Heavily Stylized Movies

A thread about movies with the most beautiful/interesting/dramatic art stylization. Movies where the art direction is part of the experience, not just a way to convey the story to the viewer. I need some recs. A short list if you haven't seen any of these yet:

>1986, pictured. Dir. Michael Mann. Probably my favorite shots of all time in this one
>2008, stars Tom Hardy
Any Given Sunday
>1999, starring Al Pacino and dir. by Oliver Stone.
Blade Runner
>1998, Canadian indie horror film. Super underrated, one of the only horror movies l like

Will be dumping some nice shots

Other urls found in this thread:


Black Swan


La Haine

The Matrix. I heard the green filter over the movie was only introduced in 2003. Theatrical and early DVD releases didn't have that odd color correction. Anyone know where to find a copy of one of those?

Jacob's Ladder good af

Sorcerer, 1977


Another good one of Sorcerer

Luc Besson does it like that


I've seen Leon, which was great, but haven't heard of this. I'll check it out, thanks


The Hunger (1983)

I prefer it over Leon personally.

Didn't know Tony Scott made something like this

T2 Trainspotting is basically orgasmic

Another great-looking movie by Tony Scott a lot of people probably haven't seen because it's about NASCAR. Still great

Ex machina.


lol this movie sucked wtf

I miss Tony Scott

The Hunger is the fucking tits. SO awesome

Dumping a bunch from Kanye West's Runaway. Don't laugh. Really thrilling and grandiose to watch.

2015 MacBeth was great.


Angel Dust from 1994 is shot with a dreamlike/surreal quality to mirror its plot. Definitely give it a shot if you can find it.

Agreed. It was a visually stunning movie.


lol nice shot

Never watched any Shakespeare adaption because I can't stand/understand the language. #sorrynotsorry. Worth it for this one?


In The Mood For Love

sonantine and hana-bi are both very visually unique and interesting movies

Synopsis sounds really interesting. Not sure where I'll be able to find it with eng subs. Might have to actually buy a movie again

Institute Benjamenta
Fallen Angels
Castaway on the moon
Sympathy for the Underdog

this site has subs for like every movie. opensubtitles.org/en/search/sublanguageid-all/idmovie-17053

I think Tarkovsky is the epitome of this idea

If you're not on private trackers try Bit Che my dude.


So I'm basically tagging a bunch of public trackers and searching them all at once?

I might finally be able to watch Stalker, thanks.

user... youtube.com/watch?v=TGRDYpCmMcM
This is the best restoration of the film available, by the way.


Presumably they have everything by Tarkovsky?

Not that user, but thanks. And this is a phenomenal version.

Yeah it's basically a search engine for most public trackers. BTDigg is similar to that I think but Bit Che is more convenient imo

I feel like I might catch some flak for mentioning this but 300 definitely has a unique visual style.

I'm not sure but here's a magnet link to his filmography in 1080p, although the file sizes might be a bit too small for some peoples liking. Also it doesn't include his student films. I'll be seeding it for the foreseeable future.


bit che is awful, nothing on it ever works.

Just search piratebay, if you can't find anything with seeds then grab a filename and search it through google, with quotations then list it by "this week/this month/this year" until you find osmething

Also the Stalker in this torrent is not the newest restoration; it's noticeably grainy. The mosfilm restoration will be on trackers on the 18th when criterion releases their copy

Haha i was afraid to bring it up too but it does look amazing. People ought to be less snobby, they'd find greatness where they don't expect

Bit Che pads its seeders for some trackers but it includes searches for piratebay too. I know I've found a shitton of old movies on it that no one seeds on TPB anymore.

300 looks like shit


Tokyo Drifter

Came to this threat to say this.

check out rutracker.org

also try to get on cinemaz and avistaz (it has open registration fairly regularly)

space cop

Blade Runner is shit though.


every mann film is stylized.


You ever watch Manhunter in a shitty resolution like that ever again and I swear to fucking God I will find out where you live and come murder you with a fucking knife.

It's a little long winded but damn is it pretty. Like watching a moving painting.

hahahaha found it on google images


Slumdog millionaire




The Fall
Peking Opera Blues

, pictured. Dir. Michael Mann. Probably my favorite shots of all time in this one
, stars Tom Hardy
>Any Given Sunday
, starring Al Pacino and dir. by Oliver Stone.
>Blade Runner
Fucking cringe. Just stick to videogames.


what the fuck are you even asking for

Fuck off. That movie is the ugliest piece of shit ever.

Zack Snyder has a very interesting and creative style, but it's wasted on shitty or inappropriate subject matter.

>tfw I been putting off watching this

I honestly think Kanye is one of the best currently active artists