This guy tried to eliminate all war and conflict by destroying all the worlds nuclear weapons arsenal in a single day. How is he the bad guy again?
ITT: characters who did nothing wrong
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Why would you even watch this fucking movie?
>muh children
Lets be honest he is literally one of the weakest villians in the comics roster. I wonder who they are going to use next
I really liked X-Men as a kid, enjoyed First Class and DOFP but I took one look at the pre-release media for this and haven't touched it with a ten foot turd.
I'm waiting for Brian Singer to fuck off already.
He 3D-printed over an entire country, that's kinda fucked up.
Reminder he spent who knows how many lifetimes getting all his powers. Beaten by a teenage girl.
Yeah, and if we deploy all the nukes in present world stock, we could do the same.
No man, no war. Same reasoning, same shit answer.
It was decently entertaining in all sincerity.
But you couldn't have known it was decently entertaining before watching it. What made you want to watch it in the first place?
Not him but I just like to watch movies even if they are bad.
Its a mixed bag, it has some really good stuff along with pretty badshit.
Protip: tacolips is among the good ones.
Still not worse than the average mcu movie.
Why not?
You seem like one of those
>2/10 woman, would not date
The threat of mutually assured destruction is the only reason that we have peace today, war only exists where nukes aren't present.
A true hero and peacemaker wouldn't want to destroy nukes, he would give them to everyone.
>pooky sees a televsion, confused he touches it
>"What are you doing?" Storm asks
>Storm looks on in disbelief, she hasn't the heart to tell him that's not how a tv is used
What a stupid argument. Really, this is the thing you're going to complain about with this movie? Yikes. You're an idiot.
>m'gumbo spent his entire life training with spears and was pretty adept at chucking them
>a teenage imperialist with a gun killed him
you're so stupid.
I didn't play MGSV, but if this is a direct quote then I have to agree with him.
Take away everyones gun and people will stab eachother to death.
Give everyone a gun and you'd be more careful not to get shot.
>only reason we have peace today
Hey user, that middle east is looking pretty peaceful isnt it. It's just as peaceful of eastern europe as well. And lets not forget about how peaceful the greatest country alive is right now, tearing itself a apart from the inside.
Imagine if Apocalypse had just taken things slowly. Run for local, the regional, the national offices in Egypt. Using his powers to make it a better place. Finally, he enacts a motion to name himself godking for life, and establish a hierarchical society with him at the top, then powerful mutants, then weak mutants, then humans. His subjects would have to worship him, and may annual tithes, but would otherwise be mostly free to enjoy Apocalyptic Egypt, where the weather is always perfect, everyone is healthy, and things are always peaceful.
Because he delivers on his promise, the motion is passed.
How would the xemen deal with that?
not my Apocalypse
>characters who did nothing
>Give everyone a gun and you'd be more careful not to get shot.
Meanwhile in murica.
Wanting to mindwipe the world's population into becoming nothing more than extensions of himself was where he lost me.
Pic related is a bit more "did nothing wrong". Should've been a scene in Logan where he grumbled "Magneto was right".
Remember when Superman did literally the same thing?
the nigger starts destroying shit with his magic powers kills a bunch of people, the whole time jean could of onebo comboed him with little effort as it seemed, i dont even have to mention the acting or script and directing its alredy shit so shut the fuck up you stupid cunt, this movies was fucking dog dog shit,
like superman 2
the only problem is that if the nuclear deterrent disappeared we'd have two world wars in six weeks
no superman did not do the same thing at all, they were having a fight, when you see a fight at the end do you tell the victor why they didnt just win straight away why waste time throwing the other punches, your a fucking dumbass
I unironically loved this film when I saw it in the cinema. At the time I even went as far as saying that it was my favorite X-Men film. I must watch it again soon and see if my opinion of it has mellowed at all.
He wanted to enslave mankind, and basically eradicating them too.
He was great character during FC adn DoFP, but during Apoc he was just an asshole, he did everything wrong and got away with it. He should've ended in jail.
minor changes could have fixed the bad stuff too.
IMO just changing Apoc appearance and not making Magneto the bad guy for the 7th time would be enough, oh and certainly dealing with consequences, in DC we had Supes going to trial, in Marvel we saw Avemgers and the Accords, but apparently in Fox mutants have carte blanche even if they are bad guys.
How did he do nothing wrong? He was like terraforming the earth at the end. And all he had to do was put the mansion back together to be forgiven.
Nice reading comprehension.
all of those places you mentioned don't have nukes you fucking idiot
When I watched this movie I couldn't quite understand how he was a bad guy. He literally was just doing his job, and the only way they could make the audience see him as a villain was really force with >muh rape and murder
I got the best one that even the cucks at Sup Forums couldn't refute.
Captain Salazar from the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
>literally removing piracy
> a lawful vigilante cause
>with good purpose as they killed his family before him
>is the bad villain due to rage
Now I actually am a pirate weeb, with a minor in history to specialize in privateering and such, but I guess it's all about perspective in this flick, any actual reasonable thought tho will have u questioning his true villainy status
it may not be going exactly how we planned it but Brexit is hardly tearing us apart from the inside
Usually I remain a lurker but today I gotta go out of my way just to agree with you OP.
Doing a movie in which "the most impressive bad move of the Master Villain" is to immediately get rid mankind's nuclear arsenal so that we wouldn't risk blowing ourselves up was the dumbest plot twist ever.
I firmly thought he would start the nuclear apocalypse, not kindly avoid it to us so that there would be no threat to taking him out.
France is in a bit of a turmoil it's true, but you're exaggerating a bit when you say it's "tearing itself apart" user.
he wasnt even attacking navy ships was he as a "monster"??
even when he changed he continued his duty and was killing pirates after they get out of the triangle..
>Niggers killing eachother is a bad thing.
>destroying all nuclear weapons
>eliminating war
Would literally have the opposite effect
Why not?
Did his duty to protect his fellow humans from a hippy traitor who betrayed his own species for some blue pussy.