Alien > Resurrection > Aliens > Prometheus > Covenant > 3
Alien > Resurrection > Aliens > Prometheus > Covenant > 3
>Resurrection > Prometheus > Covenant > 3
OP is a faggot.
What's wrong with that?
>Resurrection > Aliens
This is where you should be complaining.
>Alien >
At least you got that one right.
Real list is as follows niggers
Anything else is fake news.
I know its bait but
Aliens is bad and Cameron sucks cock. Terminator is alright I guess.
>Aliens > *
pleb detector
Only correct part.
lel, this
go to bed Joss Wheedon
>that feeling when you'll never stop trying to convince people that 3 is almost as good as Aliens
T1 is kino. T2 is dogshit.
It's fruitless. The only people who hate 3 completely are Aliens fanboys.
>almost as good
>not better
hello l*ddit
Alien > Prometheus > Alien 3 > Aliens > Resurrection
I don't even think Resurrection is outright bad (it does have terrible moments tho).
Aliens should be dead last Cameron destroyed this franchise.
Why do the ratings get more and more retarded?
>The only people who hate 3 completely are Aliens fanboys.
You say that like it's a bad thing. 3 fucking sucks.
3 has good parts and bad parts. I can understand the people who like it and the people who dislike it.
But the only people who get totally asspained and want to dismiss it entirely are Aliens fanboys who hate it for shitting on Aliens. Anyone who puts it at the bottom of the list is an Aliensfag and shouldn't be listened to.
What irritates me is that both Resurrection and 3 *Could* have been good movies.
3 could have been truly excellent in the right hands. I'm still pretty fond of it, and to be honest it's a miracle how well they stitched together this nightmare creature.
I've never even seen Resurrection though.
The only people that like Alien cubed are fincher fan boys.
Prove me wrong.
The movie is actually pretty shit. No atmosphere, no tension, bland production design, terrible cg effects, repetitive plot, its indefensible.
literallt why is anyone rating Prometheus higher than Covenant. I saw Covenant in theaters and went back and rewatched Prometheus and holy fuck is is UNWATCHABLY bad in comparison to Covenant. Covenant has some serious flaws but it is easily the best film in the franchise since Aliens.
anyone who is rating Prometheus iver Covenant is still suffering cognitive dissonance over how great the Prometheus teaser trailer was. It is a horrible, horrible movie, and i didn't fully realize just how horrible it is until i rewatched it.
>Richard Wagner: Hitler Remix
was David dare i say it /ourguy/?
Alien > Aliens > Prometheus > Covenant > Alien 3 > Resurrection
where would you fags put Isolation?
should I start by playing nightmare for ultimate spoopiness?
3 > 1 > 2 > 4
>when they put prometheus and covenant in their ranking
Alien >Resurrection > Alien 3 > Aliens
I have yet to see Covenant, but if you remove that from the ranking then I pretty much agree with you.
How the fuck do you clone somebody to have an alien baby inside of them? That already implies they have alien DNA to create whatever army they were after. The film was stupid as fuck and convinced me even more that Joss Whedon sucks.
Alien > Aliens > Alien3 > Prometheus > Alien Resurrection > Covenant
>this resurrection meme
Watch the agent9 recut. I liked prometheus either way. The beginning is sloppy but the tentacle monster and engineer scenes are A+ in my book. Plus dat Charlize.
why are there still retards trying to convince people 3 is good, it's actually worse as a whole (for many reasons within the film and it's production in general) than Resurrection.
Okay fwends don't worry, here's the real ranking
Alien > Alien 3 > Prometheus > Resurrection > Covenant > Alien$
Just done watching Covenant, it's Resurrection tier of bad, would be worse if not for the David scenes. I don't remember Prometheus well enough beyond finding it watchable, I went in with no expectation though so I'll have to rewatch it to be sure where it stands.
Alien 3 had kinda shit sets and effects but it was still way more atmospheric and had better characters than either Aliens or Resurrection
alien>>>>>>>>>>>prometheus>everything else
promtheus has a shit plot but it atleast has an amazing ost and cinematography.
The same can be said for Alien 3, and much more strongly.
The assembly cut of 3 is infinitely better than Resurrection.
Resurrection DC also happens to be much worse than the theatrical version. And it only took it around 7 minutes of additional trash.
Both of you are trolls and don't respect Resurrection like it should be respected. GET THE FUCK OUT Jeunet haters!!
Sup Forums's opinion on the Alien franchise triggers me to no end
second only to Alien
Only correct order. 3 is everything 1 needed to be for the modern age; the atmosphere, the danger, the god tier supporting cast. The original just doesn't have the right impact if you saw it after about 1982 and knew what you were getting when you went into it.
If you honestly saw Alien in the theater or before you had any idea what it was about, then you can switch 3 and 1. Otherwise, you're just a poser.
Agreed, the opening scene with the guy squishing a bug with his thumb and blowing it at the window is unnecessary, disgusting and terrible looking. I don't really remember anything else, but that scene took forever so I wouldn't be surprised if that was all of it.
Where does pic related fit in?