Why can't blacks swim?
Why can't blacks swim?
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Their dad never taught them.
never leaving a continent till we bought them
FPBP desu.
Chimps are afraid of the water.
>DeKendrix, JaTavious, Takeitha, JaMarcus, Litrelle, Latevin, and LaDarius.
And nothing of value was lost.
Don't wanna get their 'fros wet
isn't it something to do with the amount of blacks who wear weaves? they fuck up if they get wet so they don't bother going in water
>Be African American
>Parent(s) Do(es)nt work
>Foodstamps dont pay for sport
its great Americans are so into highschool sports
because many innercity kids wouldnt get to participate in them otherwise
Some weird shit with their bones.
>all six drowned
>dekendrix was rescued
how to get away with mass murder
How does someone like this get to the Olympics?
genetic inferiority
affirmative action and diversity quotas
If I couldn't swim, I sure as shit wouldn't go into the water.
Black user here.
I can confirm that it's because the majority of black children are raised by single mothers who simply don't have the time and/or luxury to send their kids off to a pool or get swimming lessons. They work constantly, 2-3 jobs to support them. Also the lack of a father figure to push them to do things and challenge their fears makes it even more difficult for them to actually learn even when they want to.
tl;dr, blacks are shit at parenting and raising families.
Higher bone density is one factor, as well as the fact that their body proportions are different to Caucasians.
People I spoke to in Africa said that they don't learn to swim, because no one taught them.
Generally the African sea can be quite rough, so people that attempted to learn to swim, probably just died.
Because they let any nation in the world compete and some nations just never had anybody go before so any random person could step up to be their olympic athlete.
Some are just legitimately scared of the water, they think they will drown if they try to swim. This article shows they may be right
Don't you have swimming classes at school ?
Those fucking names
Schools have swimming classes?
Well during sport classes here we do.
Yes. They do here, anyway.
>black Americans
So that's how you call Africans now? topkek Americucks
Mine did.
3 Black girls drowned in a stolen car that one of them was driving, running from police. Right into a St Petersburg pond in the darkest night.
Police blamed for chasing stolen car, by Blacks.
BLM protesters are blaming the police for not rescuing the 3 teens from a water wreck in alligator infested Florida waters in the night.
>3 teenage female dindus steal car
>run red light
>chased by cops
>drive into pond
>car sinks to bottom
>cop expected to dive in after them despite it being pitch-black.
Because they would have to learn how to
Better question: why can't they learn?
That puts them in a disadvantage at everything, not just swimming.
schools that arent predominantly black usually have.
So some schools get their own damn pools?
Fuck, man if I had swimming lessons during my early schooling I'd probably know how to swim.
public schools with a swim class??
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, not in 'Murica
Some do. We just went to the local swimming pool though.
You can find public pools in most of the towns desu, so the school just gets a schedule for the lessons
Well swimming is very important in life, it's one of the things the state must take care of.
I'm pretty sure it is related to a lack of instinct.
Before foreign aid exploded Africa's population, Africans were in such small number in such a rich land that they didn't need to learn how to swim to catch food or man boats.
They just didn't need to learn, so it never got hard wired into their brains. When we white folks "learn" to swim, all we are doing is booting up what is already instinct.
I totally agree. I'm extremely glad/fortunate my parents taught me how to swim.
There most certainly should be classes for it in every public school. It's so damn basic.
Too heavy.
All they ever do is complain and blame whitey. Never any accountability and they wonder why they are all poor and in prison
Why don't you just stop bein hoes and niggas then and start makin families n shiyet?
schools that have more funding will build better amenities for their students. a large part of funding come from alumni. so if your school just churns out run of the mill hoodlums, youre not going to get much
Because our race doesn't seem to care about progressing and raising family for some reason.
All we care about is drugs, money, and blaming others for our problems.
I don't think we're ever going to progress at all, to be perfectly honest
>black women
>working 2-3 jobs
No one likes turds in a pool. They stink.
Yeah, may have been projecting there a little.
A lot of them are on welfare, it's true.
Niggers still held a press conference.
The mother in pic related is Yashica; she starts speaking at 4:00.
I doubt anyone who names their son LeKendrix has a job.
>Black towns
>Public pools
Ayy lmao. You don't understand how this stuff works. Black towns barely can keep the lights running (this is not an exaggeration, Detroit recently had 40% of its street lights broken) when the youths destroy everything, half the population is unemployed so doesn't pay tax and the rest work jobs so shitty (and part time most of the time) that the government is still subsidizing them. They don't have money to build pools.
In marine boot camp I was awakened to the reality of this after watching the re-testing pool be filled with 90% blacks. I'm not even kidding. They are exceptionally bad at swimming. It's astounding.
That's only american blacks,when the Fijians went to my school they could swim just as good as anyone else there,get to the pool americunt
i helped my black friend learn how to swim, but he has to swim with that thing that clogs your nose for you because he either lost the natural instinct or never had it to begin with.
thas whatchyu get when your ancestors stay in the jungle rather than living on the coast
Did they let them graduate with and UNQ?
I've been wanting to join the army for awhile but this is a pretty big thing/fear of mine that's holding me back.
It's not even the inability of being able to swim, it's the embarrassment that goes along with it. Not being able to do such a simple task everyone else in your unit can. Makes you seem worthless, like a liability.
Fuck, man....
Black here .Cant Swim
It's okay, same here user.
I'm too afraid to even step into a pool.
>those names
I had swimming classes at school and that was in like 1998.
Some people just can't close their nose->throat. It's not really a big deal, but for impulsive animalistic peoples is easily discouraging since anytime any water gets in or around the nose it can provoke a sensation of drowning.
Anyone who is capable of recognizing it is literally fucking nothing can not just learn to swim, but swim as well as anyone otherwise better suited (can close their nasal cavity).
No its not, that's retarded, I can tread water with a 10lb weight belt
What are these lights?
Hey man, if you want someone to actually blame, blame the jews.
No really, who do you think pushed all of those rappers to start pushing for the whole money-drugs, and sex shit.
this is a real nightmare
GATORS, user.
Bullshit. My mother raised me alone, and with my sister. We were dirt poor and she still got us out to the public pool.
>calm warm sea
git gud nigger
Also the pool was FULL of blacks and their nigger hair grease. Except they always stayed in the shallows, or near the shallows.
This "blacks can't swim because waaahh we poor ya'll, gibs us dem swim programs waaah racial oppression" needs to fuck off.
chimps cant swim either
i think not.
The ones who couldn't do it got recycled into a later unit. Though there were many chances for retesting. Many did eventually make it, but there was a time our numbers dropped because of it.
6 people tried to save a person who couldnt swim and they themselves couldnt swim
you know im sure some sheboon might think this is a tragedy but maybe its good for the gene pool
Higher muscle density. Makes them the best runners but they drop like a rock in water.
I've been working offshore and been through water survival so many fucking times, and I seen several black dudes just walk out even before the helicopter egress portion.
Literally walk away from jobs making anywhere between 40 to 100 grand a year because of that shit.
Fucking mystifying.
>needing to be taught how to swim
I was 4 when we moved to a house with a pool. 9 feet deep in the center. Told my dad I wanted to learn how to swim, he threw a $5 bill in the middle and told me if I got it I could keep it. Jumped in, got the bill, swam out. That's how I learned.
>tfw Jewish
It worked though.
Public schools in the US usually don't have swimming pools.
You need someone who gives a fuck to teach you.
Because you are. Learn to swim, fuck, it's not that god damn hard.
you forgot that they were in florida and every pond in florida has gators in it.
>Once whites discovered swimming
>After the invention of pools and life guards
>What are ponds and steams?
There's some retarded theories
But as said I've seen tons in public pools growing up, 95% shallow only. People are naturally buoyant and considering black obesity rates I'd imagine they even more so. Now statistically they have longer slimmer limbs and a higher center of gravity, which isn't conductive to competitive swimming. It might make them more proned to tipping head down in inexperienced swimmers which would be scary.
Again, no they have high obesity rates, and as a white boy I can tread water with a 10lb weight belt. Their bones aren't that dense.
Forgot pic.
Yeah I live in Fl and never swim in fresh water lol. Even if gator free it's stagnant unless it's a spring, of which there's none near me. See blacks all the time at the beach though, again almost always waist deep.
No Black fathers to teach them.
We wuz swimmers n sheet
They have higher bone density and longer legs in proportion to the rest of their body. (Good swimmers tend to have long upper bodies)
Back in the Old Corps the ones who went UNQ the first week got to skip Mess and Maintenance to stay wet.
But we had a few graduate out with UNQs.
The great apes (in the wild) avoid water and are afraid of it, most will travel long distances to avoid crossing it
Negros, in Africa, typically have a much lower body fat percentage than Caucasians and tend to sink rather than float
Simply, Negros have an inborn fear of water, overcoming this fear is a long and difficult process
Always makes free swim day at my community college quite refreshing, the pool has a constant depth of 12 feet and no areas for "just hanging out", your there to swim or you have to leave, my school is 50% Negro, on swim day, the pool looks like an Aryan Paradise, wish we had to swim from class to class, school would be perfect
We should build swimming-as-a-lifestyle communities, where canals links the houses and residents MUST swim to get to the outside world.
First, their body structure does not support it. To much focus on lower body strength, and bones are more dense.
Second, it's not really an instinctual activity. It has to be learned. Nignogs are bad at that.
Third, it washes all the expensive products, braids, weaves, whatever out if their hair.
Yes, most actually do. You're a poor piece of trash from a peasant town.
>thread about american niggers not swimming
>talks about beaches in africa
We have pools and beaches in the US. We don't make everyone return to their home country for swimming lessons.
>public schools with a swim class??
>HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, not in 'Murica
Wtf? Most schools around here have pools
haven't they seen somebody swim on television or a video game or some shit at the very least to copy
I'm sure Goku swam in an episode
water racis'
I grew up in east new york. There are plenty of public pools open all year. Blacks just wade in the water and piss in it. In highschool I was #1 swimmer and I barely swam.
Blacks dont have denser bones or muscles. They just cant float. They bob up and down like buoy when they try.
>bone density
Again, no I can swim with a 10lb weight belt pic related
>much instincts, African water dangerous
During the ice age Europeans wouldn't have swum due to much cooler temps.
Mine did but I grew up in Massachuchu
you have to swim in marine boot camp? that's news to me. i thought even in navy boot you don't have to swim
holy fuck user that's it! Throw water of em