Shit guys. I must admit. I really got my record corrected this week. #ImWithHer
Who else /correctedrecord/
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I too am MentallyHill now,
Yeah around the 27th "drumpf btfo" thread I saw I really started to see it their way. I am now #mentallyhill
My Hieroglyphics record got a bit scratched up but I used a damp cloth and managed to buff it out now it works FINE!
boys,remember to sage
I'm not actually one of them, newfag.
Doesn't matter,it's still a shit thread
It's not my fault it went over your head, kiddo.
ya, after bitching about how both parties are corrupt and bought by special interests for years, I have completely given up on the one crazy rich guy who actually managed to become the nominee without chugging gallons of Soros and Jamie Diamond cum because the news called him names enough times and now I support Hillary "Jeb bush with a vagina and the most corrupt person to ever run for POTUS" Killton
is "#mentallyhill" actually pro hillary? because i always associate it with mentally ill, which everyone who supports her must be
What's the point in correcting it when you're just gonna delete it later? Seems kinda pointless senpai.
WTF I hate Trump now.
You're seriously payed for this ? Did she told you if she's going to continue spending tax payer money for propaganda after election ?
Me too. It was a tough decision to make but I'm voting Hillary in November!
wew anyone else #ClitMissile now?
WTF I hate trump now
>slaps knee
You guys really mad me think, I am now a #HamburgerHill
Your numbers confirm it
You're right I'm a shill for hill
Pack it up boys, I'm hanging up my American flag robe and I got my Mao Dictator Series woven rug robe with high collar to wear to Hillarys next edge of your seat rally.