Refute this Sup Forums

Refute this Sup Forums

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The Natives died from small pox.


lmao dont you have someone to mug pedro

Isn't America already white-minority in the youngest generations?

The native american genocide didn't happen overnight.

Europeans in Europe arent responsible for the Genocide in America.

not our problem.

>race that never invented metal working, the alphabet, sits down and takes it as they are destroyed

>race that went to the moon own't just let it happen

good argument

>and navi


But the genocide of whites is objectively a far more catastrophic thing than the genocide of blacks.
White people ushered the world to new technological heights, and blacks can't even sustain a functional society bigger than a small village.

easy, we don't want to end up like the prairie niggers. who thought this would be a good comparison lol

Funny they would use that example when it's better used as an anti immigration metaphor.

What's that animated video where they depict Europeans coming ashore and complain about the natives being racist against them?

I cant
White "genocide" is a meme

Native Americans are happy to be cucked. They can't run prosperous civilizations on their own

The white race's destiny is to conquer, rule, and build civilization. If other races threaten this we will destroy them
I'd kill every single non-white personally if it meant the survival of our race.


>reddit memes
Time for you to go back

Natives were committing genocide against each other long before we arrived and when we got here, we did what they were already doing.

White people didn't kill indians

Hispanics did since they were from spain

You created the shitty economic and religious environment for them to come here.
Now go away

>refute this strawman
i think not


Didn't the Spanish and Portuguese kill the vast majority that diseases didn't? Not white people's problem. Also the ones that adapted and integrated lived on. The bones that didn't ... didn't.

The native white population has a birth rate of about 1.5.

The invasion force has a birth rate of around 5.

So for every 3 white kids being born, theres 10 brown ones.

We won't "see" the results for another 20 years, but it's going to be especially bleak in europe.

Fuck off monkey boy

Spaniards and Portuguese aren't in the 60 percent white

The brown stick figure should be driving a truck through the white stuck figures.