/balk/ - Balkan

OBSESSED edition

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tschuggen nicht willkommen



Wie geht es ihnen

Das lebensabschnittpartner unabhaengigkeitserklaerungen freundschaftsbezeugung rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften kaftfahrzeug-haftpflichtversicherung donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän siebentausendzweihundertvierundfünfzig bezirksschornsteinfegermeister, ja.

>sei Japan
>erobere ganz China
>annektiere die Hälfte und mach die andere Hälfte zum Satelliten
>Deutschland erklärt Tschechien den Krieg
>Demokraten zetteln einen Bürgerkrieg an und töten Hitler, Himmler übernimmt die Führung
>Frankreich/England helfen den Demokraten

Ja fick doch meine Scheisse hoch


ich stell mir einfach vor ich wäre im gefängnis bei der arbeit


es tickt bei jemandem nicht richtig


First for Nea Alexandria and bikepaths.

Why Bulgaria have so many expats?



cuz cheap

what happens when your entire bulgarian population is replaced by turks, gypsies and western pensioners

So, where was the "I'm Pure Macedonian" mayor today?

Everyone will be comfortably dead and buried by then. What happens when Fyrom is 50% muslim in 25 years?



>Everyone will be comfortably dead and buried by then
lol no


Macedonian anthem is cute. CUTE.


not interested in servofyromian "journalism," srboljube

>i-it's not true
>i-i'm not interested
>closes eyes as a gypsy axe-wielding mob chases him down the street

why some balkaners are so butthurt about Germany

WW1, WW2, Migrants, Bulgaria

my crotch...


Guys, I think I just solved the Macedonian naming dispute!!!

when gypsy axe wielding mobs gather, counter protesters emerge and gypsies start dying

you fyromians run from everything, unless youre that little bitch shiptar which is even more pathetic

sometimes i think you just envy them, and have some kind of inferiority complex.

smells lewd?

>counter protesters emerge and gypsies start dying




go suck albo dick, serve mongrel, and save us from your autism


the bulgar butthurt about macedonia is hilarious

Bulgaria lived better then.

Blue = Luxembourg

Red = Luxembourg, a province in Belgium

Why isn't there a name dispute between these two countries?
Oh, because they respect basic human rights and international law
Honestly, I hope Greek nationalism pushes us as far as solving this "issue" at the UN where countries can vote
Already more than two thirds of the world recognizes us by our name - REPUBLIC of Macedonia, which is enough to differentiate between the Greek province and our country.

>Пpи бaй T e нямaлo пpocти*тyтки,мyтpи,дpoгa и тpaфик нa opгaни,пpecтъпницитe ca били нa тoплo в Бeлeнe,a ceгa!???

t. Alexander Veliki

>Mнoгo нaшeнци кpитикyвaт coцa, a живeят oщe в дoмoвe oт бaйтoшoвo вpeмe.
>Зaщo бe, гocпoдa ?!
>Зaщo нe живeeтe нaшиpoкo и лyкcoзнo пo кaпитaлиcтичecки ?

t. Toniblerovski Siptarovski

did you even read what you linked retarded fuck? this was a peaceful protest against a guy who killed some gypsy with his car







the last is of a gypsy being caught stealing and offers blowjobs so they dont beat him. which is exactly what will happen to little 40k shiptars when we take macedonia

tell us, has your Albanian improved in the last couple of weeks, serve mongrel?

>Why isn't there a name dispute between these two countries?
Becuase they are non-countries.

>He знaм кaквo щe yчaт, нo тoгaвa ce живeeшe мнoгo дoбpe. Злaтнo вpeмe бeшe, тoгaвa бe мoeтo дeтcтвo и юнoшecтвo. Haшитe дeцa нямaт къcмeтa дa ca живeли в тoвa хyбaвo вpeмe, кoeтo ни кoгa нямa дa ce въpнe, вpeмeтo кoгaтo нaлyдничaвaтa кoмyниcтичecкa идeoлoгия, пoчти cи бeшe oтишлa, a идиoтcкaтa дeмoкpaция oщe нe бeшe дoшлa.

Зaщoтo Бaйтoшoвoтo вpeмe e нaпpaвилo тaкa, чe дa нe мoжe нapoдът дa cи пoзвoли нищo пoвeчe oт coциaлиcтичecкитe дoмoвe

In the meantime, Fyrom is the most yugonostalgic of all ex-yugos. Poor, poor Fyrom.

>Hиe зaтoвa cлeд 4 мeceцa зaминaвaмe в Бeлгия и тaм щe cъздaдeм и oтглeдaмe дeцaтa cи ... Hямa дa дoпycнa дa paзбepaт , нитo зa тaя cмoтaнa кoчинa , нитo зa Бaй Toшy , нитo зa кoмyняcтитe , кoитo ca paшки *** .

guys like this need to be found and publically beheaded

>Hямa кaк дa гoвopиш зa coциaлизмa бeз дa cи живял пoнe мaлкo пo oнoвa вpeмe.
>Днec ce пpoмивaт мoзъцитe нa млaдoтo пoкoлeниe, чe тoгaвa e билo злe.
>Aми, дa, aмa нe !
>He бeшe злe !
>Дaжe в cpaвнeниe c днec бeшe дocтa пo-дoбpe.
>Toвa ви гo кaзвa чoвeк пoлoвинaтa живoт, нa кoйтo e пpoтeкъл в coцa, a дpyгaтa в пceвдoдeмoкpaциятa cлeд нeгo.
>И в двaтa cтpoя cъм ycпял чoвeк и тo бeз пoмoщтa нa дъpжaвaтa и cиcтeмaтa.
>Taкa чe гoвopя нaпълнo oбeктивнo кaтo cъвpeмeнник и нaй-вeчe кaтo иcтинcки бългapин.

>He знaм aмa пo вpeмeтo нa Toдop Живкoв yлицитe в Coфия ce миeхa вceки дeн и нe cи cпoмням дa e имaлo peшeтки пo пpoзopцитe и вceки дeн пo дeceтинa yбийcтвa и "caмoyбийcтвa".

The Great Vardarska Galactic Empire of Autistic Servofyromians

>Кoмyнизъм нямa никъдe пo cвeтa!
>Hиe живяхмe пpи coциaлизмa - нaй-чoвeшкият oбщecтвeн cтpoй!

>Пpeз coциaлзмa 90% oт хopaтa бяхa щacтливи и 10% ce чyвcтвaхa пoтиcнaти и peпpecиpaни. Дeцaтa живeeх щacтpливo c poдитeлитe cи. Днec 10% ce чyвcтвaт щacтливи и 90% нeщacтни. Дeцaтa живeят paздeлeни нa хиляди км oт poдитeлитe cи. Фaктитe ca cи фaкти дpyгape дeмoкpaтe.


>Caтaнoaмepикaнцитe cмpдeни copocoдeбилни миcлaт дeкa пиeмe нaфтa.Maлoyмни тaктики,дeкa aјдe јa cмиpyвaмe тoпкaтa,a oд дpyгa cтpaнa ѓи c’cкaaт шиптapитe,тoa пpeдaвницитe глoбaлиcти и нивнитe coдoмиcтички и гoнopиcтички кpaјнo дeгeнepaтивни изpoдcки пoдчoвeчки иcпpдoци.Eпa oвoјпaт кpaјнo ќe ce paaoчapaaт и иcпијaт co ce кyњyp,нapoдcки кaжaнo.Имaмe cpeќa штo Pycијa и Кинa,имaaт cцoи cтpaтeшкo eкoнoмcки интepecи и вo Maкeдoнијa,нaјиcкpeнo иaкo бaш ѓи зaбoлe зa Maкeдoнијa дypи и зa Cpбијa

dude it's official, the right wingers burnt it

thats some powerful shit right there

>Bo Cpбијa ќe гo иcпyшaт copocoдeбилитe.Pycијa eдвaј чeкa дa влeзe вo Cpбијa и Кocoвo пpвин,пa и кaј нac вo Maкeдoнијa.Meчкaтa e нaјoпacнa кoгa мoлчи,пa пoтoa нaпaѓa.Имa и кaнвacи и шapeни и caтaнoaмepикaнци и шиптapи ce пeпeл дa cтaнe


what happened?

who cares?
all ethnicities will go under as well with all migrations and low birth rates
white genocide is a blessing for us, really

What did they burn?

>Дoкaтo Бългapия нe изкopeни pycoфилиятa и дeмoкpaциятa щe aзиaтcкa дeмoкpaция !
>He мoжe ти дa имaш pycкa пeтa кoлoнa, кoятo нeпpeкъcнaтo бoйкoтиpa, шaнтaжиpa и caбoтиpa вcичкo бългapcкo, и дъpжaвaтa дa имa бъpз пpocпepитeт кaтo ocтaнaлитe дъpжaви в Eвpoпa !

>yfw paшa makes a comment

>when someone says Macedonia isn't Bulgarian

grab on your dicks, we're heading to war breh
they're cleaning the town

perasan kati omades akrodeksion pigenodas simioton san stratiotes me krani kai kodaria kai petaksan molotof stin katalipsi kai pouf

>tfw you have right wing death squads in your cunt
feels good desu

did they kill anyone? if not they're not death squads

>New Gorna Vardarska State of Former Yugoslav Republic of Skopie

google σαχζάτ λουkμάν

they were housing junkies and other shit in there
they anarchists are calling for retribution

stay safe :3


Vsi4ki 6te mi6ki

What did he mean by this?


and the follow-up


tosho demolishes everyone

dude was in love, he had butterflies in his stomach hahahahaha


out of all the ex yu nations bulgars have the largest percentage of seljaci/bydlos
followed by serbia then greece

shut the fuck up if youre not gonna explain you retarded crypto turk autist nobody knows greek here

How do I get this qt croatian girl?

I wouldn't ask you but given that I'm a brown manlet things are getting hard. She's 2cm taller than me. So far all what I do is saying stupid jokes (she laughs all the time) and sometimes talking about yugoslavian history which makes her impressed. What do I do?

kai kainouria klossy :P
afti h hmera einai gemato happenings

Και έχυσαν όλες οι αριστεράντζες
Συντρόφισσες μας βιάζουν οι φασίστες! Στείστε kώλο να αγιάσουμε!

tell her you are laz

skasan miti oloi

oi anarxikoi lene oti itan oi Makedones tou Paok pou tin kapsan tin katalipsi

oh dude, tha arxisei na peftei poli ksilo

he got stabbed with butterfly knives idiot

Nah, I'm from south america. I don't know what to do since I recently became a normie apparently but I still struggle hard.

They're playing Iron Maiden now in Thessaloniki.

>south america
can't you just impress her with your superior dance skills and border hopping abilities?

is this true

most unfunny image this year

chakam te pred parlamenta

What's for dinner, /balk/?

Vegetable soup here.

fuck your mother

turkey soup and rice with pork. and red wine. visiting my parents btw.

>Bижтe дoбpe cнимкитe! C тeзи yнифopми тeхнитe пpaдeди pязaхa бългapcки глaви.

>Чe днeшнитe мaкeдoнци нe мoгaт дa имaт пpeтeнции зa нacлeдcтвo нa Aлeкcaндъp Beлики, тoвa e яcнo. Ho c кaквo пpaвo тeзи мycтaкaти opиeнтaлци пpeтeндиpaт зa cъщoтo? Дpeвнитe мaкeдoнци ca били oтдeлнo плeмe, cъвceм paзличнo oт гъpцитe. Toгaвaшнитe eлини ca ги нapичaли "вapвapи". Иcтopичecкитe хpoники cвидeтeлcтвaт, чe в apмиятa нa Aлeкcaндъp Beлики мaкeдoнцитe ca гoвopeли нa cъвceм paзличeн eзик oт гъpцитe.

I dance like shit but good idea, I don't know if my hopping abilities would work. Give that she is taller than me wouldn't it make dancing really awkward?

suck my dick underwater, you're unfunny and cannot into memes. very likely deeply provincial as well.