Are these countries the only good countries with huge muslim populations?

Tell me when was the last time you heard about terrorist attack in any of these countries (Besides that thing with the police in Almaty which virtually no-one outside of Kazakhstan heard of)

Kazakhstan: 70.2% Muslim
Kyrgyzstan: 86.3% Muslim
Turkmenistan: 89% Muslim
Uzbekistan: 96.3% Muslim
Tajikistan: 98% Muslim
> The Russian Orthodox faith is the most widely practiced of other religions, although the Russian community shrank significantly in the early 1990s. Some other small Christian groups now enjoy relative freedom of worship.
>Kazakhstan has a very diverse and stable religious background. However, some reported occurrences of persecution against Hare Krishnas and Jehovah's Witnesses for proselytizing have raised concern in the international community.
>Hare Krishnas
>Jehovah's Witnesses
Can't really blame them.
>The Constitution and the law provide for freedom of religion in Kyrgyzstan, and the Government generally respected this right in practice; however, the Government restricted the activities of radical Islamic groups that it considered threats to stability and security and hampered or refused the registration of some Christian churches. The Constitution provides for the separation of religion and state, and it prohibits discrimination based on religion or religious beliefs. The Government did not officially support any religion; however, a May 6, 2006 decree recognized Islam and Russian Orthodoxy as traditional religious groups.
>Russian Orthodoxy as traditional religious groups
>inb4 "Increase of tensions between muslims and former muslims"

>in rural areas

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Turkey is pretty cool.

>I am not a roach
Did you see "Turkey" up on OP's list?

Except Kazakhstan most of them are dirt poor. Apart from that, yes.

Well, imagine you are sandwiched between russia, and china, just look at your picture. You don't start shit with those two as your neighbours. You just don't. And thus, these states also don't let any groups that would do so, become a threat.

Surely not the full picture, but maybe a part of it?

Blessed trips are blessed.
You are right.

He might have confused it with Turkmenistan.

They have other mindsets than the sandniggers.

>not including Turkey
>not including Indonesia
>not including Malaysia
>not including Lebanon

It's the Semites making problems, these are just some peaceful steppe goat-fuckers