Fuck PR, i want money bitches!

After the entire world apologized for Ahmed Mohamed for mistaking his home made clock to a bomb, he decided to take the degenerate step of suing his school for damages. basically saying "fuck your apology, i want moneyyyyyyyyyy"

what's your take on this pol?

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Would you also blame a rape victim, user??

A lot of people suspected this was the plan all along. Father tells kids hey take this to school, when stupid Americans think it's a bomb and go nuts, we make you look like innocent little shit, then we sue their asses. Little did they know Americans were dumber than they thought and invited him to the Whitehouse, Google's Googleplex and FartBooks HQ.

A brilliant plan to take advantage of the frivolous litigation culture of the states.

And after he has spent all the money for bling... surprise surprise, he triggers the bomb.

SJW detected!

He better lose. It was not a hand made or home made clock. It was a modified clock. The school has every right to be afraid of it.

Granted this is mostly cause I expect the school is full of dumb asses and I want them to err on the side of caution.

Also wasn't the sister in trouble for some shit that made the son look more suspicious by relation?

his whole family is known for this bullshit.

Somebody needs to blow him and his family away with a shotgun.

Would you be surprised? I wouldn't. I just could imagine his father in Qatar laughing and mentioning to his backers that the president of US for gods sake invited him to the Whitehouse, and top company execs sent him things and invited them to their offices. He was made a hero in the end, and how dumb gullible Americans are. Who cares anyway, the family has a long line of bullshit in their history, this time the bullshit paid off way more than they ever imagined due to naive Americans in power who drank all the kool aid.

if you havn't beaten the system by the age of 12.. good chance you're so brainwashed and indoctrinated the most you'll ever be is a complacent sheep anyway.

not that i condone it but i dont condemn it either.

Why not? I would do the same in his place.

Get rich' or die tryin motherfucker.

Is this a surprise? This was what they were going for all along, and it might work because they aren't white.

>He better lose.

Losing the case would be worse. The entire US is on his side. He was a victim of racism, racial profiling, and islamophobia. He will absolutely win and ruin the district financially. So the school won't let it go to court. They'll pay him enough to settle it outside of court just to be done with it.

Frankly I'm glad. He was treated like shit by the school and the police. He deserves a payout. This is America, everyone is supposed to have a chance to learn in a safe environment. His rights were violated because some white pieces of shit thought Islam = terror. I hope he gets a big chunk of change to pay for college and a sweet electronics setup. He's obviously going far in life. He was making clocks while white kids in school can barely read or write. The future of America is thankfully brown and whites should die off soon enough, I can't wait.

I thought public sentiment went against him when he left the country and people started to get the full story. I thought this shit was over. We need to meme and make the normies remember they dont like this fuck.

Oh I see you are trolling ok.

This is simply what muslims do. They lie, steal and cheat

It was a setup, that was their plan all along.

>He's obviously going far in life
fuck no bro. he ruined his chances. before that, he was a victim and good things might have happened for him. now, he's going to get his money but lose the respect people have giving him and it will be worse for people like him in the future. if the same case happens for another kid soon, nobody is going to offer an apology , he's not going to the white house and/or get invited to NASA, he will be left alone.

just looked it up $15 MILLION da fuk?

>I gotchu a mothefucking clock now where mah money bitch?!

> what's your take on this pol?
He is not a retard at least. He demands money before elections, where dems platform is all about identity politics.

I wonder how many school programs they will have to cut to pay him off.

fuck this fucking little faggot
he was already given a ton of free shit and a free trip to the white house, now he wants a bunch of money too?
fucking him, die a ditch fuckboy

Ive never seen Iraq on this board before

I hope this kid gets cancer.

He got an apology and was treated like a king for months. Now he wants 15 million against a school?

He needs to die.

It's a paid vpn faggot, you still haven't seen iraq

i know right? it's like, bruh, do you even have internet there....

>The entire US is on his side.

sure Clockmed, keep on thinking that

At least get a canadian proxy if you are going to post like that...

Now there's two of us.

>mfw i finished reading that post and realized i took a big bite out of bait

Nice strawman and/or (you) attempt.

a kid in the USA got suspended for eating a poptart in the shape of a gun and this guy builds a bomblooking thing with wires all over the place and he gets millions and handshakes with the Prez.


Hillary called him back to get Trump to try and comment about it. I hope he doesn't fall for it.

>The entire US is on his side
They were at first, but I'm pretty sure even most normies realize he was full of shit.

where you at habibi/kaka?

Cool lawsuit Ahmed

umm, what?

>his high school has metal detectors and police officers

Didn't this bitch move to Qatar?

he did. but he's still suing.

What a piece of trash.

These turds always act the same. I remember when I was a kid a pack of muslims in front in a ford pinto were brake checking my mom for like 10 miles and she eventually bumped them and the first thing they say when they get out the car is "MONEY, GIVE MONEY"


You have no room to talk, Sweden.

>i'm an inventor. wanna buy a briefcase clock so you can know the time when you're at the airport?
Way to get baited by a 14 year old.

His father is a diplomat abroad I think, it was shown to be an attempt to incite controversy and guilt among people, and it was planned to look suspicious. He was also instructed by parents to act suspicious I assume, because he kept asking to present his "project" not just on science oriented class, but on any class, repeatedly until arrested. He was set free the same day, and it was just one teacher that reported him, not a whole school. I feel sorry for the kid with parents like that. After it all got out to surface, Google was so embarrassed that they couldn't let him even present his "invention" at google science fair, but they still had to keep the invitation for him as viable to avoid looking like anti-Muslim.
Btw I don't support Trump, nor do I hate Muslims, but I find hoaxes disgusting and I did quite a bit of research on this, especially on technology oriented places, to make sure since I actually felt like rooting for the kid at start when that happened.

So this guy gets a free ride at the US's most prestigious universities, a visit from the president, job offers from Apple/Google/Microsoft for taking the innards out of a Walmart alarm clock, now he is going to get settlement money. The PC west is doomed.

>I can't wait for all white people to die.
I know you're trolling but their are people who really think like this

>rape is on the same level as purposefully bringing a clock disguised as a bomb to school, to create drama

fucking KYS.

Does poptart gun kid get to sue his school? What about that story about that kid who allegedly made a racially charged comment about some brownies (the food) that somebody brought to school and resulted in the school calling the cops? Whatever happened there? I couldn't even find a news article on it that explained what the kid actually said.

this is bait

Doesnt surprise me, even the delay. I expect nothing more from Muslims.


I sure as help there was a competent defence lawyer for the school.

And I sure as hell hope they didn't cite "global unwanted attention on a minor" as a reason for such a big payout.

Because his father and him basically thrust themselves infront of every media possible, and he willingly went onto TV shows to tell people he made more complex things like soldering a CPU.

Public schools are indcronation centers anyway let it all burn

Is that you in hiding Saddam?

>After the entire world apologized for Ahmed Mohamed for mistaking his home made bomb for a clock


Unless they want more fake bombs in schools he will lose


>see something, say something

The school did exactly what society has been drilled into doing since 9/11. This goat dick sucking Ishmaelite and his family are going to get publicly embarrassed like the state of Florida did when they went after Zimmerman. The facts point to this kid's family being sharia propagandists and he was being a provocateur.

Stefan actually did an informative video detailing the timeline of fuccboi's day leading up to his arrest, including pointing out that one teacher tried to protect him by telling him to hide the thing and take it home.


I'm glad this sand nigger's family are suing the city and school, I can't wait to see this clockboy shit revisited and destroyed in front of the kike media who promoted him. It'll be another red pill for people who still think the media is responsible.

the courts will have to decide if they dont settle. white cops dont go to jail often for defending themselves in america. i dont think sjw shit is popular with people who do jury duty...

vote trump - it's the only way to solve that problem.


shhhh my oppressed minorities agenda