>94-year-old Doctor Harlan Van Over has held many titles in his life. And now, he can add being a sixth degree black belt to that list.
>He's the oldest person to test for this level and he says he isn't stopping anytime soon.
>Doctor Harlan Van Over is also breaking records. Van Over is now one of about 200 people to achieve the honor of a sixth degree black belt, and he's definitely the oldest to reach this milestone.
i dont know what kind of place the dude in the vid goes to but at legitimate practices they dont just hand them out. generally only a low amount of people have gotten any kind of blackbelt and you have to be a certain age to even get one.
Kayden Gray
ninja grandpa gives me hope
Charles Cook
she is a big girl
Sebastian Price
Took my dad 40+ years to get his 5th degree black belt in shotokan. Korean shit is a joke.
Julian Collins
A Black belt is given on the discretion of the individual gym owner so they're really just a meaningless prop now
Michael Reed
i wonder what the smallest caliber gun is that could shoot completely through both of her ass cheeks
Owen Baker
>that webm i feel disgusted... with myself
Jaxon Bennett
>shot down 3 times over germany and has lived to tell the tale how based can one man get?
For clarification, there are 19 total ranks in martial arts: 10th kyu (white belt) to 1st kyu (black belt), then 1st dan to 10th dan (1st kyu and 1st dan are the same rank)
Kyu are training ranks, dan are mastery ranks. When tweens boast about how badass they are because they have a black belt, odds are they're 1st dans, which signifies "I'm competent in the fundamentals of the art and am now ready to begin real training". If someone claims to be an 8th dan or higher and they're under 50, they're very likely either a prodigy or a fraud.
Brody Martin
I was just thinking about "is there such thing as too much ass on non-landwhale girls?" This webm has given me an answer. Yes there is.
And ninja grandpa is cool. And it does not really matter if he capable of beating the shit out of gangsters. He is not letting his body rot.
Josiah Price
thats a Mcdojo real karate masters sink their hands on buckets full of stone to make them harder,such things. Karate was a very brutal art