Do Brazillians actually believe this?
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Yes. They teach that to us in schools and we never EVER hear about the Wright brothers.
That's one of the reasons why I believe so much in Yuri Bezmenov.
Ideological subversion is really a thing. Not a single brazilian would believe you if you told them about the Wright brothers.
I'm not sure wheter brazilians or americans were brainwashed, but one of them certainly were.
Yes educational indoctrination is a very real thing hue. We Americans are never really taught about the causes for the civil war
>the causes for the civil war
Which were?
It boiled down to state sovereignty but if you ask 95% of the population they'll tell you people went to war to free the blacks
This is what they teach you in Sweden too. To free the niggers. It makes no sense what so ever.
To free the blacks like some kind of heroism and shit?
That's delusional...
Secession and kikes getting involved. General Grant expelled a (((certain group of people))) from the Union army because they funneled funds and goods into the South. Then when the Union won and Lincoln was exploring the possibility of shipping the niggers to Liberia he was assassinated by (((John Wilkes Booth))) and (((conspirators))).
to be fair, a big thing about state sovereignty was the right to own slaves
It's literally what they tell us though
The only person who ever told me the truth was a retired muhreen high school history teacher. He was my sophomore US history teacher and he red pilled the class on a lot of shit, ended up getting reprimanded for not following the curriculum. He had us write our own history book based on videos he showed us and obscure ass history books he'd bring in and read with us.
The following semester my US GOVERNMENT history teacher covered Jewish people during the Holocaust. I wish I was making that last part up, I really fucking do.
That's completely backwards. The "state sovereignty" and "preserving the union" are the surface level justifications but it boils down to slavery. The South seceded over the slave issue, that is indisputable.
T. Federal agent
It was about slaves, but it was about states' rights as well. Albeit relating to slaves. Some northerners were opposed to slavery, but they were fucking with the south about it in an unconstitutional way.
The south seceded over the interference of their sovereignty because the issue of prohibiting slavery pushed by the industrialized north would cripple the rural farm based economy of the south. Pretty cut and dry
The South seceded because of (((outside))) influence. The kikes saw their opportunity and tried to divide America. They failed and the Union prevailed. The kikes finally succeeded with their American subversion in the aftermath of WWI.
most Brazilians will defend this till their death because they only hear about the Wright Brothers after they grow up.
It was over boiled peanuts. North thought peanuts were better roasted while the south considered boiled to be the better option. Slavery and State Sovereignty were just surface issues.
>confederate consititution is the same as the US consistitution except slavery is explicitly allowed.
It totally wasn't about slavery, it was about states rights! (to own slaves)
Those sick fucks boil their peanuts? Fucking savages
It wont matter really because I gave all credits to the engineers that made flight possible. You can't really credit such discovery on a man alone, same as light bulb with Edison.
Someone would have connected the dots sooner or later.
ten times worse than slavery, hopefully we can start a new civil war and finally eradicate the south this time
This is the correct answer. Boiled will rise again
Puta por favor
Southerner please.
The Southern kike puppet state was all about keeping the negro goy slaves in Jewish households and making the white men fight and die for it.
Jews lost, Southerners are still drinking the fucking kool-aid years later.
Thank the based white Northern folks for fighting for everyone's freedom.
wtf I hate The South now
Uncouth yankee swine
Are you a fucking idiot? Slavery and state rights were overlapping issues. The American civil war was 80% about slavery.
Nah m8 Lincoln was a tyrant who thought hundreds of thousands of his own people dying was better than a few states actually sticking to the constitution our forefathers left for us.
We eat em fried down here more often now
Truth is a hard pill to swallow sometimes, I know.
Go read the articles of secession, see how the north was acting unconstitutionally and then get back to me sport.
Lincoln saved the Union you retard. He staved off calculated Jewish subversion. Kikes were literally expelled from the Union army for aiding the South.
>saved the union
>went against the constitution which is the whole fucking reason secession happened in the first place and the only thing giving the union any credibility
Are you stupid?
I like how I accidentally derailed the thread. Long live the confederacy
There's a difference between fighting to free blacks and fighting over an industry branch that's more profitable to one side than another.
Lincoln hated blacks, thought a racially diverse society would never work and wanted to ship all niggers to Africa.
>muh states rights
>muh federalism
It's the reason why the US federal government is as powerful as it is now. You can say that's good or bad, personally I think good.
Honestly, though, neither the Wright Bros nor this Brazilian dude were really essential in the development of the aircraft. They were just players in the race for the "first". The Wrights were pretty open about just rushing to cross that finish line so they could patent all flight and get a cut of every practical application.
This thing and the Wright Flyer were both weird-ass, impractical designs. The key invention to make the Wright Flyer work, wing warping, was quickly abandoned as a bad idea that required far too much design compromise compared to hinged flight surfaces.
If the Wright Bros never lived, practical aviation would have developed the same way, on the same schedule.
The constitution is also used to justify abortion, equal rights, immigration, etc. Lincoln did nothing wrong. He was fighting against (((foreign influence))).
>personally I think good.
The US would be far better off today if you'd repeal the 13th and make niggers slaves again
wew boiled peanuts actually sounds pretty good
Yes I'm well aware how after the state's lost the civil war the government went full tyrannical and claimed privacy = abortions are okay.
>saved the union
>caused massive nigger problem possibly leading to your collapse years later
Why do Americans believe that the civil war was chiefly about slavery? Is that what's taught in American high schools?
That's only what is taught about it in schools
More details?
just don't live in a city and you'll never run into them
>The South seceded over the slave issue, that is indisputable.
It's a little more complicated than that.
The slave issue was a key policy point, but the larger context was that the South was a voting minority in a country increasingly centrally governed for the benefit of those in political control of the states with a voting majority.
The agricultural South wanted policies which protected the rights of farmers to maximize the prices they collected by selling their raw materials, while the industrial North, which was crowding in new voters to work its factories, wanted policies which pushed commodity prices low to increase the factory profits.
The North wanted to end slavery, but this was only rhetorically for the benefit of the blacks. The point was to break the negotiating power of the plantation-owners by putting them out of business and moving their land into the hands of poor farmers who just had to take whatever they could get each season.
Sounds like the entire civil war is covered in a single history lesson.
I didn't even remember this thread was about airplanes.
September 13, 1906: Alberto Santos-Dumont successfully completed the first official airplane flight in Paris in his 14-bis
Yeah I know... That's why I don't give a fuck about that. It doesn't matter who was the first.
Canuck's schooling the yank about yank history lel
mostly right.
The only thing I'll say is that contrary to overly jaded Sup Forums's belief there was actually a large devoted abolitionist movement who saw slavery as evil.
now the majority of people doing the fighting and the dying in the war probably did not give a fuck about slavery.
So, why end slavery?
gold plated latinum
People say that because the issue of state sovereignty revolved around states having the authority to grant the slave trade in direct defiance of federal government. So yes and no.
Holy fucking shit...
Today I took another red pill and it tasted like strawberries.
Thanks Sup Forums
And because we are right
Making a giant paper plane and throwing with it a a catapult doesn't count for shit
Wing warping wasn't a 'bad idea'. The Wright Brothers patented it along with other features on their aircraft and made it a living hell for other aviators to create. Ailerons were literally invented because of a patent dispute. The Wright brothers really did want to litigate hard on other aircraft makers.
Weird times at the berry club family
There are multiple eye witness accounts and photographic evidence of them not using the rail, flying longer, and farther. All of this years before Dumont.
The Wright brothers were the first ones to be successful in finding ways to make a heavier than air craft fly, it matters a great deal that they were the first ones because man had been trying for millennias to fly and they were the first ones to do it. Not only that, but their extensive research eventually went on to become the father of modern aviation technology. They approached the idea different from anyone else in the past and they were successful. Discounting their achievements by saying "it doesn't matter who did it, someone was going to do it eventually anyway" is like saying "you might as well not even try to invent things because someone else will eventually do it", which isn't even true.
>Wing warping wasn't a 'bad idea'.
Yes it was. How many planes use wing warping now? It was abandoned by 1915.
It was a dead-end technology, which only made sense to the Wright Bros because of quirks of their incremental development process from kite to aircraft. As soon as you start varying materials and designing for fault-tolerance, the versatility of hinged flight control surfaces on a rigid wing are obviously well worth the increased mechanical complexity.
>Ailerons were literally invented because of a patent dispute.
Ailerons were first described in 1864 and patented in 1868, then the Wright Bros were allowed to patent them again in 1906. They were used on an unmanned glider in 1871.
This dude revived them, not because wing-warping was patented, but because he thought it would not be reliable.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with launching planes from catapults.
Okay I might be wrong but I swear my professors told me that, the WB definitely were litigious as hell though.
>The Wright brothers were the first ones to be successful in finding ways to make a heavier than air craft fly, it matters a great deal that they were the first ones because man had been trying for millennias to fly and they were the first ones to do it.
They were the first ones to do a (barely usable for demonstrations, not really manufacturable or maintainable) powered aircraft which could take off from level ground and sustain controlled flight.
But they were building on a tremendous amount of work by others:
...and not just in aeronautics, but also material science and engine technology. The Wright Bros didn't design their own engine, which is what really set them apart from the gliders others had already flown thousands of times.
When sufficiently light, powerful, and reliable engines arrived on the scene, it was just a race to practically combine one with a glider.
>their extensive research eventually went on to become the father of modern aviation technology.
If they weren't granted a patent, they'd have been a footnote about early experiments. It was their stranglehold on the early industry that makes them important, not their contribution to it.
About time Brazil started a space program.
>americans we wuzing this hard
I guess it's not a black thing only
M8 what do you call A diversipes down in monkey land?
I'm curious and just thought of this when I remembered one of my Ts is part monkey
Just because you built on the work of others it doesn't mean that you weren't the first to creat an original idea
Using such logic, the right thing to say would be that the Neanderthal who jumped off a cliff with two planks strapped under his arms invented the airplane. He died impaled by a tree, sure, but he was the first one in history to try it
>For takeoff the 1903 Wright Flyer used a launch rail and a wheeled dolly which was left on the ground; the airplane landed on skids due to the sandy landing surface at Kitty Hawk and rough ground at Huffman Feild. After 1903 the Wrights used a catapult to assist most takeoffs of their 1904 and 1905 airplanes. The Santos-Dumont 14-bis did not use a catapult and ran on wheels located at the back of the aircraft, with a skid under the front of the fuselage.
It's also a matter of evidence. Dumont flew his plane in front of a huge crowd at the french Aeroclub, while the burgers only had a single picture. Not to mention, not taking off on your own doesn't count. It's barely more than a glider.
Depending of the airplane and the specific conditions of the atmosphere you need a certain runway lenght for planes to take off. They need a catapult to launch a plane on a ship because they don't have a surface for the plane to acquire sustentation
Using catapults on a ship is completely valid because the planes are totally capable of taking off by their own. The wright plane had to use a catapult because it was trash.
There were three prizes to aviation at France in 1904. Wright Brothers refused themselves to do a public demonstration of their aircraft, which had only been seen by few friends. They only did it in 1908. Santos Dummont made his historical flight in 1906. Thus, he was the first to demonstrate an autonomus airplane publicly, so is the father of flight.
Should we believe documented evidence of a flight made in public or the word of the two brothers (and their friends) that kept their shit secret? fucking retards
Basically the same thing
Yeah but that specific species
How do you say it in Portuguese
^thats basically going to be all your replies by americans
I don't think that we have a popular name for it
Maybe just diversipas
>How the world sees Brazilians
>How Brazilians see themselves
We were by Getulio.
That said, Santos-Dumont was unfairly forgotten so I don't mind that the government uses propaganda. Isn't like aviation was a sole invention, many contributed included the brothers and him.
Carlos Chagas is the one we should admire as the ultimate brain of our nation, though.
I was actually taught that they just used "free the blacks!" as an excuse, I don't remember the real reason because who the fuck cares about McDonald's history.
It wasn't their idea, though. As I pointed out: there were thousands of controlled, manned glides before them, as well as stable powered unmanned flights. There was also a manned, powered hop as early as 1874.
Their design wasn't really suitable for practical use. There's a world of difference between WW I biplanes and the Wright Flyer. Totally different configuration, just ten years later.
Most of the clever tricks they used to make the Wright Flyer fly first were thrown away as the engines got better. Why did they use these tricks? To be first. To get the patent with an impractical, barely-working demonstrator. To gain government paper that let them tax the whole aviation industry.
Why didn't other people use the same tricks? Well, most of them wanted to build a design with a future, not just something they could take to the patent office to use to get approval of an overly-broad claim.
The engines had to get better for flight to be practical. Other people were designing in the expectation of better engines that weren't quite ready, not trying to claim a weaksauce first with inadequate engines.
Made me laugh flybot
Lincoln wanted to DEPORT but the Jews killed him
I wonder why...
14-Bis was basically only capable of a powered hop, though, not sustained level flight. Its best flight in 1906 was a 20-second hop. The Wright Bros were already doing half-hour flights.
The self-powered hop was first accomplished in 1874, with steam power.
>On October 5, 1905 Wilbur made a circling flight of 24 miles (38.9 km) in 39 minutes 23 seconds, over Huffman Prairie, 18 days later Santos-Dumont's 50 metres (160 ft) flight earned him his first aviation award.
>After 1903 the Wrights used a catapult to assist most takeoffs of their 1904 and 1905 airplanes
Wow so this is the power of the Wright Brothers™
In middle school you learn that the Civil War was about slaves,
In high school you learn it was about "state's rights",
In college you learn it was about a state's right to have slaves.
So what? Catapults and other launch assist such as JATO are used for practical aircraft to this day. Furthermore, many practical modern aircraft rely on long, perfect, paved runways, which weren't practical for aviation pioneers to build for their experiments, unlike simple catapults.
so middle school was correct
insults American inventions over American inventions with American inventions.
Brazil inventor of tranny porn and Zika,shut the fuck up you dumpster fire of a country.
Winner!Heres youre free obongophone.
Wars can be for multiple reasons and can mean many different things to the people involved. trying to pigeon hole it as state rights is just as dumb as saying it was a war over Slavery.
because your nation is shit.