>British sinks have two taps
Defend this shit bongs
>British sinks have two taps
Defend this shit bongs
Other urls found in this thread:
>America in charge of criticising illogical systems
one for hot one for cold?
That's an old sink in what looks like a public bathroom. America had them too. New ones aren't like that.
There's nothing wrong with it.
They have shitty boilers in their attics that are full of dead rats so they have to keep the hot separate from the cold because it is not suitable for consumption.
Literally a third world country.
Comfy bathroom. And it takes a while for the hot one to heat up so you have time to do what you need to do.
>no capitalization
Did someone steal your uppercase keyboard? Here you can copy and paste these
You will never know the fun of having to turn both taps on and quickly move your hands side to side.
One is for hot and ones for cold lads. When you wash your face you want warm water, when you brush your teeth or piss in the sink you any your cold water.
You globalists and your damn metric system. The most retarded measurements ever devised.
That is outstandingly not only stupid but lazy.
the british were always retarded. i mean somewhere all that braincuck they spread to america, australia, new zeland, all the cunt nations had to come from, right?
I also have two taps in my bathroom since my house is like 100 years old and we don't really give a shit since it still works perfectly.
Literally linear.
Although I can see by your flag why straightness offends you.
I have sensitive skin and need warm water at precisely 34C. How do I get that?
Because we can, stay jealous Americuck and love your inferior one while you can before Tyrone breaks into your house and steals your sink and/or women.
More control and power over the temperature
>It's too complex I need more burgers and NSA surveillance I'm too stupid where's my automatic car how the fuck do I drive a manual. Fucking britbongs Americas king America is smart America is still relevant Trump can still win
Metric is a butt fucking retarded system. We've done just fine without it
Wait, haven't you figured it out you can open both and have a customized mix?
Did someone steal your foreskin burger?
That's actually a bath.
>Americans can't fill a basin to shave and pour a glass of cold water at the same time
the hot one is for making tea, the cold one is for washing up
in what scenario would you even use hot water except for cooking?
>be Brit
>get in my car to drive to the pub
>use one steering wheel to turn left and the other to turn right
>have to use the bathroom
>take a shit in the shit toilet and a piss in the piss toilet
>wash my hands by quickly moving them between the two taps
>get beaten by cops because I forgot to pay my 10 quid sink license
hot and cold, whats wrong america too poor to have more than one tap?
>tfw you'll never have the temperature precision and speed of lmao2taps
You shave with hot water?
Absolutely barbaric.
How the fuck to limeys even survive?
>britbongs cant have warm water
>only hot or cold
You would have to make a nice bubble bath and dip your hands in it.
Too fucking true, get jealous Burgers
>Talking about 3rd world countries
>When your houses are made out of cardboard
Nice baite
Why wouldn't you want two taps? Are you too poor to have one of each?
Mix the two together?
>tfw got fancy new single taps that do hot or vold
>tfw they're all stiff as fuck now and one of them barely moves
Insult the hot & cold taps all you want. At least they work.
Tradition, as a burger mutt you wouldn't understand.
>be British
>run my hot water to wash dishes
>don't dry them perfectly
>die of Legionnaire's disease
>temperature prescision
>cant mix hot and cold, either scalding or cold as fuck
All you lazy cunts are degenerate.
two taps > one
>I have sensitive skin and need warm water at precisely 34C. How do I get that?
Carry a pot of cold water when you put yourself in the oven.
>his americuck house is literally made of plywood
The fuck? You don't?
>More control and power over the temperature
No, you're thinking of a sink like this
>you will never be able to lmao2tap to get the right temperature
Why even bother, Americans?
They do like this retarded hand shuffle to mix the water. It's fucking second nature to them like thee is nothing wrong with it.
Ask your boyfriend.
No, crisper shave and it doesn't open up my pores.
New ones aren't like that
Sorry our country wasn't built 50 years ago
>not being able to adjust a single stream of water to your desired temp is considered more control
>being forced to have a really hot and really cold stream that must be taken separately is considered more control
yeah okay
Most Brits aren't as effeminate as the average Canadian is. That problem wouldn't arise
There is clearly a plug in your picture. Those three work closely together, You plug the hole in the sink. Fill sink with water of your preferable temperature. Do your business (shave, brush teeth, wash your hands, etc). You do not need to touch the water coming out of the taps, therefore no need to burn or freeze your hands. You're welcome
Are you too poor for ancient Roman plumbing technology
>British sinks have no garbage disposals
>British doors have keyholes on the inside
This is why they hate brushing their teeth.
Super hot, super cold.
Why do Americans always drive automatics? Are they too dumb to use a clutch?
It's because historically, the hot water would've been dirty and not safe to drink, while the cold water would've been safe to drink, so we couldn't at any time mix the pipes. However now only old houses or cheap council houses still have the 2 taps.
>brushing your teeth with warm water
Water is wet.
> Having teeth
> Not having your colonial slaves chew food for you
Shaving, washing your face. An underage neet such as yourself would not think to do these things, as you are probably still in the early stages of puberty or have very little testosterone, and have no care for personal hygiene. You're the exception to the rule
>It's fucking second nature to them
Like driving a manual car. Enjoy your automatic retard mobile
>Be Space shuttle Challenger
Move to 1930's America.
What would any American know about the grace of the Roman Empire.
Do yourself a favour my man, fucking kill yourself.
What the fuck? Do you not?
>fill basin with hot water
>put thermometer in water
>wait for optimum temperature
>submerge face in basin and drown yourself
>get beaten by cops
Yeah, wouldn't want to take a beating from Britain's infamously poorly trained, mentally unsound, constantly on-edge police officers who carry pistols and wear military uniforms, would we, my American friend?
I like the hardware part and nothing wrong with Liters.
Centigrade and not using Horsepower is terrible though.
why bring testosterone into this
>be Brit
>trying to call me Mum
>my listening cellphone works but my speaking cellphone is out of batteries
>decide to email her instead
>only have an uppercase keyboard
what does this have to do with anything
Tbh these sinks piss me off. There is no room for your hands so you have to squeeze them up against the wall as well as the 100 C heat
You don't just close your door and it automatically locks?
Imagine if you could both do that and also have warm water for other needs, that would be something else wouldn't it? That honestly just seems like a burn risk for for people with peripheral neuropathy.
But this is a common thing here too...
Are you retarded? You just criss cross your hands so they are neither too hot nor too cold for too long. It does require movement, so, to be fair, I may be asking a bit much of an amerifat in expecting him to understand it
We don't call them cellphones.
I also have literally no idea what you're trying to say.
>Go to take a shower in a Murican hotel
>Use the thermometer I bought from the Murican shop to measure the temperature of the water so I know when it hits 34.
>Water hits 34.
>I jump in and freeze my ass off.
> tmw Muricans
>Super Hot
>Super Cold
you pussy ass burgers with your medium hot and cold water
afraid somebody might sue you?
What the fuck, are you living in star trek? Do you guys also have hoover cars and robot butlers?
Try again user
It's like you guys don't even know how to use recycled things to go greener.
>get a plastic soda bottle
>make two holes, one near each end, so that you can fit both taps in the holes at the same time
>fix it up with tape
>make a single hole in the middle of the bottle, on the other side
Like pic related but without the need of a heater. (specially since in pic related you can even set the temperature yourself so you don't even need the extra hole).
This way the water will mix in the bottle and come out in your preferred temperature.
Thank me later.
>Be American
>Don't give a shit
Stop being a faggot I guess
In British swimming pools the water is green because the government thinks blue is an unpredictable and intimidating colour.
>criss cross your hands
youre a fucking fagget OP. u make all of America look bad.if you were in front of.me id stomp your head into the concrete.. guaranteed
You don't need warm water for either of those things.
canada is probably the gayest place in the world. If California mated with Brazil on poppers, Canada would be the bastard fag-spawn.
we invented nuclear weapons using sae, so you can go suck a dick because metric isn't shit. what do you use metric for? measuring how small your dicks are? we actually invent stuff, m8.
No one posted this shit yet? Ok i guess i have to
FYI i don't have to separate taps in my house, and I really hate separate taps, but at least there's a historical reason to it. Again Sup Forums lacks nuance as usual
Or build a fucking sink that works.