So this was pretty great.
So this was pretty great
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Why was the deal with the basement scene? If Leigh was the Zodiac, why was that film guy so goddamn creepy?
>inb4 autistic Sup Forumsshit posts 2016 Ted Cruz meme
>What is a red herring?
>creepy, ugly, autistic
>lives alone
>obsessed with film
He was literally Sup Forums. I would be surprised is he wasn't creepy.
I kind of didn't like this movie. It just never clicked and I wasn't scared or disturbed by the killings, the plot felt rudimentary and corridor-like.
Anyone here feel the same?
Ted Cruz
>Ted Cruz
He was the real Zodiac
Agreed, i only just recently saw it myself, having been tepid on Fincher, and it's a bona fide great film. Really impressive.
Protip: it's not about catching a killer
I also liked it very much.
Got any comfy movie recommendations like this or Se7en?
The Imposter felt very similar to me, but it's a documentary.
No, as the other user says it's not that kind of film. It's about, imo, getting a creative handle on a vast topic, the sprawling investigation and how it's a strange, dangerous, dogged process. The moments of tension are among the best as well though.
I know DNA and handwriting has ruled out Arthur Leigh Allen, but I'm having a difficult time discounting him because he matches the physique so well.
Gaikowski and Van Best were twinky early/mid-30's guys
Ross Sullivan was like 300 pounds and blonde (Cecelia Shepard said Z was like 6'0 and 200lbs with brown hair before she died)
None of the top suspects are really all that good.
Thanks, but I tried watching this and got bored really fast, and I don't usually get bored watching docus. I don't know, it just didn't click to me.
one of my favorite films desu
i was so fucking spooked dude, seriously. i was geniuely spooked out of MY ASS.
>tfw the real life case will NEVER EVER be solved because there were so many copycats and edgy imposters who sent letters to the press as jokes and because it's suspected that even some witnesses lied and the murderer never even wore that iconic hoodie-costume at all etc
It's such a clusterfuck of a case
Ted Cruz being the Zodiac killer was a Tumblr meme. Ted Cruz's father being the JFK assassin was a Sup Forums meme. Get your shit straight, faggot.
Frank Zappa was the Zodiac.
Memories of Murder
It's a generic crime movie that's also pretentious as fuck. All it does is make me wish I lived in San Francisco before it turned into a shithole.
*put tenth cigarette out in ash tray*
So, how close to reality were the events depicted in the film?
Bryan Hartnell is a liar?
That would make Cecelia Shepard a liar too since she corroborated what he said before she died
>uses *s and literally roleplays
>calls others pretentious
well, considering Fincher is the Zodiac im pretty sure its depicted accordingly.
I knew they weren't going to catch him, it's already in the history books. The gripe I mainly had was with how the killer/killers were sparodically detailed. I felt like I barely got to know WHAT the Zodiac killer was, or is. Not that that was the point of the narrative, but I felt like something was missing from his role in the movie.
I was thinking in the first 30 mins or so, 'okay, so is this movie about the Zodiac killer, not his killings, but the man/men himself/themselves, or the journalists trying to decipher his messages?'
I didn't feel a strong pull towards any of the characters, I wanted to know more about the killer and Avery but the narrative felt very sentimental - i didn't feel like i had spent much time with them at all, especially the Zodiac, of whom I just wasn't curious of. I wanted more moments like the lake scene but they never came.
I found Robert to be very boring and timid, a bit of a loose screw that didn't hold the narrative enough for me to care. Why did he dedicate so much time to trying to find the killer? Why did he like puzzles? What motivated him? By the near end of the film I had lost all interest completely.
I hate when this movie gets talked about here. It's a masterpiece and seeing it reduced down to "BUT LIKE UH WHO WAS DA KILLER" is so embarrassing. The movie is about the search for meaning and the inherent impossibility of that search.
thank you. i agree that this movie is kinda boring and i am constantly shamed for it
Bob Doyle was the Zodiac
I think the real message of the film is that alcohol = bad
Maybe the Zodiac was friends we made along the way?
If a movie is based around one of the most compelling unsolved mysteries of all time discussion like that should be expected
No. Art doesn't owe you anything. Fincher had an idea that he wanted to explore and he did it through a lens he felt would allow that to be possible in the most compelling way.
*blocks your path*
Yeah that was essentially my initial point. Zodiac is too good for the average retard on this board to appreciate. It's funny cause Fincher is usually pleb shit but he somehow made a masterpiece with Zodiac.
>serial killers who only manage to kill women
>who is David Faraday
>who is Paul Stine
looks nothing like him
You barely know anything about the zodiac because anyone who knows about the zodiac barely knows anything about the zodiac
Why did cartoonist like puzzles? Cause he did?
The movie was based on real life, it took very little liberties.
There weren't more scenes like the lake scene because there weren't more murders like that one
Why was he motivated? Maybe because he saw how the murders basically ruined his colleagues life and, as he said, all he wanted was to look into the killers eyes, get that satisfaction. That's why the ending scene with him visiting Leigh at the shop is sooooooo fucking good.
I'll admit it was a bit lengthy and I didn't care much for the characters, Ruffalo is the same as his spotlight character and just as boring.
But with that said, you seemed to want a more fantastical account. I appreciate how this movie gave you a good feeling for what it was like to just witness this guy basically playing with the police at a time where such a thing was disturbingly easy.
Was he tho?
GOAT opening, only scene that tops it is the basement scene.
Speaking of which, did the Basement guy actually have anything to do with the killings? The whole thing about him writing the posters must be something, Greysmith was pretty dead on with everything else.
>Greysmith was pretty dead on with everything else
Can't think of anyone in the Zodiac community who doesn't think he's a hack
>zodiac community
this part fucked me up, god damn that was gruesome, when he starts stabbing her
Was fucked up, being tied down, they couldn't even do anything but scream, the fact it really happened is terrifying.
you now realize that the poster looks like a torso
It didn't really click me as the masterpiece I thought it was gonna be, but it's still quite good tho. It's more akin to a documentary than to a proper film
Fincher is autistic so I assume they were pretty accurate. He even had the same kind of trees that used to be at lake berryessa flown in by helicopter to the set for "accuracy"
The better film, lets be honest.
I love it, even though they tried to resolve the case by making it Allen instead of leaving it ambiguous.
You're now aware that that's Ferguson Darling.
Except they do leave it ambiguous you autist
we got a tough meme historian here
watch out boys
>tfw you will never have light up nipples
it was fucking awful. it was boring and awful and terribly written.
No they don't. They make it very clear that Allen is the Zodiac, that's the entire point of the ending. The movie is based on the book that Graysmith wrote - he was obsessed with Allen and was sure it was him.
Prisoners, also with Gyllenhall
You sound very, very silly. The final scene features a "witness" testifying to the murderer's identity decades after the crime occurred. The scene before that is Jakey G facing Allen and making his decision to take a leap of faith and believe that Allen is the Zodiac killer. You don't know anything about film if you actually think that ending is the director closing the case. Especially when that sequence is followed immediately by title cards that say the case was never solved and Allen's DNA didn't match later results.
Jesus christ the whole point of the film is that it wasn't solved. The men are obsessed with taking meaningless murders and forming a narrative around them so that they make sense, so that they have a resolution. The only way to deal with the chaos of this world is to pick a narrative that makes sense and believe it to be true in the way that Jakey does when he looks in Allen's eyes. At the end of the day it's a fiction but it makes this world livable.
Please stop being so pleb.
>The final scene features a "witness"
That's fucking Mike Mageau you moron; the guy from the very first scene in the movie who survived the first Zodiac attack, who saw him. David Fincher based the movie on the Zodiac book that Robert Graysmith wrote and even had him consulting on the movie. Graysmith's prime suspect is Allen and always has been, he's convinced it was him.
It'd be really cool if there were a film like this but adapting this case instead.
Black Dahlia could have been great, but they botched the fuck out of it.
I'd say this. I get uneasy when this movies getting posted. Zodiac threads prove to me that tv sometimes doesnt know what they're watching. They'd ssy its good or its bad, they'd judge it along the lines of some bracket values they sre familiar with. And they'd ssy its too long and nothing happened - but that was the fucking point. The investigstion went for years, people put theit lives into it and get nothing. How soulcrushing this was, a cruel joke.
nah you didn't like it you found it extremely boring
is this the get thread?
You are such a fucking dumbass. My use of "witness" was meant to indicate that his testimony means practically nothing at this point given that it's been decades since the crime, which I quite clearly stated.
You are so obsessed with plot and the details of the case that you can't even assess the artistry of what Fincher accomplished. Your brain is far too geared towards surface level shit to actually see what the movie is trying to say to you.
it's fincher's masterpiece. i watch this movie every year.