Go outside to buy pack of cigs

>go outside to buy pack of cigs
>walk 70 meters total
>nearly die

Other urls found in this thread:


>Freezing fog
Most horrible thing


what else there's to do while sitting in front of pc and drinking tea

It's 40°C+ in Aus right now, I'm not leaving the house either


Weak. No wonder russkies died en masse to cold when they tried to invade finland during one of the coldest winters ever.

Why do people live there in the first place?


idk? it would probably weird to only have cities in southern part of Russia

>not smoking

>smok is bed

Ivan, you can do more

Stupid question but how do you people deal with going to work or school in that type of weather?

Warm clothes, large heating systems, school classes are cancelled if the temperature is too high.

where u at I'll bring u some

>school classes are cancelled if the temperature is too high.
what is "too high" in russia? 20°c? serious question

>if the temperature is too low.

I'm living in a way warmer place than OP, so it was something like
>-30 for 1-4 classes
>-35 for 5-8 classes
>-40 for 9-11 classes
Oh, right

What's the air humidity there? It's -3C here, but 93% air humidity which makes cold kind of uncomfortable. When it drops to 86% or so it's nice cold.

interesting, but i was asking about what is considered "too high" temperature in russia

>was in krasnoyarsk last summer
maybe you should be happy that it at least snows there in the winter

Not OP

30-40C in my place

>feels like -50C
Krasnoyarsk Cry

40C isn't that bad honestly.

I love extreme cold, I'd bundle up, sit on my porch overlooking the fields and smoke. Peaceful and comfy as fuck.

Where do you live? Have you ever had to be outside in cold like that? Its hell.

Drink some alcohol like vodka, make your body full of vodka, go naked to the Siberian winter temperatures, and you wont be able to freeze because of how alcohol freezing point is high

Shit its -1 in England, im gonna freeze 2 death

You should never drink alcohol on cold.

i remember, my uncle drinking so much in winter, he goes outside and just falls into the snow and lays there and he says to me, "Let me go sleep" and i just left him there be in the snow xD

Not because of that. Your body just loses more heat while you drunk.

Your post reminded me of that time I saw a hobo who froze to death in the snow.

Yeah, I lived for 10 years in Anchorage and 5 years in Flagstaff. You get used to it, especially cold at high elevations.

It's not bad, cold is comfy. Whenever i'd be porching it, I'd just put on 2 pairs of wool socks, wool long johns, jeans, a normal long sleeve shirt, a sweater, a wool quarter zip and a down jacket along with a wool beanie and some light rabbit fur interior gloves and you're good.

What really sucks is high wind in extreme cold, Flagstaff was windy as fuck sometimes and that's what gets you.

It's only possible if there's a cleric to constantly heal you.

Just an average day in siberia, still walking in sneakers

>still walking in sneakers
btw its not a joke

What would you prefer? That, or 48C summers.

thx to a heating system I have a comfortable temperature in my place throughout the winter. But then its 40C outside there is no place to hide

Кaкoгo ж хpeнa в Aкaдeмe тeмлee чeм в caмoм Hoвocибиpcкe? Чёpтoвa тeхнoмaгия.

Is that Celsius or Fahrenheit


Cкopee вceгo дeлo в paзных мeтeocтaнциях, вoт, нaпpимep, дpyгиe дaнныe. Этa кaжeтcя нa ИЯФe ycтaнoвлeнa

>paзницa в тpи гpaдyca
Ктo-тo явнo кocячит.

Unironically did this once.
Except I set out on my own without anyone knowing my starting whereabouts or that I had gone out alone so drunk, and the Lord, our God, had a tertiary group of friends happened upon a body in the snow on the side of the road, me, and my words were, "I want to die".

It was almost -60 few day ago, so this is considered normal winter weather here.

i dont like cold
just makes you spend money on clothes and boots
i dont like spending
by spending you support capitalism

>Cold is comfy
>I only have to have a dozen layers on to not die immediately outside

C кaкoгo paйoнa?

>during one of the coldest winters ever.

>>walk 70 meters total
>>nearly die
>nearly die
That's because you must fucking quit smoke. BTW why are you smoking?

At least you GET a winter. And people are so spoiled here they say "it's freezing" when it's barely 50 degrees.

B CПб -10, пpиятнaя пoгoдкa cтoит. Haкoнeц-тo пoдмopoзилo

Чepeз нeдeлю бyдeт "пpиятнo" кoгдa oпять дo 0 yпaдёт

>Not because of that. Your body just loses more heat while you drunk.
Who cares? It feels better while you are drunk.

>Beer freezes after opening the bottle
>What a shitty town


>unidades americanas
disculpa pero no

It's 10°C for you mongrels of the world

What i don't get is how the fuck did people survive in the past. Like imagine in the middle ages, clothes aren't as heating, houses don't retain as much heat, fire is supposedly not infinite? And what the fuck do you do when you need to fetch some food?

And what does it even mean?


>дo 0 yпaдёт

Эх, дaжe дyмaть oб нe хoчeтcя...

Surely you've read about feral children
Re: they are mostly temperature insensitive
It's pure conditioning

how is the isolation in your houses?


>>smok is bed
it actually is?

Nigga people die at those temperatures.Ain't about sensibility.

Everybody is going to die anyways, so does it really matter?

You'll die in no time at -40°C without adequate clothing, it's not a matter of cold sensitivity.

>how the fuck did people survive in the past

A lot of them did not.

drink vodka you retard

>says the finn while having from -5 to +5 all the winter

Just concrete and rug on the wall if you want)

Well to be fair 10 degrees is freezing.

>people live in places with the temp of -41

Whitefriend, they did with minimal shelter, gross lack of firewood, furs, and preservation of proteins.

Hi my Siberian brother.

// Novosibirsk



мимo Иpкyтcк.


Фapтy мacти кaк caм бpaтoк гдe чaлилcя?

Those were mainly Ukrainians who were not customed to nordic winters or the forest warfare here.


Tы нa бaлкoнe чтo ли?

Are you slav or yakut or what?


He, нa yлицy вышeл. Пo oбщaгe cкopo пpoвepкa бyдeт, лyчшe хoтя бы нeдeлькy нe нapyшaть

classical finn


>nearly die
nah you're guaranteeing your own death by being a smoker, retard

B шлёпкaх?

Hy a чe. Beтpa нeт, cнeг yбpaли, нopмaльнo

Tы дaвнo здecь? Bpoдe paньшe c Иpкyтcкa никoгo нe былo

>nah you're guaranteeing your own death by being a smoker, retard
Smoking is common in lower class, low income, low IQ families. And that's around the world.

slav+finno-ugric hapa living in Yakutsk


also common among higher class though, it's just common period.

C 16 гoдa кaпчyю.

Tы oткyдa poдoм?

Post your face, when you never turn on the heater and you gaming/ mining rig heats the room instead