It's time
It's time
All Muslims must die.
All bankers must die
gib AS Val pls.
Either share your slavshit raifus with us or fuck off, Vlad.
>tfw I'll never be able to afford an authentic military SVD
why live
It's our politicians that have fucked us on this. We could have Russian or Chinese rifles for pretty cheap if they didn't keep putting import restrictions on them. Canada gets sks for 300 svt for 400 and Chinese m1a copy's for 6-700
Yeah I know but hopefully if Trump opens up better relations with Russia we can pressure them into repealing that shit. Fuck Clinton. Or whoever it was that started that shit. I think it was either Clinton or Reagan.
how do russians feel about us? because i have a brotherly respect for them
russia is like a best friend that shows up on your doorstep at one in the morning with a shotgun & says "we're gonna be rich tomorrow, but first you gotta help me kill the guy who stole my cocaine"
like russians are as insane as americans, but i admire that, we have common ground on alcohol & guns
They were both equally shitty but I think Reagan fucked us harder in the long run
>hourly russia shill thread
I'm half Russian and I assure you Russians would love to co operate with the US.
I knew the alt right and pol was infiltrated by Russian trolls
Trump is the Siberian candidate
The north pole is ours vlad
I am American and I assure you real Americans want it too
No such thing
Hey look it's that guy with the illegitimate government. What a fag!
Agreed. The bear and the eagle global reunion tour.
Wishing we could be bros
We should split Canada in half with Russia. No more shitposting leafs.
We'd be raising the union jack faster then you can let vlad fuck your wife.
>t. America's Hat
I've always had a fondness and respect for Russian culture and their contributions to civilization, particularly their plethora of inrivalled writers (Dosyevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Gogol, Pushkin, et al). Let's take back Constantinople Russia bros.
Woman on right looks exactly like my wife