There is one thing I don't get here. >you guys loathe Jew's >you hate gay's and would probably vote for a death penalty on being one >you call every form of drug consumption degenerate, including alcohol/tobacco >you're against woman right's, and clearly feminism for obvious reasons >you prefer a strong leader instead of a democracy >premarital sex is labelled as degeneracy >you are mostly followers of an abrahamic religion >you love weapons without further knowledge about them
I could go further with this list but what I'm trying to say that >YOU GUYS ARE BASICALLY FUCKING MUDSLIMES.
the only thing that makes a small difference is that you seem to be mostly white and some of you even educated. So why do you hate them when they have so many of the same values ?
at least half of us are libertarian so more than half of what you said isn't true. Buzz off jewish shill.
Ian Scott
lol at this angry (((german))) shill getting butthurt over Sup Forums existence
Adrian Miller
>Implying I give a fuck about the US election. Listen up leaf, the train is heading right to hell and who the Americans are going to vote for doesn't change shit.
Jaxson Lee
>be me >don't hate jews >don't want gays killed everything else though is correct
but youre wrong OP, half of Sup Forums will defend women's rights because mudslimes take them away
i literally had this conversation just because Muslims do something doesn't make it automatically wrong do you think women should be allowed to vote and drive just because Muslims don't let them? >look at Muslim countries user >why do you think they're like that? >only barbaric Muslims think women shouldn't be allowed to vote
I've had this conversation almost every time I mention that we'd be better off treating women like Muslims do inb4 >KYS achmed
Luke Bailey
why do people live together? what agreements do people have to make when they live together? whiich agreements to muslims break? why have arabs when you can have white people? I like global diversity and I don't want multiculturalism to destroy diversity.
Bentley Garcia
Well what agreements do they break in your ideal society ?
Nolan Hernandez
the things you listed are just universal basic principles for any sane, functioning society.
islam is so strong compared to the western cucks, because they were brought to abandon those principles, rendering them defendless.
desert people have lower iqs thanks to their genes, can't into science, hate animals, treat women badly, stink, are completely uncivilised and uncultured. the only thing that enables them is their strong belief.
ergo: western civilisations only chance is regaining their mojo by reimplementing said principles, BECAUSE the enemy has them
Robert Martin
I do not want homosexuals killed, I just want to discourage the behavior. It's their religious obligation to do the extreme measure. Russia sets a good example.
If nothing else and someone is so damaging, they could be banished.
also ^ except for the into science, the society doesn't encourage advancement, but they're proven more than capable since when.
Lincoln Bennett
But what if particularly those principles and not just the evolutionary deficits in brain development got them where they are now in the first place ? Just look at Iran what it used to be in the 70ties, or turkey when it had Ataturk.
Lucas Jenkins
we had those principles up until WWI, it went downhill from then. the scientific revolution started earlier, I don't think degeneracy is a prerequisite for scientific advancement.
also, Sup Forums exaggerates everything, i don't think we'd need to go full on authoritarianism. but just look at history, degeneracy always comes before the fall
Ian Ortiz
>you hate gay's and would probably vote for a death penalty on being one >you call every form of drug consumption degenerate, including alcohol/tobacco >you're against woman right's >you prefer a strong leader instead of a democracy >premarital sex is labelled as degeneracy >you are mostly followers of an abrahamic religion nope
Nicholas Cooper
Asher Ortiz
>premarital sex is labelled as degeneracy
No. Only by Christfags.
>you are mostly followers of an abrahamic religion
No, only a minority are Christfags. Sup Forums is an anti sand religion board.
Logan Martin
>>you guys loathe Jew's >>you hate gay's and would probably vote for a death penalty on being one >>you call every form of drug consumption degenerate, including alcohol/tobacco >>you're against woman right's, and clearly feminism for obvious reasons >>you prefer a strong leader instead of a democracy >>premarital sex is labelled as degeneracy >>you are mostly followers of an abrahamic religion >>you love weapons without further knowledge about them None of these are true. I agree with Sup Forums being religious puritans though, mudslimes that don't go out and kill people (yet)
Oliver Reyes
Yea we also kinda retook quite many of the same old principles and we all know where that got us.
Nathan Hill
>Christianity is a "sand religion"
just kike my shit up, goy
Asher Taylor
Westerns hyper masculinity/ right wing movement in a nutshell
>complains about white knighting >wants to white knight women in Europe
>mohomad be all like- what the fuck bro stop cock blocking go find your own
Carson Brown
>you're against woman right's
As opposed to mudslimes who gave women the right to vote. Islam is the most misandrist religion.
Lucas Butler
what do you mean by this?
Asher Hill
Your complaint assumes I hate Islam because it's not liberal enough, which is ridiculous. I hate Islam because it's an evil and false religion. I hate liberalism for the same reasons.
Brandon Clark
Yes I agree on the evil and false part. I assume you're a Christian. Jesus was a Jewish, socialist, hippie. Probably one of the most liberal people at the time. You sure you hate liberalism in general or just neo-liberalism ?
Nicholas Howard
>So why do you hate them when they have so many of the same values ? The part where they murder rape and pillage.
Dominic Ward
Because we are als warrior and can't accept beta warriors next to us. We just don't run around like idiots anymore scream and cuts head off,we evolved..created weapons that destroy thousands of them or the whole fucki g country. this is not a scenario where the warriors out of the desert fuck some idiots up.. this is the story about how a little degenerate and dumb idiot with a stick is poking a sleeping lion because he is so sure nothing could happen that he doesn't realize that one eye is already open.. now we have the literally most bad ass most evil killing machines who killed more humans than islam will ever have followers against..a fucking insecure degenerate cunt cult from the desert with an army of idiots who can't even read and write but thats not a problem since everyone one of them is 5 times as arrogant as one of us.. Yeah...i wonder how that will work out
Anthony Davis
Jesus sure was a great Jew, pissing off all those Juden and people around him with his hippy ideas of monotheism, strong bonds of mutual faith -based love, and proclamations of being the Messiah!
Dominic Wood
He meant that he is a kike shill, user.
Tyler Sullivan
Except for us not following their religion, which defines what a muslim is, you fucking retard.
Cooper Wilson
Well that just sounds like the good old Denmark to me, slightly before the Christ cuckening started, I'm all for that ;).
Daniel Garcia
Not sure what your definition of liberalism is, but this is how I would define it: "XXXIII. The absolute sovereignty of the individual in his entire independence of God and God's authority.
XXXIV. The absolute sovereignty of society in its entire independence of everything which does not proceed from itself. (18)
XXXV. Absolute civil sovereignty in the implied right of the people to make their own laws in entire independence and utter disregard of any other criterion than the popular will expressed at the polls and in parliamentary majorities.
XXXVI.Absolute freedom of thought in politics, morals, or in religion. The unrestrained liberty of the press."
So, no, Jesus wasn't a liberal, if this is what you had in mind. Christ, remember, is a King.
Aiden Anderson
Yeah I kinda think at this day and age they can probably poke the Lion dead while we post more useless grieving messages on facebook while welcoming millions of them to Europe.
Hunter Garcia
let me try to explain in detail. the main point is, that your points are expressions of the very extreme pov. as i said, Sup Forums exaggerates a lot, because of anonymity, trolls, baits, shills, edgelords etc. but these are the underlying truths:
>>you guys loathe Jew's jews are heavily involved in fucking up the world, that's a fact if you can see through the heavy fog of propaganda. doesn't mean we should kill them all, but it's an important thing to realize
>>you hate gay's and would probably vote for a death penalty on being one see >>you call every form of drug consumption degenerate, including alcohol/tobacco again, exaggeration for the sake of bantz mainly. but it's true that all drugs are dangerous. my personal opinion is everthing in moderation
>>you're against woman right's, and clearly feminism for obvious reasons women should have rights, but feminism is pure cancer
>>you prefer a strong leader instead of a democracy represantative democracy might work in a polis, but not in a modern nation. i'm not sure what the solution is exactly, but the current system is corrupt to the bone
>>premarital sex is labelled as degeneracy this is an unpopular opinion even on Sup Forums, but having many changing partners is definitely degenerate
>>you are mostly followers of an abrahamic religion 1. not that many really 2. you could argue about christianity being abrahamic, it's heavily influenced by roman/greek/egyptian/pagan religion and jesus explicitely breaks with jewish tradition
>>you love weapons without further knowledge about them i don't really know what you mean by this, people here seem to know a lot about weapons generally