Prometheus was great ! Let's make it again!

Prometheus was great ! Let's make it again!

>end Prometheus in a cliffhanger
>fuck that let's just do the same shit again

And even better: Let's make the same shit for a THIRD time, but between both films! (Alien:Awakening)
Seriously, da fuck.

By the way what is your general opinion on both films?
The first Alien film was a pure horror film on a sci fi scenario, the second was an action film and the other ones were a weird mix of action/adventure/horror/sci fi.
Prometheus was sci fi adventure and Covenant was horror again.

covenant was a massive fuck you, that's all i'll classify it as was a huge mess. But I think that's exactly my point, they should focus on adventure/story or on the horror but both aspects can't be balanced without sacrificing quality.
I felt like they couldn't decide on whether to show an alien killing somebody or showing David and his experiments and expanding the story.

"Let's show David and his lab and his adventures with Dr. Shaw. The Engineer's Planet does look interesting"
5 minutes later
"Nah, we need more blood and killings, no time for boring stories"
The entire fucking film was a loop of indecision between adventure and horror.

Covenant started out as a generic sci fi though

>the engineers will return in the next film
boy i can't wait to see them get wiped out in an under 5 minute scene again!

Exactly! And then switched to horror, and then back to sci fi, and so on. It's like Ridley Scott has a split personality when he directs.

>that feel when you realize Shaw never knew that David was responsible for her husband's mutation and her trusting nature was taken advantage of by that fucking toaster

"That fucking toaster"

Nah, it's the same thing as with Gravity. Murphys law. They showed everything that could go wrong on a settling mission in an Alien universe.

offscreen even

"Earth's greatest scientists with an IQ under 100, literally the worst problem solving skills ever and with impulsiveness issues" What could go wrong?

>Nah, it's the same thing as with Gravity. Murphys law. They showed everything that could go wrong on a settling mission in an Alien universe.

you mean like nobody wearing enviro suits onto an unknown alien planet? Ignore that the spores could have bypassed whatever filtration it has, who the fuck is stupid enough to do this?

Someone brought this up in another thread and the problem with this and Prometheus is that it's a bunch of fucking morons compounded with sabotage from an outside source rather than a competent crew of people who are confronted by external sabotage and forces outside of their depth.

If I walked into a room with a monster chomping on one of my crew and then some retard robot screamed at me for killing it, there's no way I wasn't going to at least shear off his fucking arm to show I mean business

"And don't forget to take off your masks in case the air is breathable. That's literally the only reason for using a protective device on your heads"

If the story was these 'pioneers' and 'scientists' were all Weyland Corp diversity hires and the entire cast were low iq non whites, then the amount of retardation that goes on in these prequels would start to make sense.

They're settlers on their first mission, none of them know what they're doing outside of the ship. Plus they're all hazy from hypersleep.

Also how are you going to fight a robot?

>They're settlers on their first mission, none of them know what they're doing outside of the ship. Plus they're all hazy from hypersleep.

Those are poor excuses and I think you know that. Their have to be protocols for this shit, that isn't even the planet they were supposed to go to!

>Also how are you going to fight a robot?

David is not indestructible, guns will work just fine.

"none of them know what they're doing outside of the ship"
Dude, uncertainty is no reason for literal stupidity. The smartest scientists on earth shouldn't fail this bad at basic logic.

why are the characters in horror movies always so fucking stupid, do horror movies not work if the characters/victims aren't stupid?

>no protective equipment going onto an alien planet
>come across a robot stranded that looks exactly like yours
>robot cuts his hair and now looks like a twin of yours
>discover robots a psychopath and you still don't fucking kill it, even given all the chances people had, you allow it to lure you into a trap, you're literally so stupid that you do exactly as it asks you to
>still wanting to have your robot on board leaving the planet, why? your ship has an AI, you do not need the robot, it's literally unnecessary and it could have been the evil psychopath robot but you still trust it and show no concern
>go to sleep with a probably psychopathic robot on board

Odd I do not remember that scene.

You mean Hawking?

Smartest people are usually autistic and weird as fuck

>end Prometheus in a cliffhanger
>shit all over it


>why are the characters in horror movies always so fucking stupid, do horror movies not work if the characters/victims aren't stupid?

The characters in The Thing are not stupid, they are however WAY out of their depth and even worse dealing with mounting paranoia, it takes Macready wrapping himself in dynamite to get everybody to sit the fuck down and sort things out "rationally", look at what happens after the blood test, everybody is on fucking board.

Autism usually appears in people with IQs over 150. They may be weird, have their own vision of the universe but they won't be stupid by any means.
Social skills decrease with autism, problem solving ones do not.

Yes, that's an example of a right portrayal of smart people. When panic ensues, irrationality begins but not before like in the Alien universe. Everyone is stupid BEFORE the danger happens.

Nigga there's a thing called hubris and Greeks have been writing 10/10 dramas on the matter.


I rewatched The Thing a couple of days ago, it's amazing how you don't question the decisions made by the characters most of the times.

Something's strange ? they deal with it, with some sort of logic.

In Covenant, they are the stupidest people that I have seen in a film in a long time. Who goes an unknown alien planet without at least a fucking helmet. You have to get vaccines to go to Africa or some third world countries where a mosquito can kill you.
But noooo.. let's get on an alien planet where we heard human music for some reason, let's not wait out the storm that took a few hours to calm down, let's not realise that there's a fucking huge city in walking distance of where they land and most important of all let's not wear any kind of protection because ''air is breathable''.

Let's not forget that nobody seems to care that there is wheat that has been cultivated on this fucking planet.

And that's only the start of the film, the bad and stupid decisions just keep coming and coming.

The previous user was referring to autistic people. Hubris is arrogance and usually does not have a high prevalence within actually smart people as it does with dumb people. Look for the dunning-krueger effect.
But yeah, point is that scientists in those movies should be smarter and more rational.

Right? Was thinking exactly the same thing. The Thing was amazing, even the new version was good.

>why weren't they prepared, and able to deal with an genetically engineered super weapon?

How can you be rational in an irrational situation?

The whole motif is survival in extreme and unfamiliar situations. It's in the title.

Also the scientists did a good job in the end operating the machinery to dispose of the alien now that it was on their turf and familiar surroundings.

Look at what the other user said about characters in The Thing.

Apparently he hasn't followed the film. The storm would not leave for a long time and they needed to figure out if the planet was suited for colonisation asap, everybody was anxious to get out of the ship after the accident. The motivations were clearly established for why everyone said fuck it lets do this. Without this human element what characterisation do you have?

The storm was a shitty plot point I agree but if TV were to write an Alien film it would most likely suck balls and miss the point entirely. It's not the point of these films to be 100% logical scientific print in cinema form. It's sci fi, which is on the same level as larping Lotr.

This issue of no precautions taken could be easily taken care of and it could still lead to a crew member becoming infected accidently.
Accidents happen, people make mistakes from time to time. However people constantly behaving wrecklessly and making terrible illogical decisions in this setting quickly becomes really aggravating.

Humans aren't perfect beings and make terrible decisions every day in the mundane life.

>it's shit on purpose

great way to script a movie

No one really cares about redshirts anyways, we all know what's gonna happen, the fact that you hate them for being stupid only makes it more satisfying seeing them getting killed.

We're all here for the spectacle, not the plot. The plot just needs to be there and make enough sense for the main set pieces and scenes to happen.

You're right. This kind of stuff is made for mud people and not worth bothering with.

That's how action and horror movies are made, writers think of the coolest ways they can show off the action and gore within the limits of the budget and reality and then string the scenes together by a plot.

That's the thing, is it really a horror movie? You can't make 90 minutes of 1000 Ways to die (In Space) and make a compelling story at the same time. By trying to do both, they failed.

Jesus Christ you're fucking embarrassing. Take your low as fuck standards and get the fuck off my movie board.

Well, as much as I hate saying it, he's right. In a gory horror movie you should shut your brain off and "enjoy" it because the plot is secondary.
Horror movies are usually rated horribly because raters think that all movies are potential competitors for the Oscars and need to have a perfect plot, while the jumpscares and cheap thrills are what really matters.

Is that even from the movie? Doesn't look like any of the characters

I can argue the last point. She was completely unaware that David had replaced Walter, he even cut off his own hand to help with the masquerade. By the time she figured it out, she was seconds from going back into hypersleep, which she couldn't physically stop from happening

Lower your expectations numbnuts and see things for what they are and not what you think they should be. Your life will be infinitely easier.

It's Walter being shanked by David.

No fucking wonder I didn't recognize it. That image must be onscreen for maybe a quarter of a second