Clock Boy Files Lawsuit Againt School
For what? Not giving him a scholarship for making a fucking clock?
He didn't even make a clock.
>I've lost a lot of things
>met the president
>almost every ivy-league college offered him a full ride
>got just about every apple product
>got just about every Microsoft product
>got a shit ton of money
>got a shit ton of sympathy
I'm even more curious as to why he waited this long. Was somebody upset their 5 minutes of fame was up?
He's trying to stay relevant which helps his father.
Just ignore and move on.
> I have lost a lot of things
Wtf has he lost? He has gotten more stuff after that incident. This motherfucker needs to stop exaggerating his problem and needs to gtfo
Good. It will come out that he went from teacher to teacher to get a desired response.
Most likely his parents want a nice settlement from the state so they can retire early.
>I lost my creativity
>Used to love building things
WTF have you build nigger?
>I don't wanna get shot
>be sand nigger
>shove the shit of a clock into a brief case
>be known "prankster"
>make it look as suspicious as possible
>make it beep in class room
>police coming in because reported by the school, required by their policy
>make huge fuss about it
>get to see president
>get a fuckton of shit and money and shiet
>sue the school district for more money
State is gonna win, the state is usually broke so their not going to shell out for a fake case like this.
Attention whores will whore.
What a literal piece of human fucking shit! This is what the white working class is paying taxes for, so that scamming mudslimes can steal that money from their noses. If they dont steal from you or affect your lives directly with terrorism or liberal white guilt they go crying to the appeasing liberal govt. Fuck this world.
>suing a public school
What does he expect to get, extra textbooks?
Bad idea, achmed
Putting himself in the public eye again once again brings attention to his fraudulency. His arrest for bringing the clock assembly (actually a disassembled retail-sold alarm clock) to school, intentionally making it very similar in appearence to an IED, generated not only a fuckton of public sympathy from dumbass liberals and a good five minutes of fame (all according to plan) but also got him free apple and microsoft shit, and a scholarship to every big-wig university in his area and beyond. Getting valuable tangible goods like this based on a con is a felony.
The internet uproar based on the original situation meant that lots of evidence of his fraud was unearthed by randoms on Sup Forums and reddit with nothing better to do, enough evidence that, if compiled, would be sufficient to charge him in court if the judge has the balls to run off of justice and fact rather than public opinion.
Not only would achmed jr. be charged, but his dad likely would be as well, a known shit-disturber and shady ex-politician who was known for using his muslim status to play victim back in his home country of assfuckistan.
Not only can the internet save the school's staff and millions of school funding from a lawsuit, but it can also throw the little fucker in jail, snuffing out the last of his beloved relevancy, proving him incorrect and crushing the last dregs of his poorly-thought-out plan.
Yeah the district has been begging for a reason to release the actual series of events so this ass clown and his family can be booed out of existence.
I'd just be happy if they were booed out of the country again. Everything was fine before he decided to come back. Fucking sandnigger.
If keks will is amongst my diges then achmed will face charges by President Trump
he soldered CPUs :^)
>the reality is
>a lot of stuff was taken from me.... like... uh.... a lot of stuff was taken from me
>something about getting shot
The bullshit is palpable.
I wish him luck though. Hope he milks the shit out of this.
Guise I live here in Irving , when news first broke out everyone was screaming racisssss (multi culti, majority hispanic)
But I gotta say everyone unilaterally hates this scheming little faggot. He moved for a reason, he was gonna get his ass beat and be mentally harassed into oblivion. Shit was gonna be dope.
And kek "I might get shot" nigga Irving cops will pull you over for driving with a busted tailight, expired sticker, and driving high and they'll tell you to chill for 20minutes and then go straight home. (Unless you lie or act like a little bitch)
Plain and simple he was scared of what we were gonna do to his ass.