>not tipping in 2016
Name at the bottom says it all
>having a shit job and begging for tips in 2016
If servers expect to get tips then every job that has customer service involved should get tips. Then almost nobody would get tips.
Tipping is retarded. It's not the customers job to pay the employee's salary. We're already paying for your overpriced meals.
>agreeing to a $3/h job
This is what's wrong with millennials. They feel entitled to a tip, like they deserve one no matter what. You work a shit job and I respect that, I tip, but you don't deserve a tip.
Not my job.
>don't eat out if you can't afford to tip
what a cunt, good thing we don't have a tip culture here
The Pride with which you tell your basically of not just empathy but social etiquette is one of the many reasons America is now shipped here and the white man is becoming more niggerly and niggardly everyday.
Not tipping is what niggers do, good job White America
You do know that waiters get paid sub-minimum wage & their salaries pretty much rely on tips
I work as a pizza delivery driver, it's not all bad as it's good money for a college student. You get used to not getting tipped, bad days and good days, screwed up quotas.
Funny I'm black and most of my coworkers are black as well as one Indian. We hate serving other blacks and Indians with a burning passion. It's one thing to not tip, but being a cheap asshole. Now that makes us mad.
>if you don't have enough to tip, don't eat out
The whole point of tip culture was so that employer could sell his stuff cheap and thus get more customers.If you are going to bitch then bitch at the employer instead of being played against each other as the employer wants.
Tipping is theft.
If waiters/waitresses don't receive enough tips to make what they would have earned at $7.25/hr, their boss is required to pay the difference.
Tipped workers rely on the $3/hr meme to guilt-trip people into paying enough in tips where the worker is making $20+/hr.
I´m a waiter, and in case you´re a shitty guest I will just spit in your food/drink. Easy as that.
how do you tell the difference between not tipping and being a cheap asshole
>He needs to tip
My bad, thought this was a first world country only thread
also maybe its from dealing with all the people but service industry people are the most neurotic,whiny and needy people I have ever meet.anyone from waitresses to stewardess
tipping is cancer that should die, not be encouraged.I have seen people tip food trucks, cable guy, stewardess, etc.
Here in the UK you'll probably find that in most restaurants the tips don't go to the waiter but straight to the boss,I've worked as a chef for nearly 30 years and have known this to be the case more often than not.
With that said I don't think our servers get paid as badly as in the US but no one has ever tipped me for sweating my fucking nuts off in the middle of summer 12 hours a day in a busy kitchen.
Instead of addressing this issue with employers they choose to spaz out at people for not subsidizing their salary.
Yeah, but no one cares about the UK, the only country that matters is the U.S.A., and maybe Japan.
Wrong, if your tips at the end of the night do not come out to minimum wage your employer has to make up the difference.
>inb4 my boss doesnt do that
>You are a victim of a crime if they dont
How things work in not-stupid parts of the world:
Shit service : no tip + complaint on comments card
Sub-par service : no tip + verbal complaint
Normal service : no tip
Good service : no tip + compliment on comments card
Excellent service : tip like 0.5% + compliments on comments card
A person not tipping is just a person not tipping.
A person that calls or comes in and complains about the price of the products is a cheap asshole. Mainly Indians that complain about vegetarian pizza being too high and we have to constantly remind(sometimes the same person) that it's a specialty pizza. I've outright told these people if it's too much for them McDonalds is down the street or they could simply cook for their family. Usually they pull the I'm gonna go to another pizzeria, but we tell them to tell the manager there we said hello again. Plus they end up coming back because they realize $7.99 for a 3 topping large isn't a bad price.
>mfw they are friends of a friend and I saw the whole thing unfold.
Kind of weird seeing personal things on Sup Forums.
I'd say only tip delivery drivers and waiters/waitresses.
our economy continues to get worse and they expect more in tips, this needs to end.
If you don't tip it just shows you are a cheap bastard
I always try and tip well because I understand what it means to work shitty jobs
If you can't afford to tip well don't go out to eat/drink
If you can't afford to tip you should probably be staying home anyway because you are fucking poor
> Tipping is this big battle in America where everycunt just fights constantly about leaving or not leaving a fiver on the table
Saw an article on Sup Forums about a dead friend here.
>not stupid parts of the world
You basically copied the American flag and put a fucking moon in the corner you irrelevant midget
Tipping is an incentive to work hard
The only reason people are complaining about tipping today is that the economy sucks ass and everyone is too cheap to tip because they are strapped for cash
You all will call me a autistic faggo here, but I don't care.
I don't tip women. I just don't. $0.00 left on the table every time, even sexy bartenders I leave NOTHING.
I do, however, tip the men. Usually, men provide better service, are more accommodating, actually shoot the shit with you about sports, favorite beers, whatever. Women just try to sell their ass and say it is, "customer service" when in fact they will soon after go on social media to complain about a tip too small or too large.
tl;dr I always tip men, never women.
>tipping people that make more money than you
are you retarded?
How fucking hard is it to bring a plate to a table and to refill a beverage?
I'm agreeing to order a pizza. I get paid ZERO DOLLARS to do this. I DESERVE the fucking tip. I'M keeping these piss ants in business. Give me a fucking free pizza now and then. Don't fucking smalltalk me. Get your deadbeat ass back here with a double rye and coke before my ice melts. Fuck I hate poor people
>there are people who actually tip people for doing their job
i bet you also tip the police
Friendly reminder that people who take serving jobs are legally required to be paid what they would make on a minimum wage payment if there weekly/biweekly paycheque isn't equal to that which they would have made if paid minimum wage
Don't let servers tell you other wise, servers are LITERALLY only able to be paid MORE than minimum wage for their work, not LESS
I really can't tell if you guys are being serious right now.
Quit being a fuckin nigger and leave a tip. Seriously we are better than that shit.
dunno mang all you need to do is be polite and tip consistently. not even a big amount, just every time you go there.
now I get the best service at every restaurant as if I paid for a private club membership. on the flipside, I always remembered the best customers and gave them "familiar friendly" service instead of "default polite"
I have a real job now but Ive worked my share of shitty summer jobs
Personally I like tipping because it makes waitresses and bartenders remember you…which is good if you build up a habit at a place
I used to be a bartender and when we are busy I always go to my good tippers first and sometimes I would give them more alcohol in their drinks just because
Tipping well pays off if you frequent a place
And when you are going on a date you should tip well so the girl knows you aren't a cheap jewbag or a poorfag
Once it became clear tipping had no effect on service, I gave up.
yeah, I tip people that I like, but saying you HAVE to tip no matter what is a joke
i see serving jobs as commission based jobs. you have a small flat /hr and get more depending on if you manage to "sell".
Why would i tip if they did not give me an extraordinary experience?
if its terrible service i will not tip at all. i wont go back there in the future either
>I used to be a bartender and when we are busy I always go to my good tippers first and sometimes I would give them more alcohol in their drinks just because
This is practically extortion
ITT: 16 year olds explaining why they don't tip even though they have never actually paid for dinner at a decent restraunt.
This desu. Minimum skills, minimum wage.
Purchasing food includes giving it me. That's what I'm paying for. Ask your employer to pay your wage, if it is going to cost me more bump the prices up a few pence rather than adding an invisible cost.
>not writing "get a real job" on the tip line when you sign the receipt at restaurants
Thanks, your germs will update my imune system
sure, tippers get their drinks first and maybe extra perks. while thats kinda shady in and of itself i dont exactly mind that.
but i should expect my drink to be poured at a reasonable wait-time with a reasonable amount even if i dont tip
How do you know because I haven't had a chance to tip until you've brought my drink over.
>california law states all servers and shit have to be paid MIN 10 bucks
>still ask for tip
also I work as a cook and we dont get tipped out so naw fuck servers, fucking entitled cunts.
Oh this so hard. Working for tips actually made me be a better person to people behind the counters. Understanding the struggle made me stop being that prick I was years ago. I repaid a small debt to society a while back, at my first job I was having a shitty day working at an ice cream shop. A mans pregnant girlfriend had pissed me off and was holding up the line. Her boyfriend told her to stop being so hard on me and she said well he needs to do his job right and listen. So when I finally finished making her stuff, she just grabbed it and walked off without saying thank you. Her boyfriend was apologetic and noticed I was having a bad day. The order was about $5 and he told me this might make your day better. Gave me a $20 and started walking off too, I told him that he forgot his change and he said keep it, it's her money anyway. That changed me a bit, years later I'm waiting in line to order and I seem the same scenario except this time I was the guy who gave the person a $20 and told him to keep the rest for himself.
There are some good people in this world.
life isn't fair
yeah but if the bar is packed this is how a bartender operates
1. locals/good tippers first
2. hot chicks
3. everyone else
If you want to bump yourself up on that list and you are only at the bar for one night make eye contact with the bartender and give them a good first tip. they will remember you next time and look for you
is it shady…i guess
but you tip for better service. thats how life works
Memeing aside, I agree with this. If it's a place you frequent, it pays off to get to know the staff and also not be known as the cheap dickhead that barely tips. Also gets you free drinks on occasion from bartenders, or extra alcohol like you said, etc. I especially always take care of bartenders when they're busting their asses.
>being a cheap Jew
Do what we did back in college. Get drunk before you go to the bar to save money.
Then when you get to the bar and get a 4 dollar beer you give the bartender a 5 and tell him to keep it. Big fucking deal. Don't be a nigger
why even disguise it as tipping. just slip the bartender a $100
paying extra for bad service
are you a cuck?
>locals/good tippers first
Best damn feeling in the world is when your bartenders know you and love you so much they are willing to skip the snooby fine bitches over you
Stop begging the damn customer for cash and ask your manager for a raise.
tipping is for good service. if the service isnt any good or you are just broke: no tip. if your job relies on you getting tips search for a better job. demending a tip and being angry about not getting one is just like begging on the street and getting angry when someone doesnt give you anything
You know what else I hate?
when you go to those places that have those ipads as registers.
then they spin the fucking screen at you so you can put in tip.
or when the bill comes and 15 isnt even on the bill but it shows
20 percent
25 percent
30 percent with the 30 percent highlighted.
like nigga
Wait, you guys are even expected to tip bartenders?
Getting jewed at it's finest.
I ONLY tip guys. I know that it's harder for them because of beta orbiters.
No I'm just a contributing member of society and willingly participate. Also when you're at a bar to try and get laid if the girls find out you're not tipping they aren't gonna put your dick in their mouth later.
the truth is that people whos job relies on tips are paid MORE than minimum. they know they get paid more and thats why they push tipping so hard
thats why i tip $50 every time i ask my bartender for a drink. your $1 tip isnt going to cut it.
>Censors own name
>Leaves other guy's name in
>Reveal the other guy's name
>Too cowardly to reveal your own
If you gave me $100 tip as a bartender I would stop what I was doing every time I saw you and got you your drink and if it was a mixed drink I would be liberal with the shots
You have to look at the bartender as basically a whore
If you tip me well I will do everything I can to make you happy
If I have a packed bar and you tip me $1 I am not going to give a shit about you when I have 5 random dudes all clamoring for a beer at the same time
These are people who don't tip well
1. Niggers
2. Cheap Jews
3. Poor fucking college kids
4. Irrelevant people who don't care about waiting longer to be served
If I bust my ass for you (aka make you some fancy fucking gay martini when we have 100+ people begging for a drink) and you leave a shitty tip I will most likely be offended and ignore you
you're supposed to give your bartender 2 bucks for every beer/ well drink,5 or more for every cocktail.
You could get a real job instead
>pouring things in a cup is difficult work
Jesus I thought I had mastered this shit when I was 2. Who ever knew I could make a living on it?
Go fuck yourself kiddo.
>Accept contract at $3/h
I tip when I go out. Im not an asshole.
I do recognize the issue though. Restaurants pay small wages to keep prices lower. This allows niggers to afford Red Lobster once every year.
thats what im saying. if you want over the top service, tip idc.
but you should expect reasonable service even without tip, becaues tipping is for people who go above and beyond. if your waiter ignores you because you have no/shit tip. then you should find a better place to go eat.
This thread basically confirms beyond a doubt Sup Forums is filled with the most vile, shittiest people in the world. You go to a restaurant? Fucking tip the workers who are giving your sorry ass your food.
Don't like the system? Take it out by not going to that business, not on the people working the shitty job.
there should be an option that if you "like" the restaurant on twitter or facebook you don't have to tip and maybe even get a discount
1 like=1 tip
I've always kept this strange mentality when it comes to buying girls drinks. Just like how I gotta work for tips, they gotta "work" for that drink. Margaritas ain't cheap honey, just like my boss said, you gotta wow the customer.
>Literally gambling on not getting paid the minimum wage
People who work for tips are fucking losers.
Source: I was once a fucking loser.
dont like the system of reliant on tips?
take it out on your boss.
even mcdonalds pays $10 an hour.
Get a real job paco
>tfw pizza boy and tips are 1/3rd my income
Yet I'm not an entitled ass who gets pissy when someone doesn't tip on an order
One of my buddies accidentally tipped the bartender $20 for two drinks when he was blackout. Every time he's gone back to that bar they call him by his name and give him a free beer. It's a great fucking idea if it works out like that.
But I am a semi poor college student and black. And I tip well
>tfw there is this nice lady who's in her 60's and has been at the same place for at least 13 years
>first started going there with my dad when I was 14, still going at 27 every week
>always has my order going the instant I walk in
>favorite drink at the table before I even sit down
>shoot the shit with her about what I'm up to, or how her grand kids are doing
>always give a good tip
>tfw I've had more contact with this random lady who waits at a restaurant than I have with my sister since she was born
The greatest fucking feeling desu.
>even mcdonalds pays $10 an hour.
Yeah, maybe where you live. Thank the labor unions for that.
Poor people shouldn't be eating out.If you can't afford to throw the fucktard a 15-20% tip,you probably suck at life. Aim higher that whatever stupid fucking shit you are doing now.
are you mentally retarded? liking the restaurant helps the restaurant, not the workers.
>Implying to union isn't just pocketing 10% of every workers cheque to "fight for their rights" on twitter
>Expecting your customers to not only pay for the food and service but also your checks
Wew lad. Anybody that falls for the waiter/waitress 3 dollar hourly scam deserves no more than 3 dollars per hour.
Im just saying in packed scenarios
I will never try and ignore someone but if you want to stand out in the bar jungle tipping is a very good idea
The bartender generally knows who has been standing there for a bit and they will work towards you
Im not saying making a martini or a long island ice tea is difficult its just more time consuming
there is nothing more annoying than when some stupid bitch orders a really long complicated drink when the bar is totally packed and you have people elbowing each other just to get a chance to order something
If the bar is totally slammed you should be getting simple drinks, beer or better yet get a pitcher so you don't have to come back as often
there is a time and a place to order some fancy ass fay drink you read about on cosmo and primetime busy bar is not the place
it just means you are socially retarded or a dumb spoiled bitch who doesn't actually like drinking so she has to get 7 kinds of juices to mask 2 shots of vodka
If you rely on tips, you probably suck at life.
>go to same Mexican restraunt down the street twice a month
>always tip well
>go in
>everyone is very friendly and my waiters always do a great job and keep my margaritas coming and my chips and salsa full
>have had the owner come out and tell me twice that the meal is on the house
>still leave the waiter a tip
It's not a hard concept to figure out
>Walk two steps from the bar to a cooler to give me a beer
>This is worthy of tipping
Fuck off and die
Nah I wanna go out to eat faggot. And if someone spits in my food I have a camera to record it and report it to the proper authorities.
And by the way I do work for tips faggot but I've always reminded myself I am not entitled to one. Something these whiny bitches (and it's always the women who whine about being undertipped) need to get through their thick skulls.
Also who the fuck tips hot women more? They don't suck your dick, they just take your money. The beta males who enable this shit by tipping per cup size , need to be fucking gassed.
You do it with the expectation of tips. I had a friend who made $2/hr as a waiter, but earned $50k/yr in tips. He was luck though. He lived in a wealthy area. 10% of the population had an annual income >$1 million.
Dont people order less stuff because they have to incalculate the tipping? As a manager i would rather pay my workers better than cuck and extort from your customers. I woulnt want a customer to feel bad just because he wasnt able to tip properly. I want the customer to come back and not fear saliva in his next meal.
you are also apparently an anime loving dweeb so you are breaking down stereotypes left and right jamal
either way people who tip well are generally nice people and fun to be around
you sound more reasonable than other people in this thread who claims theyll spit in everyones food.
if i want the bartender to notice me/ she has a nice ass ill tip.
In all my years of eating out I've only been to one restaurant where I was pleased enough with the service to warrant a tip.
Eating out in Japan was fucking bliss. Everything was fast and efficient and I didnt have to tip 15-20% to have access to it.
I was the same way with a guy I used to deliver too. Brought him his usual garlic cups because I thought it was strange he forgot to order them. I brought them to him for free and his fucking face when I told him he forgot about his cups, just a damn good feeling.