are also fucked up,
Pedophilia or other sexual deviance forced on others causes homosexuality.
This guy gets it.
maybe, but homosexual behavior is pretty well documented in history and in other species, so it couldn't possibly be a symptom of modernity or the decadence of a civilization in decline
>She flipped and became a lesbian
yeah you never know what you would get. she could have turned into a biggest bro or a prude that hates women. Does she look ok or does she have tons of piercings?
>you fucking faggot
You're actually right on this one.
Calm down Bill Cosby
he was totally not derange
homosexuality is not a recognized mental illness
But that surely suggests that the possibility for it exists as a natural behaviour. Unless you are implying that people are likely born with stunted or damaged 'posterior pituitary glands'.
If you could explain why this is impossible, I'd be much obliged.
Appreciate it good sir. I love presenting this to any LGBFTSTFUHOMO... They can never argue it... only blow up with CIS MALE ASSHOLES !!!! Truth is treason...
No she's still a feminine lez. Half white half latina. I'd fuck her if we werent related. He "girlfriend" is butch as fuck... and going through hormone therapy... and in line to get a dick sewn on.... that is what confuses the fuck out of me... ok... you hate men.. but you want your gf to become one... .. .
I don't know. Why do people get stockholm syndrome? The human mind is pretty complex.
Define natural... occuring in the realms of nature, or being of good health.
It is natural in the sense that it occurs in nature. It is not natural in the sense that a perfectly healthy human can NOT be gay and call themselves healthy. There is a cause to their gayness and if the root is found it can be cured.
Some people are born with hormonal deficits or abundances.. some are born with deformed glands, sometimes glands get damaged, sometimes it has nothing to do with the physical at all and it is psychological trauma which induced the faggotry. As I said... no two cases are the same.
This abstract focuses on the hormones... but that is only a part of the whole picture.
It's perfect. A degeneracy that doesn't require tax funded sterilization.
Jokes aside, it's probably a combination of factors. Upbringing, genetics, hormonal imbalance etc. Can't say it rustles my jimmies. Lesbians make for great porn, gays decrease the competition for women.
As long as they don't take to the streets to parade in front of children in leather thongs and fairy wings, I don't really give a fuck.
Fags are people re-programmed by a virus when in the womb, or just after birth. They are walking disease vectors. That is why they engage in pathological promiscuous behavior.
Shit. I got some reading to do tonight. Nice lead sir.
A systems biology response to overpopulation and environmental overcrowding. Predators and disease are the natural vector controls for lowering population, but what can nature do when we have mostly eliminated these factors? It alters our social behaviour instead.
>Some males become passive and solitary, many exhibit homosexual and excessive grooming behaviour
>Other males and also many females become hyper-aggressive, fighting and destroying their bodies even though resources are unlimited so there is no reason to fight