>egyptian god
defend this, faggots
protip: you cant
Egyptian god
the whole thing was about how americans view religion
the egyptian gods had gold skin, not white or black
t. very smart person
what did nigger mean by this
He's clearly american though. It says so in the title
>OP doesn't know about the nubians and the Kingdom of Kush, the most wealthy and powerful Egyptian Dyansty
then why is he portrayed as a nigger
The Egyptians would have lived in a very hot climate. Is it ridiculous to think that they would have had very dark skin?
Yes, because they didn't.
Yes because we have a wealth of actual evidence as to what genetic makeup they had and also that of their neighbours and migrants
>being a nigger and having dark skin is the same thing
>Egyptian god
>Not a 10 foot tall animal headed behemoth
I'm pretty sure there was blacks in ancient egypt, mostly in the south.
Most evidence points to a very diverse group of people as were many in the Mediterranean area. The people who are adamant about making them caucasian are no worse than the we wuz kangz they make fun of so much.
looks reddish brown to me. egyptians portrayed black people as literally black.
every fucking thread about this shit people act as if there are people claiming they were caucasian and i've never fucking seen that happen
>inb4 some reddit idiot links stormfront or some other shit fring blog
Why does Sup Forums only complain when egyptians are portrayed as black?
because black people are annoying as fuck
Bu-but Hollywood cast whypeepo as Egyptian kangz
Sup Forums is trying to repress their innate cuck fetish
Should they have cast a dog instead?
Because black people are already better actors, athletes, and musicians, white people have nothing left.
They definitely had darker skin, would not be considered white today.
The obsession with Sup Forumsbeards that Gypos were some aryan race is bizarre, just as much so as BLM claiming we wuz
nobody claims that though you stupid fucking nigger
At what point did I say they were white? I just said they were not black. They were varied kinds of brown and do not fit into modern day ethnic or racial groups.
Even in ancient egypt blacks were slaves.
why do you constantly flip your spaghetti when dark-skinned individuals play egyptians but are perfectly fine with nordic blondes playing egyptians then?
>every single country in north africa is brownies including close neighbors and even southern neighbors
>except egypt, cuz we wuz n sheit nigga
Why does anyone even care about Ancient Egypt? Its quite bland when compared to other ancient cultures.
also ruled egypt for a period
What are you smoking? Its almost always brown, black hair Hispanics or Iranians that play them. We're not in the 60s
Because white people haven't invented some lie about it to make themselves feel better, i'd prefer they actually looked egyptian.
Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessd with black people?
And? Middle Easterners aren't white.
>Middle Easterners aren't white.
No shit. They arent black either now are they?
Look up Nikolaj coster waldau
>Its almost always brown, black hair Hispanics or Iranians that play them
Nikolaj-Coster and Gerard Butler are hispanic and Iranian.
Why do Niggers think every time Whites say Egyptians are not Black we are saying they are White?
They are Arabs
They are closer to black people than white people though
Because it's mostly really thin skinned white boys between the ages of 16-30 here and they can't handle people of other races.
I remember when Sup Forums used to be about hating everyone and everything. Now it's a place for white bois to have inferiority complexes.
that's not true at all.
it is though
yeah like Jake Gyllenhaal
>They are closer to black people than white people though
Can you find the caucus mountains on a map?
Some are. Geographically, countries like Sudan, Djibouti, southern Egypt, Eastern Libya, and Eritrea are classified as "middle east" and are predominately black.
Black people aren't similar to any other race really, they have fucked up skulls and hair.
fuck off ahmed
wow they are practically black
I've completely changed my mind thanks user
this. and theres actually a reason for it, black people never migrated for a very long time (still havent) those with certain genes left and went north
the rest just stayed there forever
>Egyptian god
So your suspension of disbelief extends to mythological immortals who judge the hearts of the dead and then feed them to another mythical immortal but NOT someone from egypt being black?
closer to white than black
Some Middle Easterners do look White, Assad could pass for a Brit
If you read the book you'd know that the gods are made by the people that worship them meaning that there are multiple versions of each god depending on who worships it
This god was made by African Americans after the civil war trying to "reconnect" with Africa as the book puts it
There are middle eastern versions of this same god in the middle east
>black people never migrated for a very long time
Humkan species as we know it nowadays is ltierally a result of black people migrating from Africa to other regions of the world
To be fair there are reasons these people are so white and iit's unlikely they would've been thsi white back then, but they'd still be closer to white than black.
>gods have their power and given form by belief
>modern belief has a lot of people believing they're black
>even folklore characters and given form as "gods" and shit, and some never had a chance due to how outlandish they are
Are you even familiar with the books/series? It makes perfect sense.
Its literally no neanderthal admixture
>b&w image
They would have been Whiter back then thanks to the Greeks/Romans
Arabs & the slave trade they brought with them browned up the area
There are multiple black ethnic groups that look different
Actually, those who were born different decided to leave, thats what evolution is. Some were born different and those differences are what made them leave, and because they left they prospered.
thats literally why different races exist and are in different regions.....
Your average Sup Forumstard knows how to read wikipedia and youtube videos
That's it
Reading comprehension. Exodus: Gods and Kings is a recent example with a very ethnically diverse cast that somewhat reflects ancient Egypt better.
>black people have no culture so they gotta steal that too
Come on now, blacks couldn't even invent a wheel on their own, much less build pyramids.
You have absolutely no idea about what you are talking about
This is some trash tier bait
lol no
>Eritrea is in the Middle East
Are you stupid are something? The Middle East ends at Egypt in Africa.
i got a question feh you
wots heavier, a kilogram of fathers... or a kilogram of steel
Link the entire paper, not just some random figure from it
Here's a (You) buddy, looks like you need it
Just google FST distance and read up on it. Blacks, from West or East Africa, and not closer to the people of Middle East than Europeans, botch of which are Caucasians.
Nigga, link the fucking paper, not some shit article talking about it
Sorry mate I'm just waiting for my bus. Also don't get me wrong, its by no means a conclusive rebuttal to the theory, its just interesting new development.
Oh yeah I read the article, but there's still more evidence for the Out of Africa theory
>Negros are humanoid apes.
>black people never migrated for a very long time (still havent)
They are now senpai, as england
Link it and link comparisons
Is American Gods worth watching?
Yes, Nubians. Mostly used as slaves.
Genetics research into the Egyptian mummies shows no link to Negroid populations who live much further south.
No. It has a black egyptian in it.
>literally doesn't even share the same facial structure.
And I bet this bitch still thinks that she's the descendant of the pharaohs.