Directed in 1993

>directed in 1993
>story starts in 1996

So the director really thought that scientists would invent cryogenic stasis in 3 years??

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inb4 the shells

Neil Armstrong thought we'd have moon colonies by the 90s.

We sure showed him!

the original story was written in 1986.

OK then couldn't they have updated it a little bit instead of blindly following it


the "freeze me till you can cure me" crap had already started in the early 90s.

Even long before that, try the 70s

But completely reforming the prison issue with such a solution would take decades

Did you also notice where LA was literally a warzone

Like not in the hypothetical "people occasionally get mad and shoot each other" way, all the skyscrapers were on fire and the gangs were shooting down helicopters

MGS is the worst offender

That's not unrealistic. Shit can go down very fast.

Movies have started doing this ironically now

Turbo Kid came out two years ago and takes place in the "robot-infested nuclear wasteland of 1995"

someone doesn't remember the RK riots

Yeah, it should've been set 200 years in the future. Or at least almost his full sentence, can't remember what it was.

I don't get why movies don't do that, just make the movie 500/600 years in the future. Stop going 20 or even 50 years into the future. There's over 100 years of cinema precedent to not do this.

Mom where outa oyster shells!!!!!

There's a fucking bucket of em under the counter!!

Is it?

Not really because that already set up an alternate future history what with OILIX and giant walking battle tanks in the 1980s, then even further with MGS 4

by that time peple didnt yet know that gender theories and social media were going to be much important things than dedicating time to science.

Society in The Road went to shit super fast, even the apocalypse happened within a 10-year span (the kid was born right after it happened).

The Road had a particularly nasty apocalypse where all plant life on earth died

Wait a minute if that happened wouldn't everyone suffocate before they starved?

I guess you haven't seen the film

It was set like that because originally the female cop was supposed to be his grown-up daughter and not a love interest
In the final version his daughter is one of the underground people. You can still see her actress in a couple scenes but they cut out the entire subplot

Because 50-100 years in the future is enough to keep settings pretty much the same while adding little sci-fi elements here and there. Saves on production costs without having to rely on too much cgi.


>He STILL doesn't know

It was a different time

>Implying Taco Bell isn't going to wipe out all competition in the long run

>Wait a minute if that happened wouldn't everyone suffocate before they starved?

>If we killed of all the animals in this world so that only we could use the oxygen, it would last 1,014 years.


>they STILL haven't explained
>34 years and counting...