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It doesn't say that you fucking nigger.
Nigerians are the smartest negros.
Nigerian Americans have a higher household income than whites
Nigerian Americans earn more Ph.D.s than any other immigrant group in America
American whites are either hardline liberals or hardline science deniers inbreeders.
America only allows migration of high quality migrants from Nigeria.
i'm going to need some more details about WHAT Ph.D. are they earning
this, which is exactly how immigration should work
Do they apply that to other immigrants? If they do, why are Asian immigrants and European immigrants doing worse?
To be fair, african immigrants of any kind are infinitely preferable to the average nigger. At the very least they seem to care somewhat about following the law.
I think it's because American niggers were selectively bred.
>Nigerians with a high IQ or a lot of disposable income leave Nigeria because it's a corrupt shithole
>go to the US
>do better than the average American
>be rich Nigerian
>Nigerian universities are shit
>send kids to American university
>kids are probably more intelligent than your average American
Literally nothing special here and Nigeria might end up worse. If you're gonna make such a statement you have to look at averages.
Worst case scenario the media starts shilling this thinking all Nigerians are like this and then proceed to import complete retards.
Highly motivated and rich Nigerians immigrate to America for opportunity. Not weird really.
>Nigerian Americans have a higher household income than whites
Doesn't this prove that white privilege doesn't exist and AA should be disbanded?
Checkmate CTR shill
African negros from many countries are cracker tier while the former slaves are, well, slave-tier.
>only the rich can immigrate away from the shithole
Wouldn't this apply to other immigrants as well?
>yank classing himself as white
I knew all the kids in one year of a med program and there were more Nigerians than non-immigrant, non-Jewish whites
It is my belief that the Africans sold off their criminals. Murder someone? Rape? Get sold as a slave. They got rid of their worst people, and got some money in the deal. Niggers weren't as dumb as the Europeans thought....
Nigerians are the biggest drug traffickers in the entire continent.
Blacks can be smart as whites, African Americans live in a very toxic hateful community and have no motivation to be better people because they get free gibs.
This. And this is the best defense against lefties who keep saying that we should have more immigrants. Every time we take one Iranian, Nigerian, Somalian etc. We make that country considerably worse. The ones that can migrate are well off or have a decent education and would be the force of change for that country. So by taking him, yeah he might be a tiny boost to us, we've made their home country considerably worse.
Not ones that it's easy to immigrate from.
The poverty in Nigeria means that migration is inaccessible to all but the most intelligent and motivated, but the shitty land border with Mexico means anyone can get through regardless of skills or motivation.
Africans are a much smaller target group.
i met some of these "geniuses" on a flight recently when they needed my help to find their fucking seats. Watched them get halfway there after explaining how numbers work, and they still needed to ask another person where their fucking seats were.
Because no nonwhites produce good societies. They have intellect unbalanced by morality or legal tradition, and their idea of authority is that power is its own justification. Everyone who has a choice wants to live under an Anglo-influenced government. The only people who want to live under a nonwhite government are millionaires who can buy their way around the natural disadvantages of that system.
Fuck you spell correct.
Average income and income equality in Europe and Asia is higher, it's economically easier for the average European to immigrate to America than the average African.
Maybe those Nigerians are white?There are whites in Africa you know
It's called Capital Flight. Only the highest IQ members of Nigeria are allowed to migrant, leaving only the top 1% qualified enough to gain entry. It's the same occurrence happening with Filipinos. Their collective IQ is barely better than Black Americans, but due to the fact that only the most intelligent are able to meet the requirements, it leads to the average Filipino American earning more and being more educated than average. In short, it's cherry picking. I doubt most of Sup Forums believes all Blacks are low IQ, there's always that outlier in every ethnic group.
>Modern African living in Africa has money and power enough to escape Africa
>Would most likely have more intelligence than average African
>Would not have been coddled by Western idiocy
>Would have had superior education compared to modern ghetto dwellers
>Would still benefit from mandatory diversity programs
Yeah, makes sense that they turn out fairly well. Of course, the statistical outliers don't exactly prove a rule.
>all Nigerians have a PHD
B-but i thought all blacks were inferior to whites? But this doesn't make sense. Was Pol wrong?
What about Asian countries?
Many do, we're talking about the top 0.16% of Nigerians.
Same thing until recently.
Only the best can get their shit together to move to a nice place. But now some of the lower echelons of their society are able to migrate, lowering the Asian communities achievements in the countries they move to.
This table isn't showing up correct for me. It doesn't show Nigerian americans.
B-but I thought blacks couldn't get ahead in America because of the racist system. Was the mainstream wrong?
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
Wtf is this. Has Sup Forums users got a mental breakdown?
See >
knew a nigerian guy who moved here and was hired at a local software company
he was fired because he didn't clean up after himself in the bathroom and iirc he wasn't really performing
On an H1B1?
we get only the best, and African immigrants hate our black guys.
Nigeria is like India when it comes to public defecation. The sea in nigeria has about as much ppm of poo in it as the sea in India.
A smart nigger who is lazy is still a lazy nigger.
Americans hired to work in Asia and Europe also far out earn average locals.
Apples and oranges argument.
It's kinda sad, actually
The West often takes in the smartest and brightest from Africa through your normal legal immigration (the refugee stuff in Europe doesn't take the best)
They'd be better where they were, helping to improve their homes
hilariously enough Africa would actually be a better place if we didn't keep taking all their best and brightest...
Idk if this is true but I met a Nigerian 3rd year student who was interning at Microsoft in Seattle.
Pretty nice guy.
They are all igbos; basically one of the few smart ethnicities in Africa.
then we would have to send more aid to the nigger countries because its just idiots breeding with idiots. They should have to stay in their countries to help fix them
This is why America and the West will likely have an advantage over the Chinese.
China may have access to its entire population but the West is attracting the best people from all over the world. However, it needs to fucking sort out the fruit pickers from the ones that will actually do work.