Hiilary is in need of a Check-up from the Neck-Up

Seriously, is she suffering stroke-related dementia or some other mentally debilitating disease?

Bitch be acting funny.

Do we want her to be our President?

>Fuck no we don't.


Other urls found in this thread:



Hillary's cackle-fest.

Hillary will just piss herself and run to the bathroom at a debate with the Donald, like she did at the DNC debates.

Donald needs to ask her about her incontinence.

Something, at any rate, is going on with this bitch.

Sad, in a way.

I hear Muslims deal with heads pretty well.

Are you referring to that poor bastard who may have been a spy for the US that she got killed via her hacked email?

That Senator Tom Cotton referred to on Sunday?

Her email leaks.

She has no empathy.

Will we ever know the extent of her damage to the US to the agents of the US?

But Hillary doesn't give a shit.



>Is that you John Wayne?
>I don't know, is that me?

Had to be seen, user but that made my senses scream.

Give me fingernails on a chalkboard anytime before that.

I wouldn't put money on Hillary or Donald living long enough to make it through one term. They are both old and not all there. Hope everyone likes the VP picks.

Cropped version


Frankly I like either VP pick better than either presidential candidate.

It's Parkinson's anons


It's not a very high bar to vault over.

The part leading up to 7:00 is pretty clearly secret service dashing up when they see something in the crowd that gives them pause, something that border-line made them want to drag her ass out of there.

You sure that all of them were?

Sounded like they were talking to a mental patient, user.

Donald's eccentricities have always been a part of him, I don't see any mental change in him over the years. He's always up and about, going all over the country with high energy, so physical health doesn't seem to be much of an issue either.

He'll definitely survive one term

Donald is mentally strong and mentally resilient.

Hillary is clearly neither.

Donald doesn't drink and never has.

Never smoked.

He will live for decades.

And he punked the shit out of Jeb Bush, a man much younger than him.

>Jeb is such a cuck

This. Donald is undoubtedly old, but you don't see the mental change that hilary displays in these videos.

Look at her eyes, user.

Something is going on in her head.

Well I'll be damned.

Something sure isn't right.

Don emperor God Trumps bar is pretty damn high



Many people close to him, and even Trump himself admit that he gets "confused" easily. He does do okay for being 70, but do you actually know anyone who is that age? They're pretty feeble. I don't understand why we selected two old farts as our candidates. I barely trust my grandpa to go to the store by himself, let alone understand legislation about technology, world politics, or to be the leader of the free world.

>I don't understand why we selected two old farts as our candidates
8 years of the hip, young president didn't setip you off?

Never heard him say that.

Are you a Hillary shill?

Whoever wins, they are going to be the oldest president we've had in a while. Not encouraging when even younger presidents fail to easily grasp modern tech issues.

Search engines are easy to use. You should try it!





>Do we want her to be our President?
yes we do! The fact that retarded anons are resorting to made-up smear tactics after Trump has had the worst two weeks of campaigning ever just goes to show how unqualified Trump and his shills really are. It's time to accept someone competent and experienced and not that guy who seriously wants to use nuclear weapons and destroy the whole fucking world.

Fuckyou she'll be great, seriously, she's 69, and the presidency is not a dictatorship.. other people will help her rule when she's not well

Hill shills detected.

Shoo shoo Hill shill.

do ur research satan trips, her record is amazing, she has tremendous experience

So does a prostitute, that doesn't make her marriage material.

Smells like desperation. Welcome into our fold, Satan.

Nice argument, user.

Does she _really_ know that Donald Trump is *not* her husband?

She clearly said "we're not going to raise the taxes"
Also that thing is not some medical tool
Pretty much proves Ramzpaul and entire alt-right is just bunch of pseudointellectuals

underrated post!

Oy Vey it's the hilshill from TrumpGen.

is this guy a hummasexual?

If you mean RAMZPAUL, no. He likes the pussy.

If you are calling Hillary a guy, then yeah, probably.

>that look when you really don't give a fuck about the trail of bodies behind you

She is evil. Evil.

>If you mean RAMZPAUL, no. He likes the pussy.

i am.... and are you *sure* about that?

seems fruity in the booty


Sauce on Trump not smoking/drinking?

Hospitalize Hillary

Why is she resting 20 hours a day?

Where is she hiding?

Can Hillary last until November?

She is preparing to have a stroke and become new Franklin D. Roosevelt. Just as planned. It has to believable when it happens.

Ayyyyy! It's an H with an arrow.

Clever, fo sho.