ITT we trigger whiteys

ITT we trigger whiteys

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So the black guy is eating from a prison tray?

>Niggers eating food off of paper plates on thanksgiving

That just cracks me up.

Not even surprised.

please nigger

Both look disgusting tbqh

Lost. Thanks orangechickenbro.

So black people can say that white people eat unseasoned food and that's fine but if I call a black person a big lipped gigaboo I'm a racist? Double standard much?

Whiteys huh?

Oh you're Irish.

>1 post by this ID

I enjoy the holidays with both my mother and father. Can blacks say the same?

Maybe it's like a BBQ.


That's not what a prison meal looks like

What's the largest turkey you've ever cooked? 10 pounds, 12 pounds, 15!.

Those are chickens, a full size turkey at the age of maturity can weigh into the 50 pound range for a tom.

My mother cooked a 38 pound turkey for a house full of people and guests.

Your butterball doesn't stand a chance against actual farm raised turkies.

What family?

That Mac n cheese looks fucking disgusting

hay now, lots of them get food at the homeless shelter also,


Butthurt jamal detected

>literally invented the concept of cooking
>the most popular dishes and top famous chefs are all white except Italy
>hurrdurr whites got no culture

What's a "thanksgiving plate"?

Anyone wanna look up heart disease by race :^)

Funny how the people that always complain about racism are the ones that act like they're superior.

not shipping niggers back to africa was greatest mistake ever done in human history lads. u literaly cant prove me wrong

Where the fuck did this meme come from about whites having shit food? Don't those stupid niggers realise that practically all modern popular cuisine including roast dinners are white? Without is they would be eating pic related - mud cakes, literally mud left out in the sun to dry or drinking cows piss ( they actually do that shit too) #africancuisine


>not having fine china

>mashed potatoes

smashing a potato is now a recipe

>food not touching

>disgusting mess
>unhealthy, greasy
>food touching

niggers are literal savages

Is there any way I can stop enjoying not being a nigger so much? It's getting distracting.

are there even any black ppl in your country?
why are you so triggered?

ahahahaha niggers have shit lives

probably because english food is piss poor and most immigrants came in through new england.

tbf we do joke on here about the cheese burger being the US's greatest achievement

shut up white cracka

Someone post a picture of slaves waiting on a white family #thanksgivingwithblackfamilies

yes there are, quite a lot honestly i meet like 5 a day. even in these numbers they are annoying ugly fucks.


Niggers BTFO

I never knew that blacks actually ate off of paper plates and used plastic utensils until a black woman I worked with told me about it. I was so taken back that I asked other people and found out how common it was.

Is the left supposed to be prison food?

>polished, expensive shits
>gourmet foods

This is a true definition of white privilege.

>When niggers face

The nigger who took these pictures couldn't afford an actual plate for either of these.

Well it is if you do it properly.
>Salt & pepper

Dumb frog.

The climate in Europe let us store meat and perishables slightly longer before it went rotten. We didn't need to have Heavily spiced food to make it taste good. note Garlic/ curry, pepper, mustard, chillies etc become more common in traditional cusine as you go to warmer climates. Of course spices were expensive so having them in your dinner was like saying "would you like some gold to sprinkle on your meal" to show off how rich you were.

>food touching

>not eating shit together and slurping all the God-knows-what off your plate at the end

why? i cant imagine they act so badly in country such as yours

and adding milk, garlic, and spices according to certain ratios. The ratios are what make it a recipe.

Coons are fucking budget. Fucking bargain basement niggas. Cut price hoodrats ahahahaha like fucking gypsies ahahahahaha niggers

Reminder Texas will be ours by 2020.

baguette in charge of reading , i never stated i was a white little cuck

they are annoying savages not respecting everyday rules? jumping around like monkeys, taking whole pavement for pack of them and not moving when someone approaching from other side etc etc. they are generaly uncivlized.


then going to pick up your welfare check afterwards. nothing can beat this feel.

>either one of those disgusting things

were teh fry chikken and 40's at?

i'm not even Italian pathetic fag

god dayum
I said god dayum
where am dat warty-melon? Oh lawd have mercy!


I am surprised you Italian fuckers even know what thanksgiving is fuck of Europe don't talk shit about something you will never experience or understand

White trash does this too, even when they own (usually inherited) china. Most don't even register an issue when entertaining guests with Great Value foam plates.

from the amount of (you) i collected i can say white ppl are so so easily triggered

Yeah, right. That fucking European privelege! What the fuck do they know about OUR thanksgiving? Da?

Meats, grains and potatoes don't have nationalities.

But you're some "muh immigrant heritage" "muh nation of immigrants" meme spouting mickwop so I won't even bother.

t. Fifteenth generation American with forbears at the first Thanksgiving

>all modern popular cuisine including roast dinners are white

Not true. A classic stereotype of black food is fried chicken and watermelon.

Yes, white people used to make fun of Black Americans for eating fried fucking chicken as if it was dog food.

You were saying?

still seems a bit of an overreaction for poor manners

dafuq is coleslaw ?

>taking whole pavement for pack of them and not moving when someone approaching from other side etc etc.

That sounds pretty rough bro, here they just shoot and stab people.

Thanksgiving is an annual celebration where we give thanks for being American.

We could easily have been born into a second or third world shithole like you. Even worse, we could have been born into western Europe and be so cucked we allow shitskins to rape with impunity. Instead, the fates granted us the privilege of being born in the greatest nation on earth. We want for nothing, have more guns than people, and can kill niggers without fear or punishment. Our military is matched by none and we have enough nukes to destroy the planet.

So, each year we gather with our loved ones and gorge ourselves on food while we give thanks for not being born Ethiopian. So much food is served and eaten during this ritual that we use extra large plates and pile them high with delicious food.

Niggers on the other hand are generally kept in cages when we aren't hunting them, so they receive imitation meals on foam trays during this holy day.


>Thanksgiving meal served on school cafeteria tray with carton of milk is how white people eat at a major US holiday

itt: Italy shows that bulk of populace is functionally retarded

Why the fuck are they eating off that prison canteen shit? Have they never heard of plates? God dayum lord have mercy! O mussah!

t. Tyrone

Thank God for multiculturalism so brown people can buy their own food in our countries.

>We could easily have been born into a second or third world shithole like you
Daaaamn. I prefer living in a second world country to living in the US while having to compensate this much for an inferriority complex.

Basically they have an extra christmas in november so the fat fucks can eat more

have you ever even eaten turkey before ? I doubt it euro fag . it must suck living there

vs "Southern" peoples

I remember the whole blacks vs white thanksgiving thing
It really showed a disconnect between how black people think we are and how we actually are
Even a big disconnect between how they see themselves and how they actually are

They live in a fantasy world

Of course they're gonna make the plate full, it's the only meal they'll get that month


Sounds nice

Have you ever asked yourself "Why exactly people call it turkey?" That and a bit of geography would answer your question.

Black people Thanksgiving

It's basically an Americanized version of sauerkraut.

Le "white people food" meme xd
Italian cuisine is great, so are Spanish and French cuisines for example.

I dont even know but its shit and an obligation to eat since some nigger always brings or makes it at thanksgiving. Its like cold lettuce, mayonaise and potatoes, idk

Shredded cabbage with some other veggies like carrots and onions mixed with a sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar sort of base. There are lots of different variations of it, but those are pretty common ingredients.

No, Turkeys are from N. America.

Which whites are you even hanging out with? Even the poorest amongst us can scrape up a turkey, dressing, and potatoes with gravy.

thanks giving is easily way better then charismas dinner you dumb ass brit you wish you had an American culture that's why you try to copy as much of it as you can .

Pretty sure it's just southern American food that niggers just co-opted

shut up it's nothing like sauerkraut
it's more like russian salad

>knowing youll never have the chance to sit down and eat paula deans thanksgiving dinner.
>why live

Of course. As well as Jesus, human rights and roasting meat on a grill

That's dumb. You are comparing a school lunch to someone's actual dinner.

Fuck yourself. Yank food is pretty good I'm not going to lie, it's no wonder you're all so big.

>cabbage with mayonnaise

what the fuck?

>butter: the post

A friend of mine met her and said she was extraordinarily nice. Cant remember the circumstances but I think Paula actually cooked specifically for her family and it had something to do with her graduating marine boot camp

Um isnt this thread a little racist and sexist much? I mean, we're all different people and come from different backgrounds. Some families may not be able to afford certain amounts of food, but that doesn't make us better or worst than the next person. I think it's important to understand that the real value of Thanksgiving is family and being thankful for what we do have. We are all humans and deserve equal treatment.

Just having a bit fun.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that commemorates a meal eaten by the pilgrims back in 1621. We typically eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatopie, and a few either things. Pumpkin pie is often served for dessert. It is one of the better holidays because it isn't as commercialized (aside from people buying food) like Christmas and such.

>eating turkey for Thanksgiving
Turkeys are the opposite of American values. Chicken-fried chicken and chicken-fried steak are all you need. You guys need to pick up your pocket-Constitution and do some serious thinking.