Solaris or space odyssey ?

solaris or space odyssey ?

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why not both

Space odyssey is unironicly the most overrated film of all time

Why not go fuck yourself?

Not even Tarkovsky liked Solaris

>Space odyssey is unironicly the most overrated film of all time

This meme needs to end.

That's not an argument.

The Stalker

it's just Stalker, nutjob

>The Stalker

Dark Star

Soderbergh's Solaris.



Solaris >>>> Stalker

>not the stalker

>not posting the surfing scene


In my language the name is literally translated, we don't use the name "Stalker" since it's not native to language, i just translated

Both Solaris movies suck. Read the book.

what a sad song. It reflects the plot as well

The crew is doomed to be on this mission forever - perpetually destroying unstable planets. Their ship is a mess. They're unkept, and have beards. As the travel the stars, their families grow old and die back on earth due to relativity. They have nothing to return to, even if they were to return. Then in the final scene, they are released from their monotony through death, as cliche as it may be. thus why they are so calm when they float away to their destruction

Merely flicks compared to true kino.

For a second there I almost thought you were serious

solaris 2001 > Tarkovsky's snore fest


>this is high caliber Sup Forums criticism

Fucking plebs


great little movie with great pacing. its on youtube too if anybody wants to watch it.


any movie that has an elevator scene, and films it with a hallway + actors lying on the ground is A+ in my book

It is though. Besides sublime visuals and groundbreaking effects, it has nothing going for it. No good characters, no interesting story, and it basically just boils down to "muh evolution". Yes it did elevate science fiction from campy monster movies, but that doesn't mean it still holds up.

I fucking hated solaris.

Sorry for being an uncultured swine but it felt so stupid to me.

Also didn't want to see George Clooney's ass as much as the film thought I did.

you are a pleb because you dont even understand that the solaris you saw is a remake of a 70s soviet movie

and people complain about the portal scene in 2001

literally this

>great pacing

Everything between the beginning and the third act is basically filler

Shit sorry about that. Tired as fuck, didn't see op's pic. I knew it was a remake, I just thought OP was talking about THAT solaris.

There are a lot of speculation about why that scene is so long.

One popular speculation is that Tarkovsky had to beg Soviet film bosses to let him shoot exterior shots in Japan, and because it was such an arduous process and an expensive shoot, Tarkovsky was forced to use as much footage as possible (because Soviet film bosses would have been like "we blew X million rubles for 30 seconds!!??").

Elite Dangerous

I never finished watching Solaris. Here's my thoughts on it anyway:
First 25 minutes of 2001:
>some of the most beautiful shots in cinema history
>sensational soundtrack
>straight to the heart of the story
>without using any dialogue
>still very entertaining to watch
First 25 minutes of Solaris:
>nice shots of pond
>extremely fake looking rain
>some old people watch a video tape
>which lasted 15 MINUTES
>lots of nonsensical dialogue
>extremely boring to watch
I turned it off after maybe 40 minutes as I couldn't stand it any longer. IMHO anyone who claims this movie is better than 2001 is either trolling or is a redditor. Because that's what Tarkovsky is.

It still doesn't explain why he felt the need to include this ridiculous scene. What's the point or meaning of it? What's it got to do with the story? He could've filmed anything he wanted. Why go to Japan just to film cars on the highway?

Solaris is by far the superior film
I will never understand how people think it's boring