Can someone explain to me why so many people on this board are so concerned, and frankly losing their shit, over the possiblity that in the next century people in their countries might have a tan?
I dont get it
Can someone explain to me why so many people on this board are so concerned, and frankly losing their shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
>skin color is the only difference between races
get out, shill
Look at the countries that are primarily occupied by shitskins and you may find your answer
As the final poor man's carcass washes up on my shore
I don't know much but I know that wars begets more war
Are you willing to wait?
For another watergate?
This national uproar's got me in surrender
Fear is the sender
'cause the whole wide world is watching
But no one's doin anything
The whole wide world is watching
We justify the enemy
There are differences, sure. But there is nothing different enough that would doom world civilization by mixing or just living together
Yeah, no need to lose our heads.
I know you probably meant this as some sort of pun, but it really isn't. The refugee crisis didnt replace the entire European population as people on this board were spouting on about. It's over and Euros did a good thing
You're right, Europe will keep on truckin'
>stop voting for politicians who are in the pockets of billionaires who want instability in countries with natural resources which in turn have wars started within them to "change regimes"
People honestly think everything that happens in the world is some big conspiracy when in reality it's just capitalism in action. The market wants cheap foreign labor, therefore the market gets it.
Capitalism in it's purest form is fascism.
Don't get me wrong, capitalism brings more good than bad, but money doesn't trickle down, it trickles up. Into billionaires bulging pockets. The poor suffer, the rich get richer. It's common knowledge.
I'm not saying there's a better alternative to capitalism but the problems won't go away unless the consumers want them to.
holy fuck lmao
Nothing has even happened because of the refugee crisis desu
All the terrorist attacks in France are done by second or third generation Algerians/Tunisians who France just keeps in ghettos and ignores. It's more of an inequality problem than anything
Well if that's the way you feel, why don't you go hang out in an african american neighborhood?
niggers get out
Sup Forums is afraid of black people because they are stronger
At least the diversity should help make France a much more bombastic tourist destination.
>The poor suffer, the rich get richer. It's common knowledge.
What a load of bullshit. The poor are getting RICHER and capitalism has lifted millions (if not billions) out of poverty.
If I get a $500 raise but my neighbour gets a $700 raise then I got richer, not poorer.
>It's more of an inequality problem than anything
Yeah - their religion and morality isn't equal to ours and doesn't belong in western society.
That has less to do with them being black and moreso generational poverty and just the history of black people in this country (not good).
>all the shitty dark skinned countries are explained by colonialism
Global Africa, won't that be cool!
O god you poor man, leave this board before you find out the truth
Trust me, you will be happier
It's because you're retarded, user.
Yeah, people are loosing their heads over the realization of a world turning into South America. How crazy they are, uh?
I'm more concerned about the chimp level IQ to be honest
Oh dear. I was hoping no one would respond to him.
I mean, he's trying to say being poor is a bad thing. That alone should give him away. Being poor isn't bad. It's the expensive lifestyles we're living and in some cases forced to live.
I'm glad you responded anyway. You can't just spew horseshit unrestrained on Sup Forums.
The concern isn't skin colour except for stormniggers, it's culture. People want their culture to exist without being invaded or controlled by other people, this influx of immigrants only create balkanization within countries. The rule of law will change and possibly western civilization will change to fit the ever growing minorities worldwide
>It's over and Euros did a good thing
June 2016 had 2x the number of migrants as june 2015
Not at all
Algerian and Tunisian immigrants are treated like garbage in France and are often doomed to have no future aside from sweeping floors for chump change
Naturally a few turn radical because they have nothing else. Give every man a full stomach and regular pussy and no one would go durka
I'd be fine with them simply having a tan if it didn't also come with low intelligence, violent dispositions, and sloth.
> It's more of an inequality problem than anything
Yeah, that's why there's also lots of terrorism coming from poor white, hispanic, and black communities. The common denominator of terrorism is poverty, not Islam.
With that """tan""" comes a cancerous war mongering religion hellbent on ruling the world
>Can someone explain to me why so many people on this board are so concerned, and frankly losing their shit, over the possiblity that in the next century their culture's and ethnicities won't exist anymore? I don't get it.
Of course you don't, you're a rootless cosmopolitan nihilist or a shitskin with no pride or dignity.
I've been on this board and its other iterations for about 6 years now
I used to be full stormfront, but then you just grow out of it. You all will too eventually
what a shitty bait thread\
>Can someone explain to me why so many people on this board are so concerned, and frankly losing their shit, over the possiblity that in the next century people in their countries might have a tan?
Oh maybe being exterminated in one's own nation via mass immigration might be somewhat of a concern?
If you think your nation has no future, it doesn't
south american women >>>>>> united statesian women
Isn't this same culture the one of "degeneracy" that Sup Forums likes bitching about nonstop?
This is a meme I'll never understand. When youre not decrying modern western culture you're crying about it being under attack by le evil Muslims
>we have a problem with generational poverty in this country
>lets invite more poor people to fix that
IDK about everyone else, but I quite like the freedoms of modern western civilization and want to preserve them.
As soon as Muslims hit x% in your country then they're going to genocide you. Not to mention you expect this to happen in your lifetime
At worst it's just going to be a gradual replacement and will form a new culture
>gradual replacement
Which includes rape gangs, terror incidents and Sharia courts, am I correct?
How many countries in the world are really nice and full of "tan" people.
Modern "western culture" is a kike created abomination with no connection to our history. Why else do you think it is culturally acceptable to dehumanize our historical figures as "old dead white men"?
Are you literally under a rock?
>At worst it's just going to be a gradual replacement and will form a new culture
>genocide is okay so long as it's gradual
>There are differences, sure. But there is nothing different enough that would doom world civilization by mixing or just living together
Sure pal, don`t forget to get your ticket to the Olympics.
I like my freedom of speech and guns, I'll defend it from immigrants and from liberals. Disliking one doesn't prevent from disliking another.
Stop getting your "news" from Sup Forums and right wing blogs
Have you?
>no killing takes place
>democratically elected government lets in immigrants
Nice meme
About a 100 million nigger Africans next
Those cucks are going to be working 24/7 to suck that much black dick
How can any human not consider the destruction of their ethnicity and the unique features that represents it as anything but a loss?
Not only is the features of my people going to be destroyed, the language, the culture, the values and literally everything that makes this country great is going to be destroyed and forever changed. All the niggers and sandniggers aren't going to protect our beautiful fjords, our wildlife and mountians, they don't value nature like us. They are not going to follow rules, they have proven time and time again that they are a completely corrupt people that exploits everything they can. They have no solidarity towards the country like us Norwegians, they are just global citizens who see an economic opportunity. All over Europe, this small minority is already treating the ethnict people like shit, raping our women, robbing and sexually enslaving underage girls (rotherham).
I would rather have Norway remain a poor economic disaster than have us Nordmenn turned into pathetic minorities living in reservations getting drunk everyday because we are so depressed like the aboriginies and indians. I would rather be poor that extinct. We have lived on this land for thousands of years, isolated and unique and developed for the environment, and now we suddenly have to merge our entire gene pool with people that clearly, by all possible measures, are inferior and close to sub-humans. Fuck that.
>no killing takes places
>democratically elected government sterilizes all blacks
>totally not genocide according to user
You are a morally repulsive person.
>It's over
Lol no. Refugee numbers are increasing and the flow is probably going to increase further because the Middle East continues to become an even greater shithole.
See Stop pulling numbers from your ass
A fucking fake chart and you know it
>Only posts sea arrivals
They are going by land you idiot. They go via Turkey.
Blow it out your ass
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
White guilt and anti-nationalism indoctrination when people are the most impressionable - namely school aged kids - counts as mental harm. Just look at how self-destructive most Whites are currently because of that.
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
High taxation so that it's almost not affordable to have children to sustain the population, being told thatthe world is getting overpopulatedwhen Whites aren't contributing to said fact, importing "diversity" that lowersthe trust in the communityandthe happiness and perceived quality of lifeof the natives, which then has to be sustained with the aforementioned high tax money.
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Combine what I mentioned above with the fact that this "cultural enrichment" also creates a very unsafe environment to raise children in, no, if they're grown up they'll also face an oversaturated job market.
No sane people would make children under those circumstances, something that shows in every population development study.
Meanwhile the invaders breed like they're evolutionary conditioned(they follow the r-selection strategy)and no matter how bad it will get here, it'll always be better than back home where they're drinking diarrhea water and eating mud cookies.
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
The majority of European people are against immigration, but the "vibrancy" is coming to Europe regardless.
I don't see how killing them is worse than the other four points, especially since they have an intact homeland to go back to as alternative while us whites canM
Actually Africa and China are the bigger long term threat
I never said what was the biggest threat. Your comment is irrelevant.
>How can any human not consider the destruction of their ethnicity and the unique features that represents it as anything but a loss?
Hate to break it to you, but regardless of whether you're enriched or not, in five hundred years, no one will care about your unique speshul snowflake culture that much be preserved forever at all costs.
Just you don't care about the culture of whatever neolithic tribe you might be predominantly descended from.
No concern here. Im sure the enrichment going to be just great for everyone involved
Explain "Grow out of it"
It isnt a tan or skin color thats bad
Its the loss of 15 iq points and basically all of modern civilization.
You wouldn't be happy either if your children's children were going to be forced to live in africa.
>the majority of European people are against immigration
You know this is false. You have democratically eleted governments. If the European people didnt want mass immigration they wouldnt be voting for it
There are many polls conducted by Pew and others that show most Europeans support immigration and have a favorable view of Muslims. This is something Sup Forums cant wrap their heads around, that people in their countries dont also browse Sup Forums
More life experience
Stop being an edgy teen
Things like that. Racism and unironically being a nazi are pretty much the same as being into heavy metal and things of that nature. It goes against the mainstream and therefore many teens grasp onto it like they do on Sup Forums
Let me ask you this, if in a hundred years people in America and European countries will be brown, and there are no white people left, will there still be majority black people in Somalia? Will there still be majority Asian people in China and Japan? Will there still be majority Hispanics in Latin countries? Will there still be majority Arab people in Middle-Eastern countries? And do you see that changing any time soon? Would in effect the white race have been wiped out, while all other races still exist without being under threat?
>Its the loss of 15 iq points
So because working class blacks outperform working class whites in the UK education system, we've got nothing to worry about?
Racism is just the norm here. You should try it.
>Just [as] you don't care about the culture of whatever neolithic tribe you might be predominantly descended from.
Speak for yourself.
Nigger detected.
>Hate to break it to you, but regardless of whether you're enriched or not, in five hundred years, no one will care about your unique speshul snowflake culture that much be preserved forever at all costs.
>He says even though people obsessed with the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans from over a thousand years ago
Have you no dignity user?
Are you genuinely that empty inside?
Let me ask you this, why do you care what happens in a hundred years?
Also every race now is the product of racemixing. Even le aryan race is composed of our ancestors literally fucking an entirely different species
>ignores the rest
Typical liberal, can't address the anything else?
Most are against immigration and never had a say in current immigration policies. Brexit was about this, trump is about illegal immigration and so is Australia with its stop the boats. So stop lying you little shit.
He is just a nigger. They cannot value anything because they are not worth anything.
I'm a racist because of how people define it.
I just want the truth.
Whats wrong with that?
Shill confirmed. Get out.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. There is nothing inherently moral about democracy, and democratically enacted genocide is still genocide.
>The concern isn't skin colour except for stormniggers, it's culture.
>skin colour
that's because you are american
Can you convince me why it's so important that our country becomes more tan? Why does this need to happen?
Bell curves
Because we aren't all Nihilists like you.
Some of us want to pass on our genes and leave a better world for the next generation.
>most are against immigration
If this was true then they'd vote anti immigration you absolute retard
t. Fake country
Well in America's case I'd say adaptation to the climate calls for us to have more melanin
Sunburn and skin cancer aren't fun
>Let me ask you this, why do you care what happens in a hundred years?
because we're White and the ability to plan for the future is what separates us from the lesser races.
Look at the fall of Rome you unbelievable retard.
Which they are you stupid liberal cunt, trump Australia, Austria, Britain etc, are you serious?
>Sunburn and skin cancer aren't fun
So then wear a hat.
Problem solved with no genocide required.
He thinks that skin color is the Olympic difference.
Tan I can live with. But Muslim and niggers can't be tolerated.
>Sunburn and skin cancer aren't fun
Then wear a shirt you idiot. You can get sunburned in Siberia if you walk around without a shirt long enough.
Because I care for the future and well-being of my children and their future children. Our ancestors have built up and maintained Western society for Western people, not for foreign freeloaders. It's not in anyone's right to give that away.
diversity causes racism.
to end racism, we must end diversity first.
Because the level of degeneracy will rise with increase in melanin. Somebody white has to pay the bills because dindus and beaners won't.
You mean like how we planned ahead when importing millions and millions of Africans into the Americas
That had nothing to do with race you idiot
Stop parroting memes you hear on here and read a book for a change. Not to mention Rome was the blanda capital of the world for its entire existence kek
>needing to rely on outside materials instead of just being naturally acclimated to the weather
You mean the guy who has abysmally low approval ratings across the country and who has no chance of having the majority vote for him?
Didnt they get rid of Tone?
Didn't they elect a green party communist instead of the anti immigrant candidate or am i thinking of someone else? Same happened in Germany. They had anti immigrant and refugee candidates, but the German people rejected
Islam is pretty anti degeneracy
It's people with low melanin who have created the abortion we now know as western culture