RALLIES >Trump in Detroit, MI, 8/8/16 youtu.be/U4BoMbNxwfA >Trump in Windham, NH, 8/6/16 youtu.be/aApLHeAi3Fo >Trump and Pence in Green Bay, WI 8/5/16 youtu.be/HolIHHr0_xg >Trump and Pence in Des Moines, IA 8/5/16 youtu.be/Y-NPJJs68bk >Pence in Norfolk, VA 8/4/16 youtu.be/fax6kqNgl58 >Trump in Maine 8/4/16 youtu.be/10USLAzk2vA >Trump in Daytona Beach, FL 8/3/16 youtu.be/qait77O0DJs
INTERVIEWS >Paul Manafort on FOX 8/7/16 youtu.be/S9Bywyd1qTI >Ben Carson on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/L87c95h_BGo >Oliver North on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/jWOyotpl1nk >Trump on O'Reilly 8/2/16 youtu.be/pJExikwK8tg
ENTERTAINMENT >Wall Street is #WithHer youtu.be/iunhY8_-gtU >Did you wipe the server? youtu.be/7gWRoa52sVc >New HIGH ENERGY Superpac ad: youtu.be/WvBDCBOjDwk >Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT youtu.be/lgpt3xsvv9Y >Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown youtu.be/qfj5s5r7_14 >What Trump Must Do to Win youtu.be/hiGDvph6D4Y >How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius youtu.be/4muXm4GwrXM >Hillary calm and collected around protesters twitter.com/ericdemamp/status/761299259513720833 >Hillary has something wrong with her youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s >MAGAbooru maga.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list >Hillary Clinton is Evil! (Remix) youtu.be/vqYJRc0TJkQ
Damn, missed the rally this morning. How was it in Detroit? Any protests?
Andrew Evans
How does it feel to know that someone could assassinate this seizure prone candidate with a 160-240 lumen flashlight?
Luke Powell
Born to Awoo
Samuel Hughes
Nicholas Edwards
Daniel Reed
Oliver Morales
First for wall
Henry Clark
Brayden Ross
So McMullin announced
I'm a bit drunk but how do you feel about that?
Mason Wilson
She's probably triggered by clapping too. It doesn't get any more anti-American.
Cameron Myers
please God, let Trump save America
Blake Ward
I'm going to bed.
May Trump be with you, Trumpgen.
Jack Howard
Same here, MAGA.
Joseph Murphy
>The Media Jew is counting on her to make it to September 26th and the first debate, for those huge ratings shekels >They can't even rely on that
Might as well slide Biden in
Jack Gomez
>McMullin >Literally who? >Google >McCuck Runs against Trump Less votes for Hillary. Awesome.
Colton Hall
and with you Trumpen
Samuel Edwards
It's a measure of absurdity. There are no conservatives in the CIA. It's an Ivy League Limo Leftist circle jerk.
Carson Carter
Has anyone been to a rally here? I'm short two tickets. Do they even check tickets when you go in?
Wyatt Brown
tons of protesters, like 13 of them: 12 females, 1 male
Brandon Clark
> Liberals always get angry at this photo > Don't realize it's a general finally finding the man who killed his wife and child, then destroyed several villages and left burnt heads and genitals on poles as victory markers > Don't realize the guy was already sentenced to death before being caught > Don't realize he got the easiest, quickest, and most painless death of almost anyone in the entire war
They forgot to change the podium in the 'shop to Hillary's current slogan. It also isn't a very good shop.
Jayden Walker
Yo. That meme is fucking savage.
Josiah Campbell
Trump gave a great speech, but there were an annoying amount of interruptions by protestors. Trump handled it well like he always does >Well they certainly coordinate well >I do have to admit the Bernie people had higher energy
Cooper Anderson
Daniel Gutierrez
bumping the thread for betterment of Sup Forums, carry on lads
Donald was in Michigan working the rally. I sneaked in while the God King was Making America Great Again one state at a time. I did get to consecrate my "The Donald" Jersey at the Holy Temple of Trump, so I've got that going for me.
Logan Gutierrez
Jesus Jeb got cucked by his own son, how long till George starts calling Trump dad?
Joseph Scott
Kek, not even fucking Florida cares that much to fucking see her.
Eli Rogers
Everyone wishes Trump was their dad.
Luke Price
Ok so we should not worry about him?
Jackson Russell
Trump picked Pence, he endorsed Ryan and McCain. But the GOP elite is still whining. Why?
Blake Nelson
>mfw I'm on the other side of that balcony
Ryan Cox
>Baneposting was part of Trump's campaign >both Bane and Batman represent the heroes America needs but doesn't deserve
Ian Thompson
>tfw George P. Bush is a more reasonable man than the likes of Kasich.
Eli Murphy
John White
New Awoo
Just made it 5 seconds ago.
Jackson Gomez
Lol, good riddance.
Jose Jackson
Wyatt Brooks
I wouldn't
Kayden Morris
Holy shit, that's amazing.
Blake Barnes
Meet up and go drink, you fucks.
Julian Brooks
>But the GOP elite is still whining
The GOP establishment is on the status quo gravy train, along with the Dems. Trump is a threat to that.
Owen Moore
Holy shit libtard caller Burlin on Hannity going HAM on the media and now voting Trump. Black sanders supporters for trump. Its happening
David Thomas
Aaron Harris
5 seconds old, and already stolen :^)
Gabriel Morgan
What are the odds that they scan the tickets?
Eli Sullivan
I hope President Trump rescues those girls from their abuser Ted Cruz
Liam Rodriguez
So just moments after Drumpf critizes Hillary Clinton for being a Wall St. sell out he turns around and promises to forbid anymore financial regulations. You're confirmed for a fucking cult if you try to justify in any manner
Jack Smith
A load of Trump/Pence Bumper stickers was being delivered to Trump Tower today. I was in the epicenter of the Empire. I feel blessed today
Bentley Young
>What are the odds that they scan the tickets?
I've been to a Trump event, and they didn't even ask to see the tickets.
Aiden Williams
Cameron Reed
Can someone tell me where i can find my local trump campaign center in florida?
Jason Rogers
official swag?
Bentley Adams
Great reference, I love me some Brad Neely
Brayden Gutierrez
Daniel Lewis
Mein Neger
Mason Scott
This scenario has been covered, 'The Utah Contingency."
Uth's 6 electoral votes, if taken by a third party, create a remotely possible chance of an electoral vote tie. Throwing the election to the House. Which would, in these fantasies, throw the wishes of the general election out the window, and choose someone out of a hat.
Ain't gonna happen.
Camden Nguyen
Good. It was same way in 2008 at a Palin event. I'm just going to shoop some tickets with a fake barcode and feign incompetence if I get caught.
Gabriel White
put this in greasemonkey, installed the suite, nothing happens other than enhancement suite
David Campbell
The guy who photographed it said it was the biggest mistake of his life
Matthew Johnson
Its through GOP. Find your county GOP headquarters.
Hunter Ortiz
Hunter Ward
what was it supposed to do?
Nicholas Nelson
Ah, thx
Luke Morales
>Here's a link to her Florida rally with a picture completely unrelated to said rally kek Unless that's the image they're really trying to push from her rally in which case they didn't even try. >Orange outfit at the FL. rally
Ryan Carter
If it's a large scale rally I doubt they'll even bother scanning they'll just fill it to capacity
Blake Allen
Asher Hernandez
add buttons to upvote/downvote everything at once
Nicholas Cruz
Ok thank you guys
Oliver Walker
Its an indoor college basketball court, so probably not.
Xavier Torres
>That right coracobrachialis >That Armpit ligament Is she a bird or something?