Ghost explains how the Presidential elections can be "rigged." The world against Donald Trump continues, Trump lays out his economic plan, is Hillary Clinton too ill to be President, Paul Ryan MUST BE VOTED OUT (Wisconsin), Obama caught lying (again) about Iran Ransom payment, Bernie Sanders says LGBTQ must vote for Hillary Clinton, clock boy (kid who built a "clock" out of a suitcase which look EXACTLY like a bomb) sues America, Delta flights grounded over "glich," Turkey & Russia publicly annouce alliance (prognosticator or prognosticators strikes AGAIN) and other news. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.
Get in here fruitbowls.
Aaron Clark
Why do you ppl listen to this jew?
Liam Sullivan
Because he is our hambone.
Lucas Torres
Christopher Lee
He isn't jewish you fool
Andrew Mitchell
When can I play games with that dwarf gimp?
Jonathan Morgan
He's not a jew you jerkdick. He uses yarmulkes for coffee filters.
Camden Stewart
Would Nep listen to Ghost?
Dylan Diaz
>Ahmed Mohammed still trying to be relevant
Leo Rodriguez
Angel Diaz
better yet would ghost listen to nep?
Dylan Clark
Imagine posting that on your Facebook
Andrew Cruz
No but someone should still make him play Neptunia. He would grow to like Nep.
Carson Robinson
Asher Rodriguez
I think that I could play it off by saying I was drunk and thought it was funny
Ayden Wood
'tis online
Asher Murphy
here come dat napalm
Cooper Carter
oh boy, here we go
Camden Thompson
Brandon Reyes
Has anyone ever brought up Steven Universe to Ghost? I feel he would flip a shit learning about that kids show and its fandom
Henry Williams
I'm so happy that Ghost is back. Makes this election a hundred times funnier than it already is. He's one of the few Amerifats I wouldn't kill.
Thomas Murphy
sew kewt
Ryder Cook
Libertarianism is not the opposite of authoritarianism.
It's the opposite of paternalism.
Libertarianism doesn't care about effective freedom. It only cares about formal freedom. Even slave contracts would be legal under libertarianism.
Aiden Wood
True tax evasion radio.
Carter Flores
I hope ghost gives up on trump soon and starts stroking the Johnson, he's really just making himself look silly now....
Joseph Wright
CTR fucks stay out TCR has nothing to do with you
Noah Sanchez
Well if you agree to be a slave, that's you're problem
However, a contract like that sounds like it be a civil matter more than a criminal if it's broken
Owen Adams
Fuck death taxes. That shit has to go. It's fucking disgusting to take money from someone because they die.
Connor Thompson
I'm worried I'll be working the day he sells the signed cans and I'll miss out on ordering one.
Zachary Phillips
84619964 >open borders >dude weed lmao >no right to association >Bernie Sanders is 73% correct out out out
Cameron Brooks
The fundamental injustice is that the money collected under a death tax had already been taxed in multiple ways beforehand It's disgusting
Daniel Taylor
Indeed its not a fair deal
Justin Peterson
Jason Morris
I have moral and ethical issues with taking additional tax of of money that should be going to directly support immediate family. Support handed down from parents to children should be sacred and untouchable.
It's just wealth re-distribution shit that the government pulls to keep the politicians having income. On one hand they will give child support to needy families, but then on the other hand they will tax inheritance and take wealth out of other families. If they weren't constantly taking our monry away, then they wouldn't need so many fucking handouts.
Nicholas Clark
Wow this shit is boring as fuck. Can't even get through 5 minutes of it. You suck.
Easton White
The legal situations we find ourselves in determine which choices are available to us in the first place. To borrow an example from Cohen, suppose that I am the sovereing of an island up on which, from time to time, marooned sailors are washed. At the moment, there is only one washed up sailor, Sailor One, in residence. He has built himself a shelter, and, by the rules I, the sovereign, have made, he is the owner of that shelter: he need not part with it, or let anyone else use it. Others will be entitled to use it only if he agrees to let them do so. And now a storm washes up a second sailor, Sailor Two, who, battered by the storm, will probably die unless Sailor One lets him shelter, temporarily, in his hut. Under the existing rules, Sailor One can legitimately demand the life-long slavery of Sailor Two in exchange for letting him shelter. The existing rules permit any kind of contract, including that extreme one, and the sailors' assets and motivations might ensure that that would be the contract that occurs. But, because I am a freedom-loving sovereign, I change the rules so that they forbid slave contracts. Now, we can suppose, Sailor Two will get a better deal, under which he will certainly enjoy more freedom. Precisely as a result of the prohibition that I laid down, he now has an option superior to slavery which was unavailable when the rules of contract were more permissive.
Joseph Ward
Just wait 'till Uncle Bernie gets here.
Eli Bell
Juan Sanders
MAN he loves sucking Trump's cock. Seriously. If Trump loses I'm going to laugh so fucking hard listening to this idiot.
I mean I don't think I've heard someone suck cock as much as this Jesus. Trump could beat his wife's dog and Ghost would still find some good reason for it.
Nicholas Diaz
Someone tweet ghost and tell him this is BOOOORING ZZzzzZZzzZzZzZza and get to radio grafitti already
Colton Martin
Michael Cooper
They're in this thread unfortunately 1st time I've ever seen this happening
Julian Powell
Yeah seeing somebody being salty is really worth putting a corrupt, warmongering, globalist neoliberal in power.
Bentley Ross
I said if you fruitbowl.
Lucas Reyes
Bentley Gutierrez
I enjoy these segments more than radio grafitti. Radio grafitti is always the same these days. Some dumb noise/comment >>> cans >>> ghost rages a little >>> give me the goddamn mike
Xavier Williams
Redpill me on Ghost Sup Forums, is he really CIA?
Isaac Sanders
>inb4 It's a flashlight drumftards
Jace Turner
Nah, the CIA spied on him with Ice Cream trucks parked in front of his house in the middle of winter, apparently.
Jason Ward
>prepping Biden confirmed Obama's bull.
Kayden Flores
Been a while since I took these out.
Ayden Ortiz
Leo Nelson
Jacob Gonzalez
Dominic Flores
Jonathan Watson
Nicholas Young
Gavin Johnson
did I miss anything??
Jeremiah Green
Aiden Davis
Owen Gutierrez
Josiah Anderson
Save these in case Biden steps in. We'll need them.
Camden Wright
Juan Ross
Levi Hill
what, pokemon game used to expand google maps??
Jonathan Gomez
Aaron Perry
Ghost is on fire today!
Connor Foster
Yes, except instead of google, it's for the CIA/NRO.
Zachary Johnson
Carson Robinson
and my favorite
Luke Evans
Henry Miller
Can someone explain the "Goodbye Horses" meme to me?
Jackson Parker
Cooper Turner
Hudson Cooper
Levi Diaz
I remember that one. too funny
Hunter Ortiz
look up silence of the lambs buffalo bill scene it will all become clear.
Julian Butler
I love it when the cans come out
Hudson Butler
Aaron Peterson
Mason Sanchez
Anthony Scott
Holy shit!
Brandon Mitchell
Jeremiah Baker
top keks
Leo Ramirez
what did he say?
Matthew Allen
What'd he say?
Ryan Bailey
>yfw ghost is a racist
Dylan Carter
What was the twitter name? I missed it.
Ayden Sullivan
Super Knee Gah (or other phonetic of nigga) Brothers.
Luis Reyes
>this damage control true racist radio
Chase Barnes
This is glorious
Nolan Torres
super nigger bros or something
John Williams
Wowzer! he's going wild!
Justin Harris
It was something like supaneegrabros
Connor Long
>I have friends who happen to be.....frogs
William Ward
>hispandex >wop >camel jockey >kraut . . .
Dylan Sanchez
Benjamin White
Yeah. Wew. The camel jockey thing will come back to him