Did Donald J. Trump ever publicly say something racist or are all those accusations based on hearsay?
That's racist
He said something about Mexicans that triggered everyone, don't remember what it was exactly.
Mexican isn't a race; it's a nationality.
I'm not even having any luck googling any controversy around Jr being a racist. Worst is he sent some tweets to John Legend.
No, he hasn't. He said some insensitive things, but none of them were racist.
leftist would argue the whole 'latino' thing, when you bring this point up
Isn't latino just someone that was born in Mexico or Latin America?
Whats going with black and water melon.
"We can't let any Muslims from that part of the world into this country right now."
"We have to deport illegal immigrants because they bring crime into the country"
There are your racist remarks.
Illegal immigrants are disproportionately rapists.
So Mexicans apparently.
didnt he get in trouble back in the 70's for a bunch of shit with the blacks
It stems from the "Mexican border-jumpers are rapists" and the "temporary ban on Muslim immigrants" stuff (the left always conveniently leaves out the "temporary" part and just runs with TRUMP WANTS TO BAN MUSLIMS REEE. I've never been able to find anything else.
Trump said, "I fucking hate niggers and spicks" and then he said, "I want to fuck my own daughter in her tight pussy"
But isn't that just beating a dead horse?
Not all Mexicans are Latino (I've met a black Mexican on the New York ferry)
Not all Latinos are Mexicans (literally anywhere in south/central America other than mexico)
Didn't know immigrants and Muslims were a race. Kys
He said anchor babies so he is racist now.
All mexican MSM pushed the 'Trump is literal Hitler and you are the new jews' agenda. Now all my relatives in Texas are voting for Johnson.
Trump needs to save a latino child's life to win the latino vote.
No, he's never said anything racist or has suggested any law that has been unconstitutional.
To this day top scientists have trouble figuring out HOW that is racist.
Reading between the lines hurts my feelings.
Those are the comments that made people say he was racist. That's the point I was making. Feel free to suck my dick, faggot.
They're bringing in drugs
They're not sending their best
And some of them are nice people
>this is racist
Neither of those are racist though. Racism is the belief that one race is inherently superior/inferior to another and that therefore special burdens/privileges should be distributed solely based on race.
they only labeled his as racist once he started running for president.
Here is a real racist picture from the hilderbeast for ya though.
You declared them to be racist you raging faggot, don't back down when you get BTFO stick with your original half baked horse shit like a man.
Okay, so there is no smoking gun statement. Politics don't work that way. They don't say something like "Gas the kikes, race war now!", instead they use euphemisms and dog-whistle phrasing so they can say to one side that their statements are being misconstrued, while winking at their supporters.
So "Gas the kikes, race war now!" would become statements about solving the problem of zionist bankers. Justifying mass economic immigration becomes "Refugees welcome" or "fixing declining birth rates"
Everyone prefers the rhetorical niceties of their sides language
Saying anything a lib doesn't like is considered racist or sexist these days.
By the standards of a normal human being, no.
>muh dog whistles
>confirmation bias is racist
If you don't like immigrants taking away your jobs, raping your women, and bombing your buildings then you're racist apparently.
>being retarded
I doubt Trump is racist, at least not in the way most of his supporters are, but you would have to be pretty naïve or dense not to recognize what he was doing when he made those comments
Never said anything racist. Left believe illegal immigrant is a racist term and for some reason blacks think trump wants to deport them to Africa.
Go fucking figure
He's not racist, this smear is just what libs do.
I don't even like Romney but it was disgusting how libs tied him to the KKK and Hitler.
You take away "das racist, bigot, sexist, etc" and they don't have anything to fall back on.
Naive? You're an idiot. Illegal immigrants aren't racist. Banning Muslims because terrorist attacks are made from Muslims isn't fucking racist.
It doesn't even matter if you're voting for him or not, your insinuation is just based on assumption
Trump probably is racist, but Hillary probably is as well. They're rich, white, and born in the 1940s. Trump hasn't said anything racist, but every republican is called racist anyway. They called Mitt a racist in 2012. The only non racist president imo was Dubya.
>are all those accusations based on hearsay?
Too bad they can't get it through their thick head the difference of race and nationality. Tried explaining it to them since I live in a predominately latino area. They get triggered if you speak properly to them. They get the feeling that you feel superior to them when you're only trying to have a decent conversation with them. RIP
Islam is a philosophy which simply cannot co-exist with Western civilization. It should be obvious to everyone.
Trump is a huge nigger lover and donates to black charities/churches all the time.
His real racism lies with his hatred of Asians and especially China.
I've seen people argue that that includes stopping Muslim immigration
So aside from ctr shilling and paranoia by retards and spooks are you guys ready to watch the niggers brawl it out in the olympics on the special
That's an Uncle Tom just like Milo and Caitlyn Jenner and anybody else that disagrees with he left.
People have already post this but
1. "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
2. "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."
3."In the Middle East, we have people chopping the heads off Christians, we have people chopping the heads off many other people. We have things that we have never seen before -- as a group, we have never seen before, what's happening right now. The medieval times -- I mean, we studied medieval times -- not since medieval times have people seen what's going on. I would bring back waterboarding and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."
4."I think Islam hates us, There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us."
5.(on Khan) "I saw him. He was, you know, very emotional. And probably looked like -- a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably -- maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say."
Non of thats actually racist though, but there you go