why does jewish hummus taste like shit?
Why does jewish hummus taste like shit?
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desu I love that shit. but then again im jewish so what do I know
It doesn't taste the same like it does in Israel. When you go to Israel, it's delicious. It's an authentic taste.
Fuck you on about? That stuff is delicious.
ITT plebs discuss the subjectivity of their individual tastes
I agree. Hummus is awful.
Too busy using the rest to bomb Hammas
Why are you being a good goy?
Jewmmus is objectively kiked.
>1 post by this id
i like hummus, just this brand sucks.
is this legitimate?
say that to my face not online see what happens
Kike food is degenerate and don't taste good. Stay away from it.
Does anyone really expect Jews to NOT jew you even on their own food?
It's probably made with recycled horse leftovers.
How the fuck is ground up chickpeas jewish? Why the fuck do they have to claim everything?
Yes, its legit.. but it doesnt cover all the codes as you might find more than 1 from Israel.. and it also doesnt cover things that use products of israel inside them, which werent manufactured in Israel.
Its a start, but it wont stop all your support to Israel alone.
because anytime someone critiques it they accuse the critic of antisemitism
Make your own
2 can garbanzo beans
1 tablespoon mined garlic
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons cumin
Mix it all slow in a cheap ass blender. Ppour the bean water from the cans until the consistency is right.
I prefer a little more lemon juice and garlic and I add lots paprika when it's just for me.
This triggers BDS.
As if boycotting some a few tubs of hummus and a handful of olives is going to do anything.
> arab mentality
As if boycotting a few tubs of hummus and a handful of olives is going to do anything.
> arab mentality
The Palestinians are so weak right now they're asking whitey to do all the fighting for them.
Can confirm, this brand is utter shyte
NIGGER, where's the fucking tahini???!!!
I second this. Also, paprika.
"Israeli food" is all culturally appropriated from Levantine, Turkish and Greek food.
Even Turk food is bastardized from Greek and Levant
So Israeli is triple bastard.
>NIGGER, where's the fucking tahini???!!!
Gat dammit! I are the niggarest!
I forgot the Tahini.
Add 1 tablespoon and a big splash of olive oil!
I only buy hummus from Arabs. Kike-made hummus tastes way too processed.
Seriously, this, this, a thousand times this. You're from Israel so you definitely understand.
I loved getting food in Abu Ghosh. The hummus and the meat and everything else is de-fucking-licious. So good. Makes me so hungry thinking about it.
look at the list of ingredients - 4th from the top: "ground-up foreskins"
cheapest ingredients, for maximum profit.
You have literally now taste. That stuff isn't as good as my home-made batches, but it's my favorite commercial hummus. I could live off that stuff. I assume you are suffering from a brain injury and I send my condolences, OP.
The jpg is from abu gosh, good eye. Their hummus is amazing like you said, just expensive
You left out tahini and olive oil -- indispensible ingredients. You know nothing at all. I'm guessing your garlic (optional) even comes in a jar.