>not enough refugees
>kidnaps tourists
Fucking chinks are retarded
how can those retards confuse a chinese guy with a tanned german?
>that headline
fucking lost it
I don't think you get to poke fun. Your country mixes up Asians and Muslims all the time.
There are refugees from Afganistan and Kazahstan too. Half of Kazahstan are mongoloid.
im thinking even I could apply for rapefugee status in germany
Its like the plot of a Jerry Lewis movie. Pure fucking pottery.
>That headline
I don't care if legit. Now if you excuse me I'm going to call NASA and ask them to return my sides from orbit.
they also did not notice he was speaking chinese?
the hell are you waiting for?
They don't really, just saying Paki is now considered racist.
Uh goy, its true.
We're in a whole new world now. Better get used to it.
>muslims and asians
Surely you mean arabs and east asians
It's true, all german speaking newspapers are reporting about it
How the fuck can this happen?!
"Extreme poverty" now qualifies you as a refugee. That's why we're importing Africa. Europe has gone full retard.
>reality is literally a meme now
There is such thing as Muslim Asians you dolt
top kek, Limey!
Everything is possible in this country now... Just not a happy life for a white man.
Goddamit OP. I came here to post this you utter faggot. lol.
This was written like an advertisement for free meals and free money to cover tourist expenses.
>Not only was he given a meal, but was also provided with pocket money
Bearing in mind, this was a mistake on the part of the Chinese man, but for Germany to then brag about the free stuff they gave away...
It's almost like Germany WANTS to be overrun with freeloading scum looking for handouts.
I shit you not, Chinese tourists are some of the worst tourists around. I know I have to deal with a lot of them.
In New Zealand they organise tours and take them to free meals for the homeless. They took busloads of Chinese tourists to the christmas day lunch for the homeless.
Soon there will be organised tours where Chinese tourists go en-masse to Germany and sign up as refugees for free accommodation and free money.
Screencap this.
No doubt. I've heard that chinese people love to visit aus en mass. What sorts of bs do they usually do?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man he couldn't even read german
They spit everywhere. They poo in public. Sometimes their English is okay but they all seem to have a similar personality and that personality is of someone who is fucking annoying to deal with. Like not intentionally annoying but like someone you want to strangle because they are so retarded.
Also they push and shove and can't drive. Basically their culture is completely incompatible.
The spitting drives me fucking insane. One day I'm going to get into a fight over it. Gooks are fucking pigs. The women are as bad as the men.
Race war when?
Was a dirty backpacker tourist without papers so no wonder they locked him up.
Cheaper than locking him up in a prison.
>Chinese tourists are some of the worst tourists around
In NZ they are the best tourists. Unlike the eurotrash who "freedom camp" and pollute our rivers while being too cheap to spend money on anything tourist-related, the Chinese stay on their bus and only get out at designated rest stops to take pictures and spend money on overpriced trinkets.
Can't really blame the Germans entirely. This chinaman shoulda had a cell phone with translation ability or at least some kind of german chinese dictionary or some shit. People are dumb.
>that pic; all the cosmetics and fashion in the world didn't help
shit, white women look like garbage after age 25
>Race war when?
The ones on the buses are okay. But if you ever have to deal with them once they stray from the bus and the trinket shop, which I do, then you'll quickly find that you want to bury them in a shallow ditch in the country
Chinese thrift, it's legendary. Probably more to this story than they're printing.
>women look like garbage after age 25
It's their bodies giving off a warning sign that they aren't fit to procreate with
lol. this.
So Germany basically lets anyone vaguely ethnic looking stay there with literally no questions asked?
Muslims are usually from the middle east. The middle east is in Asia. They are factually asians. Granted, the media uses this to their advantage to poorly disguise the ethnicity of the criminal. We know it's not east asians.
Well, now you're pulling punches.
At the very least he should've memorized a few words or simple sentences. Still, it says a lot about the mindset many of Germany's civil servants now have.
>refugee staff resorted to calling a chinese restaurant for help
>be in new country
>can't speak the language
This is exactly why it's so important to learn English.
German Bureaucracy is legendary Tier.
>Just not a happy life for a white man
And why not? I'm living a pretty happy life as a fucking white male in Germany..
Sort it out Germany, fucking hell lads.
I got it figured out last time a german friend told me
schengen zone: 2x 3-month periods visa-free per year. so you can go to germany 3 months, vacation in the baltic, return to germany, then go back to syria for 6 months
getting a student visa was cheap and easy, the the border controls always treat me nicely when they see it even now
LOL I guess it would be insulting to be compared and mistaken for a shitskin/nigger, especially if you're Chinese who I know hates subhumans.
Um, no. They took away his passport during the application for asylum. They knew he was Chinese.
I lol'd. Danke.
>“It was an extraordinary moment for us all. He said Europe was not what he had expected,” said Schlütermann, adding that the man was happy to leave
Oh europe
He was totally enjoying the free accommodation, food and spend money.
But it says he didn't get angry. Just that he imagined europe to be different.
He didn't get angry because he was enjoying the freebies. He thought Europe was full of white people instead it was full of rapefugees.
I'm pissing my pants now
Hahahaha what the fuck
It's so fucking easy to become German nowadays
Just go all like
"Chung Ching Chang Ching Neguong Ding Dong"
And German government will be like
"Welcome to Germany, if you want to bring your family along sign here! Taxpayers will pay your NEET status until ur dead, oh and here's a complimentary copy of the holy Q'uran, our nations obligatory Literature for all new Germans!"
>germans so desperate for brown people they abduct yellow people...
Poor chink just wanted to tour the hostels of europe in search of the best gay sex experiences. Instead gets sent to mohammeds ass fuck palace where his asian boipucci is in top demand.
Now I found out that the Chinese guy was thought to be a Indonesian Muslim.
Which means...insta accept!
doesn't work if ur white tho
to be fair, chinese and arabic both usually just sound like shouting
It's funny because German think Chinese are poor.
Shit like this wouldn't have happened if the guy was Japanese.
>Muslims are usually from the middle east.
South Asia/Southeast Asia have the largest # of Muslims.