FACT: Ultron is the best MCU villain by far
FACT: Ultron is the best MCU villain by far
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no one cares about marvel here. Sup Forums is a DC stronghold
>is a hive mind connected through the internet
>is everywhere at once
>has hundreds of bodies all connected through the hive mind
>still fucks it all up and gets beaten by 4 people
He's fucking shit, all superhero villains are shit because they never win. All he had to do was shut his fucking mouth and just get shit done, but he failed at that. Why do i even watch these stupid fucking movies, they are all the same, the heroes always win because reasons.
Fucking dumb shit. I'm done, see you guys later.
>the heroes always win
>waaaah why do I watch superhero movies
You're fucking retarded, thats why. So dont try to be an elitist about it while reveling in it.
He would have been if
>he didnt have teeth
>he was allowed more screentime
>his sense of wanting to look human was played with in any way
>his speeches and motives weren't undercut by jokes
>he was actually menacing the entire time instead of half the time
>had a proper 1v1 or team battle against the Avengers instead of jobbing every single time he fought one or the fight itself being underwhelming and cut away from like its not a big deal
Such wasted potential and misunderstanding of the source material. But there is some good there like the part where he's in the church, and taunting the Avengers with a speech as they struggle to save people and fight robots.
literally who?: the villain.
Both charismatic and more memorable, so good the last one is basically the cookie cutter for most MCU villains so far (Hammer, Killian, Cross even Ego)
>Red Skull
Both more capable as they set plans to be in motions for years or even decades and were never fully stopped.
I thought he was the most disappointing villain from the series mainly because the Pinocchio trailer made him seem so threatening and then he turned out to just be another quipper and not at all malevolent. He was too goofy. And his face should've emoted less.
Fuck off Marvelbaby or we will slit your throat and piss on your corpse
How is ego cookie cutter? He was directly intertwined with the protagonist instead of barely having any screentime and presented him with a moral dilema that tied into the heart of the movie. More so than Obadiah and Red Skull. And cookie cutter is the opposite of the imaginative plot ripped straight from 60s comics.
Literally fixed
pfffffffft hahahahaha
>well who is ultron?
>where is ultron from?
>I think it's time we ask someone about the Age of Ultron
I can't even take Ultron seriously anymore whereas i used to see him as a genuinely frightening idea for a character
this should of been his final design, but it was only on screen for a minute total. prolly less
kys brainlet
Bet you already ordered tickets for Spider-Man. Or worse, you're going to download a camrip just to post about how much you "hate" it.
Those are the Ultron "bots", you can see them all time, it's the faceless army Avengers fough, and literally it was the last Ultron that vision wipe out.
I mean, this is the only bot with red eyes whereas the other ones are blue. Also in pre release photos, I assume they hadnt finalized the design but the bots were all red and looked much more like comic Ultron. For some reason changed in the final film.
I watched this recently and was kind of baffled how noticeable the CGI was when this movie was released in 2015, whereas Transformers came out a decade ago and it still looks really good today
Marvel villains are shit, none have any good real motives other than being bad because the plot asks for it and there needs to be an action packed finale. Ultron could have been interesting but they made him too cartoony villain.
I it looked realistic. All movies must be held to the standard of Transformers which is praised for its groundbreaking visual effects and had no name actors as the protagonists with robots taking up a quarter of screentime? Thats ridiculous.
Ronan the accuser has eight minutes of screentime and wants revenge on the Zandarian government for killing his father for fallowing his culture's tradition. How was he bad because the plot asked for it?
>Baiting this hard
i really wanted him to turn into this like in the comics
Not including the television series:
1. Loki
2. Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger
3. Ultron
4. Darren Cross / Yellowjacket
5. Emil Blonsky / Abomination
6. Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
7. Tony Stark / Iron Man
8. Ego
9. Kaecilius
10. Johann Schmidt / Red Skull
11. Ivan Vanko / Whiplash
12. Ronan the Accuser
13. Aldrich Killian
14. Malekith
Obadiah would be great if he had more screentime honestly. Darren Cross is pretty uninteresting.
Yellowjacket isn't interesting, but he's cool and hilariously evil. Which is more than can be said from the guy in Iron Man 3.
But DC is shit. Why Sup Forums like shit?
You are actually retarded. What did you expect? Ultron killing every hero and millions of people, you edgy retard? Or you think movies is only about ending, about conclusion? Yeah, that is good question then, why you even watch movies? Just read ending from someone who watched it and dont spend money on shitty cinema.
I think Tony is best villain of MCU.
>just want to better mankind
>somehow fucks everything up everyfucking time
What is funny because ultron personality was supposed to be based on his,maybe ultron is based in the dark,cold side of Tony personality.
and he only ever maims another villain and kills quicksilver, who was his former ally and he also did it on accident.
Loki kills a bunch of shield agents and coulson, on purpose.
Id really have had ultron kill BW, infront of the avengers. He Had her locked up, why?
>Why Sup Forums like shit?
He's less connected that Obadiah. Tony knew Stane his whole life. Starlord knew OF Ego his whole life.
Ultron was the worst. His motivation was nonsense and he does jack shit. He controls the internet but barely even does anything with it, except launch nukes, which doesn't even make any sense because nuclear weapons are not connected to the internet in any way.
*attempt to launch nukes is what I meant, he also failed at doing that because Jarvis or whatever
does anyone want to talk about how I saw Eggsbennedict Cumsuckersnipslsnatch's cape theater offering and was so uninterested that I cant even remember what happened? I think Hannibal was in it he might have eaten some people or something idk
He should've been awesome but Joss Whedon sucks at making antagonists interesting past their introduction. Ego was much better
I unironically think Stane is the best MCU villain.
Not anymore, now that's Vulture
Age of Ultron was kind of shit. It was a dull movie because everyone was quipping and acting like Tony Stark. It just got dumb and predictable and the fact that none of the characters seemed to take anything seriously completely deflated any sense of tension in the movie. Although it's not like it matters, Ultron was a lameass villain outside of his introduction that also quipped and was never a legitimate threat. I'm surprised his easily expendable junk robots weren't throwing out one-liners as they were getting destroyed too. What did he even want? Something something extinction, I think.
technically, not that it was presented well, his plan was to tear the Avengers apart. He literally says this. And the movie ends with them going their seperate ways and the few left making a new team. Then Civil War they beat the shit out of each other. So his "plan" worked, not the nukes and city part tho.
I made this post before reading yours, but yea he wanted the team ripped apart from within. Thats why he uses the twins. Also there was no quips in that battle for example, and it was great how it starts with no music then the ost kicks in with that shot.
I just wish they used the original Ultron face. Transformer face is too humanizing.
You mean by killing Tony Stark?
I just remember the special effects and how he beat the big bad by using quicksaving
I dont get this mindset. I think the movie was a 5/10 and forgetabble in a figurative sense, but im not fucking retarded as in I literally do not remember the events of the movie. Are you stupid?
if he didn't make stupid jokes all the time I would like him.
Pay attention, any bot he personally took control of for the moment gained his red eyes. It happened multiple times
I liked his personality and mannerisms, but they would have been a better fit on someone not named Ultron.
This, Kingpin, and Cottonmouth are the true answer.
Fuck off, Killian was far more interesting, menacing and competent than "Obadiah 2.0". At least Killian actually had a plan he initiated for 10 yrs come to fruition and actually had the vice president eating out of his hand.
I dont care to argue how well executed it was, "villain wants revenge" is the most boring and lazy plot ever. Solely exists so they dont have to setup a proper villain with interesting ties to the hero, just make up a retcon and bam new villain. All Iron Man movies have the same villain. At least Justin Hammer was funny.
>villains want revenge
Good thing you don't care to argue because your dumbass would lose.
Killian was never seeking revenge on tony. In fact he was perfectly fine working the mandarin angle and doing his own thing growing in power behind the scenes. He only got involved because stark forced their hand by publicly calling them out. He even says this. If stark ignored the terrorist shit(if happy wasn't injured) Killian probably wouldn't have even looked starks way in the long run. He had power physically and externally. The revenge angle was barely played up and he thanked stark for simply giving him motivation to be better
Thats interesting, I havent seen it in a while because everyone on Sup Forums hates it so much it just made me not go back. Fact is, I remember him being boring, being more interested in the ten Rings setup from the first movie, and not liking how he was just a guy with tattoos and extremis. The fact that the movie opens with him being ignored by Tony and implying thats his deep motivation is what stuck with me as a viewer, so there.
>bust your ass as loser shut it in to develop your dream think tank miracle shit
>the one guy with the funds and equal smarts to make it happen shit on you
>nowhere else to turn you decide fuck everyone, I can be great through sheer force of will and drive
>few yrs later is a Chad, powerful as fuck, dangerous, and has far reaching pockets
Easily one of the better more villains showcased. Shat on cuz of "not muh".
Your complaints are weak as shit. People can take motivation from the smallest of quotes to the biggest of tragedies. Try again.
When he's talking to the South African guy, I got really intimidated by how unstable he seemed. At least they kind of got that right.
He's worse than the worst DCEU villain (Cara) but you're still right
I think you're confusing conversation with argument, I really dont give a shit. Do you want a medal or something? I dont mean not muh, I mean the ten rings was set up from the first Iron Man and I was more interested in that. Ah, what am I saying, only one person can be "right" and preference is nonexistent. You're right, good job, champ.
Concession Accepted. See yourself
It might be the tumblr opinion, but Loki is probably the best villain. Every time he is on camera, he is charismatic, even with that silly armor.
damn i didnt notice how this last one looked like comic ultron
made jessica jones worth watching
Who is this dude?
Doctor who
>literally absorbed Stark's mind
>user mad that Ultron is an egotist
This is what happens when you you concede, everyone should learn from this newfag's mistake
This is like saying u mad bro because I dont know how to respond
That really puts the standard for MCU villain deep in the dirt.
Ultron and Ego were only good because of the actors playing them
Ego under anyone who wasnt a genuine fan would of been fucking terrible, so many ways he could of been mishandled. But yea the actor was good.