how do we fix feminism?
How do we fix feminism?
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Reinstating traditional gender roles.
Genocide all women.
>remove welfare and government benefits for children
>ban abortion
>incept/socially engineer/brainwash people with the moral value of gender roles and the family unit.
This. 2D is the way
you don't fix it
you get rid of it
Don't breed with it I guess. That'll be $19.99 btw.
with our dicks, as God intended
>Remove gender Studies from Universities
>Ban Buzzfeed
>educate children traditionally
You don't.
>ban abortion
FUCK NO. Feminists are voluntarily eliminating themselves from the gene pool by getting abortions. Traditional conservative women hardly ever get abortions and thus have more descendants. Natural selection.
Hehe you can see the middle guy's 5skin
>remove gender studies
>legalize prostitution
>completely reform family law, no alimony, no fault divorces, 50/50 custody at all times unless both parents agree otherwise, child support equal both ways, all money paid for child support must be proven to be spent on the child
>zero state paid abortions
>only people that can penalize anyone for rape/sexual abuse are the police
>heavy penalties for false accusations
It's only natural selection if the doctor goes so far up there that he erupts out the top of her head.
Pretty god damn spot on
the single most important thing we can do is legalize prostitution. Lower the sexual value of women from outrageous to nominal.
Second most important would be the prosecution and incarceration for false rape claims.
That would even out the genders.
Strip women of their vote.
Simple as that. The rest will fix itself over time.
Stop giving a fuck about women for no reason. Men need to lose the need to care for women or they are going to bury us.
Plus blacks.
Well as much as I like men, you guys let this shit happen. Most think feminism caused the emasculation of the modern man but the truth is if men stayed manly and showed strength when dealing with unruly women feminism would have escalated to this. Really you have two options now. Only give attention to the kind of women that aren't batshit insane feminazis or get these whores under control again.
finish was hitler started.
By making it mainstream.
Fuck. I do love the Olympics for all the perfectly sculpted God-like men.
>>remove gender studies
freedom of speech issue
>>heavy penalties for false accusations
the problem woth this is that many rapes occur inside the home in privacy with no witnesses. where do you draw the line so that an accusation that was founded but with little evidence isn't penalised?
>50/50 custody at all times unless both parents agree otherwise
This is retarded. If a court can prove that one parent is unfit to be a parent because they abuse their children or something like that they should lose custody
I agree with the rest of your points though
that doesn't sound very fair .
>Left-handed co-ordinate system
That's the problem she's upset about, right?
>>>remove gender studies
>freedom of speech issue
not really, there is a reason we don't teach alchemy
Those bulges arnt even big wtf??
This is blatantly untrue.
Colleges and the "sexual revolution" (i.e, birth control, access to abortions, and archaic family law) created this situation.
Women who were on the forefront of first and second wave feminism were asking for mostly reasonable changes. Nothing else changed alongside them though. Men in power and men in general had fairly good faith reasons for allowing those changes to happen. Women saw the opportunity to have their cake and eat it too though, and no one said "well if you're now equal, everything should be equal".
Why do you think a good amount of early feminists that are still alive think what is happening now is insanity? And why do you think there is so much "oh shit what did we do?" talk in relation to adult women realizing how hard things are now that men are no longer the men they want? It's a classic case of "careful what you wish for".
At this point it's not feasibly fixable by removing rights from them and going back a couple generations in regards to attitudes. The only thing that changes anything is reform to family law, equity overall in the legal system, legalized prostitution to reduce vagina value, and stopping subsidizing abortions with everyone else's money.
Once women realize there are consequences to their actions, the change will happen organically.
they just want to show what objec. feels like
and Sup Forums falls for it
it isn't retarded. The courts are heavily in favor of the mother. "proving a parent to be unfit" often comes down to proving a parent doesn't have a vagina.
I guess I would agree with you if there were set guidelines and it actually HAD to be proven by someone other than a judge saying, "i kinda think they should be with their mom".
The one on the right was produced by queer guys at Cosmopolitian
>you'll never be as hot as a professional swimmer
>1: kill all the jews.
>2: find a way to defeat feminism.
May be a freedom of speech issue, but the entire educational system should be reformed in regards to sholarships and college funding for things that don't produce jobs.
>rapes inside the home
As someone who grew up with domestic abuse, from both sides, the line that I draw is the line of evidence. If there isn't any evidence then there should be no prosecution. As far as false claims, of course someone should be able to prove the claim was false, but that burden of proof should be exactly the same as it should be for a rape allegation.
This goes back to equity in the legal system. There are laws in place that require a police officer to take someone every time they are called to a domestic abuse report. REQUIRED. This is indefensible as it's almost always the man. I can't remember the location, I think it was in california, but there was a place where they changed the law to require police to decide who to take from the home (if anyone) based on evidence at the scene rather than verbal reports and the number of women charged with DA almost became 50/50 with the number of men. That law was changed back almost immediately.
>many rapes
Introduce it to Islam.
that's the sad reality, better accept it and move on but only after making fun of women on /pol
make feminism illegal or petition to turn it into a terrorist organization
you realize it's been hijacked by lonely females with high standards that can't get a chad? they are just pushing political views down politicians throats that cause oppression of males.
>you fucking joking with that captcha?