Why is killigg "super-pigs" for food bad and killing fish for food good?

Why is killigg "super-pigs" for food bad and killing fish for food good?

Also why can't this little shit speak English? When I was her age I could communicatively speak and understand English and I come from a Slavic shithole.

Both are bad.

the movie was a treatise against killing dogs, cows, and pigs. Hence the reason okja was an amalgamation of a dog, cow, and pig.

fish don't give a fuck about their offspring. chickens will reject their offspring for nothing.

dont kill smart animals
fish are dumb as fuck

So now there are "better" and "worse" animals? They suffer the same

Did she kill their mother?

The main argument against their slaughter was how intelligent the superpigs were. The same movie is fine with killing chicken and fish.

Also if animals suffer the meat is spoiled. Of course asians like how that tastes.

That is correct, not all animals are equal. Humans are far superior to a fish. Its not about their physical suffering its about their mental capacity to suffer.

Killing a human causes suffering to not only the victim but the family and friends, but killing a fish harms no one other than the quick death of this fish which has a brain that hardly realizes anything.

Pigs are cute, fish aren't. Females always base their opinions around how things look

Even if you want to ignore the cuteness, pigs clearly have familial bonds. Fish just drop eggs and fuck off.

Pigs are also very savage creatures. Ever seen a pig just randomly bite a huge chunk out of another pig? Well I have and believe me they don't give a single fuck about each other


there have always been, same with people

if you think an 80iq subhuman nigger is worth the life of a white man youre truly retarded

Killing fish in a humane manner is ok.

So is it okay to kill chinks or dindus since they mostly don't care about each other?

Asians and Blacks may seem animalistic to us but their intelligence is far superior to a pig or cow.


Well Asians have a higher IQ than you wh*tes

The problem is when you kill animals systematically, breed them to die, the movie says it is ok to kill them but it's not ok to treat them inhumanely

Then why haven't they invented anything world-changing since gunpowder? Hell, it wasn't even world-changing until whites weaponized it.

Sup Forums get out

we discuss a film here

I only browse Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /vp/. I take every cross-posting opportunity I can get.

Kek nice anecdote. You realize you're basically saying.

>I witnessed a human mug another human therefore ALL humans are savages

wild pigs are full of parasites, thats why jews and mudslimes don't eat them

Dude you just don't know pigs. My friend's dad runs a state university farm and we would see some shit. I saw a hog mount a sow and as soon as he was done he bit her whole fucking ear off.