Meh.. They're OK I guess, but none of that shit is any different from our nightclubs and feminist rallies...
Benjamin Sanders
Those are some pretty nice tits desu
Jonathan Stewart
>In the building next to Nanjing 1912, a woman was stripped body, lying naked on the ground under the rain, disheveled, suspected to be played,
>A woman wearing a full, her underfoot.
>According to the site users say, Big Tits wife went to a nearby bar, Nanjing 1912 building, grasping mistress as a result, the mistress of the sisters will Big Tits stripped, beaten.
>Nanjing is cool these days, yesterday was still raining, so naked, lying on the wet ground, feeling very uncomfortable ah.
Brody Robinson
god damn those titties though
Jeremiah Wright
>tfw your mistress will never beat up your big tittied wife.
I love how they strip them that's their go to while beating them these chinks are more mortified of being seen nude then being beat ?
Lucas Walker
At least chinks don't tolerate degenerate whores, good for them.
Jacob Robinson
Which link is that pic from?
James Ramirez
Elijah Kelly
I love how everyone responds to these threads as if China is some nihilist hellhole of psychosis.
There's handful of incidents from a country four times the size of the US, all showing shit that goes down ten times as often in the US. You just have to read about it instead of watching videos.
Eli Long
Guess it's part of their whole culture of saving face and avoiding personal shame.
Loss of face is a big deal, even more that it is in the West.
Michael Jackson
Wait wtf, can someone give me the story to this? Is she dead? :(
Ayden White
Must be different over here my chink masseuse takes her top off as soon as she comes into the room.
Christian Sanchez
nigga did we just watch different clips? That kid is still on the ground
Nathaniel Clark
Fucking chinks have no souls. I wonder what they would do to black people.
Ryder Torres
This whole culture in China of women stripping other women naked in public as revenge is pretty hot tbqh
Adrian Bell
The attacker was a chink male, there's no way he weighs over 100lbs, he's obviously just a weak sperg. A single stomp from a western man would have coated that pavement in baby brains.
Alexander Garcia
She's clearly determined to integrate into your culture and has adopted the American practice of always going the extra mile for customers.
Asher Jones
That girl has some epic tits.
Elijah Russell
It is a hell hole. You are aware that if any bystander witnesses a mugging, stabbing, and any other crazy shit, they become legally responsible if they help the victim? That's why mainland Chinese are seen as subhuman because they'll keep the cameras rolling but won't ever intervene even if a lunatic this on a killing spree. It's fucked.
Liam Martinez
She sure does
Jaxson Lee
Anyone got that webm of the Chinese kid sweeping outside a store and he gets stomped on violently?
Adrian Sullivan
yup definitely gonna fap to some lesdom now
Dylan Kelly
Just a friendly reminder that Asians are to whites what whites are to blacks.
Levi Perez
If they have 0 souls, should we feel sorry if we nuke the whole country?
Easton Moore
I wish the Japanese would've liked all these fuckers, I seriously hate chinks. I hope I get to mow down thousands of theses fucks in a conventional war.
Justin Moore
when some kid on xbox live talks shit to you
Jacob Nelson
It's a harsh reality for a Westerner to consider, but it keeps their crime rate low and their conviction rate high. They're always playing the long game in China. It's a form of dehumanisation that for the last 40 years has proven to be extremely successful in increasing the divide between scum and good people. Some would say it is an illiberal attitude, but the Chinese majority haven't been desensitised to criminal behaviour... they have learned to hate it even more.
Nathan Clark
>Just a friendly reminder that Asians are to whites what whites are to blacks. nice try chink leaf. mad cus white boys are fucking all your girls?
Camden Adams
Why tho
Also: > Can u prease deshcribe da sushpecta? > Ah yes, he has da brack hair and da smarr eye, short and no faciar furs
Jacob Phillips
It's that sort of angrily lashing out that puts you closer to Africans than to Asians. Don't worry, I'm sure your people will become civilized one day.
Justin Wright
It was an autistic chink man who had no strength in his strikes.
Pretty much destroyed wha I thought about all autists having ungodly strength.
Well only american autists have ungodly strength kek.
Lucas Taylor
Get out of my country, Chang
Tyler Davis
Hmm China. Is this a tradition?
Wyatt Wilson
Dem some big ass titties
Easton Sanders
the only way a degenerate country can strive is through communism. they will see their demise soon. a nation cannot withstand this amount of degeneracy without collapsing.
Jaxon Brooks
>t. America
Loling at the irony.
Luis Hughes
>sluts treated like sluts
Why aren't we taking social cures from these Asian countries?
Eli Richardson
I find Chinese girls so fucking sexy.
Tyler Davis
The faithful wife was the one that got beaten, stripped naked and left in the rain though.
Michael Cox
>racist chink projecting and butthurt that all the attractive chinkettes only want white cock stay mad my pint-sized autistic human
Nicholas Jones
i never said america isn't immune to it. look at your leader. he's a full blown faggot.
Eli Martin
It would be fine for pretty much any country but Canada to say that
Luke Sanchez
My country now. Bought and paid for.
Jordan Gray
Why do women need to the feel to steal men? Isn't there a 50million female to male population discrepancy? I live in USA as a female chink and i have white and asian men from all corners begging me to spend their money and step on them. Why do they fight over 1 man when they can choose between 100 different cucks?
Brayden Martinez
Equivalent of coal burners. You can have them.
David Butler
maybe chinese women aren't whores too much. they find 1 guy and will stick with him. unlike westernized nations..
Leo Edwards
Go back to China bitch
Matthew Bennett
so all of them? dank
Sebastian Rivera
Go back to India Sanjit.
Blake Sanchez
This made me sad on the inside, very sad.
Ryan Green
>chinese video >liveleak Nope not watching someone tell me what these crazy gooks are up to now
Ayden Hill
then why did you come to live in a white nation instead of staying in your own shithole?
Bentley Anderson
Chinese girls have very nice legs
Lucas Clark
muh dick
Elijah Hill
Tfw you will never get beat up by a thin slutty asian girl
Lincoln James
Fuck Thats sad now
Lincoln Lee
fucking based
Jayden Reyes
and copy pasting it all is a fucking nuisance or did I something wrong?
Alexander Hill
why? dumb bitch went by herself. even the nignogs know not to go solo
William Wright
I think the Germans had a good word for it. Liebensomething.
Ethan Fisher
Ryder Kelly
Hola sheet they fight like nigresses
Michael Wilson
Tits or gtfo
Chase Reed
Asian girls' legs are awesome. Sometimes I just stare in total awe at their legs which often look both very cute and feminine.
Blake Harris
That moment when she realizes that she can beat the ex as much as she wants, but she will never have such top quality boobs.
She will never be her bf's current choice for boobs, being even behind the ex.