Fuck America

I am living in America Atm (From Switzerland) I can't stand this place..

Why can't dirty Americans compete with the glorious European race? Why are Americans set up for failure?

Like what wrong with you fucks? You are all literally obsessed with guns.. Like what the fuck? And you also treat niggers like human beings.. Also Fem Nazis started in America.. And also all sorts of Sjw's started out in America.. Your policy for freedom is killing you from the inside out.. Like your government is allowing these people to exist..

Also our History is better in every way possible.. we have so much history it would take Trillions of books to explain our history while it would only take about 9 thousand books to explain America.. literally no comparison..

Our Women are Sexier (Most of the time) because more people actually walk here..

Our super cars are better designed than yours..

And our fucking pensis are still unviolated.

America would be nothing without there mother land.

America.. stay mad.. ok? because we could overthrow you anytime we want.

Other urls found in this thread:



Why are you living in America?

post your passport cuck

ITT: Triggered Amerifats jealous of glorious Europe.

nice proxy loser

Thats really hurts, Sven. I will never be mean to you or your boyfriend Ahmed again.

WTF I hate America now


Announcing sage without anything else a ban able offence faggot. Hopefully the mods will deal with your ass soon enough.

>And our fucking pensis are still unviolated.
Well, how can you argue with that?

>And our fucking pensis are still unviolated.
>And our fucking vaginas are still unviolated.

>And you also treat niggers like human beings
is that a bad thing?

You're all future sand-niggers. Your grand-sons and grand-daughters will be named "Mohammed" and "Fatima" so don't talk so much shit.

>Enjoy every day of my glorious American life
>Man life is so good
>See this post
>Shrug and go back to my awesome life

Literally just happened.
Dog bless.

Most of what you say is true except:
>Our super cars are better designed than yours..
SSC says "what up?"
>because we could overthrow you anytime we want.
You're welcome to try. Don't be surprised if you end up with more holes than your cheese though


>we could overthrow you anytime we want.
No, that's the problem.

The whole world is watching, but no one's doing anything.

Trump will win.

America differs by state you moron thanks to all the diversity, but races naturally segregate to their own communities all while at the same time pushing for more diversity.


trips ghet

Fucking spam detectors


You're confusing Switzerland with Sweden. Why is your side of the world so fucking retarded when it comes to geography.


rock n roll

Cool bait kid

rolll enig

>I can't stand this place

Don't like it then get the fuck out


Does the football quarterback and team captain care about the opinion of the chess team?

You're the chess team.

>American starts anti American thread

>UK will be blamed for it with 1 zillion threads insulting us even though we've redeem'd ourselves with anti cuck technology and told the EU nigger dick lickers to go die in a fire pit of hell and acid.

>1 post by this id.

uuuuuugggghh like omg watch this
