Serious talk

Serious talk.

What happens if we wake up on the 9th of November to a Clinton victory?

What will happen to the USA? (Long and short term)
What will happen to the world?
What will happen to us? (Sup Forums)

Lets cut the memes for this one thread and have a serious discussion. Would there still be hope if Clinton wins?

Other urls found in this thread:

Obama 2.0 but more "progress"

Be prepared for a shit ton of more wars

What does she mean by "progress"?

No hope, eventual civil war when she tries to take the guns.

Civil War

"Progress" meaning if you're white and male you're on the wrong side of history motherfucker

It means the white americans can fuck off their own land and conquer the Amazonas rain forest.

Another 4 years of Obama basically.

White males will be even more fucked because a Clinton administration will want to punish them for being the bulk of Trump's support.

End of Western civilisation.

>What will happen to the USA? (Long and short term)
Long term: it will seal our demographic fate of becoming Brazil. Globalized trade deals will continue to butcher the American middle class, North American Union looking more likely, etc.
Short term: likely some sort of war in the middle east. Probably Iran.
>What will happen to the world?
European multiculti leaders like Merkel will be reassured, coldwar with Russia 2.0 will be in full blast, China growing off of TPP, etc
>What will happen to us? (Sup Forums)
Sup Forums would be a total shitshow. Lots of leddit people shilling and gloating that Trump lost, Sup Forums people legitimately sad, people calling for the day of the rope/civil war, etc

Prepare to see more gays, more censorship, more deaths; either through suicide or mass murder. Either way Hillary is going to be seen as responsible for those suicides and will be called mass murderer.

Aaaaand screencap this.

Hate speech laws and gun control. I can't wait.

Thank god I'm mixed
Too bad I can't speak beaner

The Beer Hall Trumpening

American Civil War 2.0 within the first two years, followed by China/Russia backed balkanization attempts, most likely ending with an independent Texas and maybe if we're lucky a Cascadia that does not include SoCal.

Also, deportation of Califorian immigrants from Seattle.

Her victory is gonna put the habbenings on speed dial. The backlash from conservatives will be legendary

Business as usual, because Sup Forums is the epitome of the pussy generation and will do absolutely nothing other than shitpost and circulate dank memes for another 8 years

Check these sick dubs

Heightened Regional Identity

Supreme Court will be fucked for 20 yrs.

She is going to be dead before November

This too. I see Trump as possibly the last way to save Western Civilization democratically. The left will never lose again in the US if they are to grant amnesty to 20-30million illegals and keep open boarders.

EU won't feel any ramifications for going full dictator mode from Hillary, in fact she supports it. Hillary said that Merkel is an inspiration to her.

That may actually be the most retarded thing I've ever seen someone post.

we already have gun control you sissy faggot. Go try to buy a gun and see for your self. Instead of being a vapid Hypocrite.

More of the same.

We've had 16 years of neocon rule and when Clinton wins we'll get another eight.

Obviously, I meant more gun control. Don't be a semantic faggot.

There will be no civil war. She'll just use the boiling the frog tactic on guns.

America will be less and less white as the 8 years go by, with millions of spics and shitskins from around the globe coming here.

This is the last election where the white vote still matters.

>0.15 has been deposited into your account

> She'll just use the boiling the frog tactic on guns.

Boiling frog tactic only works if the frog doesn't realize he's in a pot. Gun culture is done with (((compromise))) and will not tolerate any further infringement.

i just cant imagine how it would be.
she's jsut so corrupt.
its like having Jafar from Alladin as president.

Jeb and his son were trying
And Trump and right wingers just decided to go full retard and bet all in on 2016

if he does, let's oust all the gop idiots who refused to bend the knee
>ryan, romney, the bushes, mccain...

> Gun culture is done with (((compromise))) and will not tolerate any further infringement.

lmao tell that to CT, MD, CA, WA, and NY.

rip iran

>Sup Forums people legitimately sad
life is suffering

You mean the same "conservatives" who are enabling her by propping up Johnson/literally who turd party CIA guy/outright voting for Hillary?

They can't get over their feels about Trump saying mean words, so they would rather have a hard left Supreme Court for the next generation. Fucking cucks.

Whatever happens to Trump, we can't let up on the purge of neocons, Kasich "moderates," and Glen Beck retards. They will always put the knife in the back of nationalists.

really makes em think

People seriously underestimate the potential for civil war. Even if they outright ban all guns, it's way too late.

Whites own over 300 million firearms. This whole country as we know it will tear itself apart long before we turn into Brazil.

But what will it take for those whites to ever use them is the million dollar question.

The Feds have overstepped the line many times, and now we are looking at a permanent lib government if Hillary gets in and stacks the Supreme Court. The appetite for armed uprising just isn't there, and may not ever be.

I'm not saying anyone should go lone wolf or go out as a lone militia either. Just seems like the great white conservative uprising will never happen, and now the country has gone so brown and so left that there's a possibility they'd be fighting the true majority if they ever did rebel.

Muh glass ceiling!!!!!

blood liebel

In the short term not that much beyond laws getting caught in childish gridlock in the house and Senate like usual. Maybe a few more gun violence false flags to scare some soccer moms.

The real shit will start happening once she gets an opportunity to stack the Supreme Court with liberal yes men. Then expect to see the rapid deterioration of rights in the name of tolerance, safety, and muh children.

Thankfully that nightmare will never come to pass because Hillary's health complications will catch up to her.


So Tim Kaine can carry out her agenda and ends up stacking the court instead?

Sorry, but there is no way out of this mess if Hillary kicks the bucket. Kaine may be less criminal on a personal level, but the policy remains the same.

>Implying I will share my disaster plan

This on a national scale.

If hillary dies it has nothing to do with her government or party. She doesn't actually make the rules.

Can we get rid of the current inhabitants so we don't have to put up with this bullshit again?

What happens in the forest, stays in the forest

I'm on board.

We'll call it "New America - no darkies allowed."

Long term? A continuation of our demographic shift that will pretty much cement Democrat rule for the coming decades. Short term? Probably increased gun legislation, tons of new """progressive""" rulings by the Supreme Court once she gets her pawns into it.

To the world? Probably not much. Within 50-100 years, America will be dead and will be akin to Great Britain. Still relevant on the global stage, but eventually immigration will make the country hell for the people who built it, and the values and virtues that created America will be gone. Eventually we'll see a Roman Empire-tier collapse (for all of Western civilization) as the shitskin hordes and cucks make us more and more vulnerable.

What will happen to us? I don't know about you guys, but I'll probably just kill myself.

>Short term? Probably increased gun legislation,
Torn between wanting to buy a shit ton of guns and flip them during the pricing panic or buy a bunch of guns and horde them.

>if we wake

You're telling me you're not gonna be drunk shitposting in the sticky on Sup Forums as Trumps landslide is broadcast? Low energy senpai.

Kaine won't be able to win the election when Hillary croaks before November.

Come on, anglo. You know who owns her and invested in her. And in her husband.

Sitting in bumfuck nowhere waiting to get shot at isn't a war, its a cleansing of the strong.

Same. I would just horde them though, personally. I've never not regretted selling a gun, even if I made a ton of profit on it. Just remember that gun will be infinitely more valuable if SHTF, and the paper money you sold it for will be worthless.

The last gun I sold I actually traded to the guy for 50oz of silver.

Best to go to Mars and open the gates of hell.

Bridge teleportation to Earth

>What will happen to us? (Sup Forums)

Same as 2012.

Right wing rears flooded the board. It was delicious.

Trump 's gonna win. It's written on the wall. Kek is looking upon us and he's smiling

>What is voter fraud

Do you really think they won't at least try to rig it?

see: brexit

Same thing as Obama for the last 8 years, but more progressive or regressive depending on who you are

War with china and Russia, they're practically begging Russia to launch a nuke to the USA

Massive mid-east intervention, and likely a war with Russia. The possibility of nuclear conflict.

The globalist elites can't get past the first and second amendments and are ready to hit the reset button if need be. Read this.

You mean "congratulations, you won a poll, nothing will change", or some other event?


incentived to rig but did not

We will eventually become almost entirely a service economy because TPP will send any manufacturing jobs left overseas.

Because there were no real life stakes in that vote.

this cuckservative cunt in the UK is just trying to put off enacting the brexit as much as possible, though. The same fucks who want to have another brexit vote are going to inspire people here to ask for another vote after trump wins. sore losers the lot

disagree. it was a massive upset that nobody thought was possible. remind you of anything?

We will stop to sell you the rocket engines and all you don't go to the moon. KEK.

Stock prices will go up. That's about it.

More empty promises

I will still be able to be a citizen of the United States.

i honestly wish for ww3 and most of the world wasted. fuck this life and this world. inb4 kys, no. i want to go gloriously in battle.

P.S.- i wouldn't mind fucking jessica biel before i die. at least a blow job from her anyway.

gonna liquidate the several small companies I own(3 car washes, bar/grill and an auto-shop)

then I think im going to just sit back invest in offshore stuff and wait

maybe hillary will be ok maybe not

if she is good and ill open something new

if not i'll keep my money off shore and maybe buy a house on an island somewhere

How about just putting all your money into a bet on Trump winning the election?
(Only kidding -- though if you really think Hillary Clinton is that bad then you have some pretty wacky ideas!)


I'd love for a civil war to break out tho.

White male death camps

im not rich but i am if you count assets
i'm worried about my taxes

besides obamacare already keeps me from adding more people at the grill

No more boarders, they're illegal

Everyone comes to USA

Handouts for everyone except whitey

End of racism, whites in hiding

Ethnic war in ghettos, Latinos kill off majority of the blacks and reclaim tx and ca. Blacks move en masse to FL and Bible belt.

Women worse off in end, become plantation Dems reliant on government handout

Bullying of gays and trans through the roof as everyone gets disgusted with their push into mainstream.

Without Charism and with extra corruption and cucking

We sit back and enjoy pointing out how big of a failure the first female president is and troll the liberals until 2020 while she fulfills all her promises to her donors and makes excuses on why she can't keep her campaign promises. She'll be worse than Obama. Nobody can deflect the blame from her when she's at the helm.

I don't care if she wins, she will embarrass herself like she has as Secretary of state.

>$.05 cents blah blah blah

Hillary Clinton = Angela Merkel.

RIP America

Short version.

Amnesty and fast-track citizenship is passed within the first year. The demographic shift in the South and Southwest is enough to give the Democrats permanent supermajorities in all successive congresses and a default electoral college win. The US becomes a de-facto single-party state. With no effective opposition, the Dems will load up the courts with activist judges and spend the next eight years picking away at our rights and continuing to punish and demonize the White moderate working class.

Globally, we'll probably be in proxy wars with Russia if not open war before the end of Clinton's second term (and she will get a second term if she gets a first). the Western economy will undergo another major depression, and Islamic terror will continue to advance unopposed.

And Sup Forums? Sup Forums? I'd be fucking astonished if the site survives the first term.

You really think hillary is going to keep her promises to niggers? All of her donors are rich whites and jews.

Niggers ain't getting shit but Muslims in their neighborhoods if she wins. That's what's great, she not actually a progressive. She takes money from Arabs and gives speeches to Goldman Sachs. You're right about her flooding us with Mexicans and Islamics.

>the debt is still rising by over $9000 per second


>Utah blue

they're very anti-trump and now there's a mormon running...

A Mormon?

It means an armed revolution in 2020.

This isn't something I want, this is something I think is inevitable.

And liberal will never admit a damn things. Then in 2028 they will elect another liberal cuck.

I'll be gloating and shitposting for days.

I love it when bubbles get burst, and you trumptards have been living in one for too long.

I hate Shillary (and Bernie), but Trump is still the worst.

Also, I love butthurt. I probably would enjoy the aftermath of a Trump victory, despite hating him.

...I just want to watch the world burn.

There's nearly a million illegal immigrants in Florida according to Pew. Bush only beat Kerry in Florida by about 300K.

shit meant for

At that point, if we haven't formed a resistance, we deserve it.

Americans need to either wake up or accept where we are headed.

He just announced his candidacy today, I don't remember his name.Was a CIA officer or something. Sounds like he's just running to be Anti-Trump