How do they do it Sup Forums? How does based Olive Garden continue to make billions in profits operating with their menu?
>come in and be seated >FREE SALAD AND BREADSTICKS >make your own pasta choosing from 8 different pastas and 8 different sauces >add chicken or sausage >$9.99
Absolute madness. They are one of the most successful restaurants in the history of America and they continue to offer incredible value and great service.
They have to be sheltering money in a tax haven, correct? We should all head on down to Olive Garden today and order dinner and demand answers.
What do think Sup Forums??
Hunter Cox
I agree, friend, we all need to go on down to Olive Garden and demand answers as to how they can possibly make a profit by providing delicious family-style Italian dining at entirely reasonable prices. How can it be that we can feed up to eight people with their delicious family style lasagna bundle at only $7.50 per person?
We need to go to our local Olive Garden Italian Restaurant locations, order up some dinner, and start asking those tough questions!
Robert Hill
Now I'm hungry.
Tyler White
Correct the salad and breadsticks pls go.
Adrian Collins
Oh you'll get answers! After another Diet Pepsi and a order of Tuscan cheese ravioli's with hand crafted marinara sauce
Eli Reyes
>They are one of the most successful restaurants in the history of America and they continue to offer incredible value and great service.
They are able to offer such things because they are so successful and vice versa.
Grayson Brooks
in australia this would cost $59.95
Daniel Sullivan
Just ate there the other day with my trap gf.
Ate like royalty for ~$20 incl. tip. Those fucking breadsticks hnnnnggg
Daniel Martin
Brandon Wright
They're a chain. They don't make anything fresh. Everything that's not pasta arrives frozen.
Leo Anderson
Kek. Underrated post
Carson Gray
This 100% switching from cut open the bag to house made everything insanely raises your food and labor % so menu prices go up aswell
Gabriel Cook
First post, best post.
Christopher Bailey
>Free salad and breadsticks
Dude those things are inexpensive as fuck. They get people in the door where they spend a lot more on entrees and alcohol.
Evan Long
>Go to supermarket >Buy a loaf of bread >Buy some meat >Buy a few snacks >Buy 6 beers >Buy a soda >That'll be € 18,95
Jordan Gray
Over priced wine list at olive garden keeps them afloat.
James Cruz
Company policy not to let black people touch your food at Olive Garden too!
It's a great American Restaurant!
Levi Walker
i could get that at aldi for $20 AUD
Jaxson Walker
Oh shit, I guess I'm voting for Donald Trump now!
Bentley Young
Wtf I'm a human breadstick now.
Ryan Jones
Dude, why the fuck do you keep posting this shit? Is this some sort of advertisement or something? Olive Garden is fucking disgusting. It's where niggers go for fine dining.
William Gray
Their entrees are shit. It's 90% noodles with a tiny bit of sauce. That's how they keep their prices low. If you want some proper Italian food from a chain restaurant, go to Maggiano's.
Josiah Jenkins
To piss you off. It's working
Henry Kelly
>>$9.99 they are doubling their money right here.
actual cost when all is said and done is like 5 dollars.
they make 5 dollars pure profit going into the pockets of the kikes.
Jason Young
Want some copy with that pasta?
Hudson Sanchez
As an Italian I say olive garden is disgusting shit tier garbage that I wouldn't feed a dog.
Zachary Gomez
>billions in profits
Learn to business, dumbass.
James Collins
you're not italian
Adrian Young
You're not British
Nolan Lewis
Yes I am. Grandfather came to the states in the 1920s with my grandmother and my grandfather on my dad's side is an off the boat italian. His mom was an Irish mutt tho
Nolan Sanchez
>What do think Sup Forums??
I think this thread is guerrilla marketing.
>eat at olive garden >have the shits for three days
Yah I think I will pass on that.
Julian Brown
... and the fact that the pasta arrives too, is horrible.
This reminds me, TGI Friday's has endless apps for $10. They must have a lot of microwaves back in the kitchen to handle the volume...
Leo Hughes
I agree, OP!
We should all go down to investigate while enjoying a fresh, wholesome and healthy family meal where kids eat for free! Terms and conditions apply, coupons are one time use only and subject to local availability.
Joshua Moore
because they get that shit cheap as fuck
Nathan Gray
Mostly making me sad, Olive Garden went bankrupt in Canada and I loved going there with my family in the 90s.
Caleb Turner
Great question! I would love to discuss it over dinner at OLIVE GARDEN so we can get delicious food for a great price! You can't beat their value and the food is amazing! OLIVE GARDEN is great.
Henry Harris
I actually like this shit hole, however my gf told me if I ever bring her here she'll take it as a sign that we're breaking up. Sucks because I would really like unlimited salad and bread. :(
Colton White
break up with her now
she sounds like a huge cunt
Adrian Adams
>born in America to American parents >thinks he's Italian