Kids born after 1998 can now officially post on this board

>kids born after 1998 can now officially post on this board
>kids born after 2000 probably already do as well

Other urls found in this thread:

>still no gf

i was born 98 :)

i came here for the satire user, not the feels

>born in 86

pretty glad I met the cutoff by a couple years for before it was mandatory for males to be born as en effeminate cucks

>22 years old
>never had a gf

>there are kids born after 9/11 who post here



me t0 br0 420 noscope rekt


My nigga.

2004 AMA

>mah nigga!

Congrats your shit posting in Sup Forums at age 30

Let this sink in: there are people on this board that think George W. Bush did a good job.

>Not realizing the MAJORITY of 4chans patrons are 14 year olds

seriously, been here since i was 16 and i got here after my friends.

Me too bud, turn 30 in 2 weeks...
What am I still doing here?

>shit posting (1 word)
>calling a basic post a shitpost
>on, not in

I think we've found our first post 2000 poster.


>born in 93
>one year away from graduating college

>took a semester off because of alcoholism
>realize im a pathetic fuck

Kill me

I started shitposting on Sup Forums at age 12 back in 2007.

The average poster age on Sup Forums can't possibly be higher than 15 in any given year. By the time most people turn 18 they leave that shithole (as I have) for different boards.

Sometimes prepubescent fucks slip through the cracks and head to other boards early though.

>falling for the time jew
Girls complain about womens body image problems in media but this is the true problem. Just move towards whatever is best. Functionally the past does not need to have a bearing on the present outside of chemical / physical things about you, which can adjust over time. Just start acting like someone you want to be would.

>there are pornstars younger than you

fuck off you faggot nigger cuck

You know you are fucked when a burger corrects your grammar.

87 checking in.


gtfo my Sup Forums you old faggot
Us kids rule this board now
2003 master-race here!
Anyone else born 2003 master-race? betta give me a "WHOOP WHOOP HOLLAH HOLLAH"
>pic relate dis me, I'll fite you you old nitwit retard

>Turned 18 last month
>Have been posting on Sup Forums for three years


June 1998 checking in. Where my fellow graduates at???


feels robin man

I was born '98, found this place after browsing space ghetto when I was about 12-13. Ive browsed every single day since. Practically was raised on Sup Forums.


>kids born in 2003 are making their own pop rap music videos

>not relishing the opportunity to warp thier fragile young psyches
Cmon now

Just turned 21
Got my Bsc in Computer engineering a month ago and starting a job next month
Sup Forums got me trough uni

>majority of Sup Forums used windows XP as their first os and had an Xbox 360 as their first console and has no idea how horrible our last Republican president was
Absolutely disgusting

>The ISHYGDDT meme is half a decade old

I welcome the next generation of polsters.

Come for the shit posts, stay for the red pills

This is your fault user for not stopping time in the right moment when we were all 18 years old.

>this kid gets hot 14 year olds and you cant even get a middle aged whore

If English were your muttersprache, you'd easily tell the poster is either a kid or a nigger.

Only 00s and 10s kids will remember this.

>already has a Bsc
>I don't even have a degree at 24

>hot 14yr olds are a thing
Oh how we have fallen

>2011 + 5
>not crying yourself to sleep over wasting your teen years shitposting all over Sup Forums and becoming a social autist

Anyone born before 2002 must've had a PS2 as their first console, anyone born after that either had an Xbox 360 or a PS3.

user, kids born in 2006 post here

>hot 14yr olds are a thing

>Kids born after the PS2 was released are having sex right now

Can't really blame them, we were horny little fuckers back in the day.

>10 yr olds now have unrestricted access to the internet
The next generation is going to be a seriously fucked up generation

What did you say you old fart? I was born in 1998 and I workout and train in boxing. Could probably wreck you with one arm but not going to do that since you're an elderly old man, most likely with alzheimbers disease.

Explain what he did wrong, without quoting Michael Moore or blaming him for things that were Clinton and Bush 1's fault?

Rate me Sup Forums!
an i aryan enough?

Rate your mother

Well you're white, that's all you need to qualify.

Hair and eye colour doesn't matter as that delves into stormfaggot territory.

too soon


Think about the bright side.
More and more people getting redpilled from a young age.

>raised by pol
damn son, I do not wanna take a look inside your brain.

>Well you're white, that's all you need to qualify.
sometimes im multicolor too, lol the festival of colors at the indian temple is dank. and it is also an indo/aryan cultural tradition

Am I White enough?

Am I white Sup Forums

"Daily reminder there's no white genocide
Nothing is stopping you from finding a white girl to breed with"

>complains about white genocide
>doesnt even have a gf


What would the effects of exposing a regular 14 year old Aspie to Sup Forums be?

>Bro tier

>those hairy knuckles
Turkish Roach go back home

You hands look like they belong to a chubby Mexican girl with huge hands

Nice trips, brother.
Also probably a far right wing extremists, a new Timothy Mcveigh by 18

>What would the effects of exposing a regular 14 year old Aspie to Sup Forums be?
lanza and shirley

at age 11, i was already vising some of the worst sites of the internet had to offer: rotten, stileproject, ogrish, etc.

there's no fucking way i'd let a kid go on a computer without strict filters and settings. i know how bad kids can be, 'cause i was that bad kid,.

they can have club penguin and neopets. that's it.

Depends on the frequency. One time, no problem. Every day for 6 hours, complete meltdown and personality change.

I my whole shirt arayn approved Sup Forums?
i had my nana buy it for me at nordstrom rack, i think it shows odd my nordic/arayan spirit quite well.
what do you think of it Sup Forums? is it too much?

Ya gotta redpill 'em at a young age son.

But seriously remember when moot tried to lower the allowed age on the blue boards to 13? Everyone went crazy.

I'm asian-European actually

Hairless faggot

What was the name of the forum that replaced Ogrish once LA ran out of money to host it?

What was the username of the Venezuelan troll on the Ogrish Forum who worked at morgue and would post pictures of him sticking things up the corpses butthole?

If you can't answer these you're a liar.

Get out oldfags
I'm surprised you haven't hanged yourself by now

>First OS
Windows 95
>First console
Sega Genesis
>First election
2012, voted Ron Paul in the primaries and Gary Johnson in the general, after I overheard the poll ladies in the next room talking about discarding write ins because they "couldn't read them."

>Crysis was released 9 years ago

>The son I abandoned 10 years ago is in high school now
>Probably getting bullied because I would lock him in a dark room and fuck his mother in the next room incredibly aggressively and he developed a speech impediment
Teach that little shit to eat my Branston pickles.


Dude, I hear 12 year old kids at the school next to my workplace talking about epic memes they saw on Sup Forums. This place is filled with kids.


who here #selfies4Trump

Depression, alienation, but overwhelming insight into events the average slack jawed Connecticunt would never know about.

does the fact that time passes scare you?


the sooner you take the pill the better it is

It's 2016 and I'm 21, and I first found Sup Forums in 2007 so I must have been 12. Yes, I do remember actually considering telling my age at 12 to get a ruse out of people.
I started with Sup Forums because of chanology. Then things got worse: after a few years with Sup Forums and Encyclopedia Dramatica, I started looking more at the other boards: porn boards at first, but then /tg/ really piqued my interest.

After /tg/ showed me Sup Forums could be other than completely cancerous for my personality (cancerous as it was already), I got into /fa/ and then /fit/ (or was it /fit/ then /fa/) and started dieting and lifting at 14. I broke my wrist at 15 while squatting with 100kg on my back.

/fit/ broke me. Now I was on Sup Forums hours and hours every day, and my lowest points were when /d/ was my go-to for fapping material.

Then /toy/ kinda made me feel good about Sup Forums again even when my attempts at self-improvement had only resulted in feels and identifying as 'skinnyfat'. But that didn't last because /toy/ likes really fucking expensive toys and gunpla which require more time investment than I was now willing to put in, as a newly avid anime fan at 16-17.

At 18, I got into university and started taking drugs. That's when I largely switched over to Reddit. Sup Forums had introduced me to Ron Paul during the elections, and so I had gone deeper into the libertarian thing with and so on, and ended up on the anarcho-capitalist and mutualist subreddits. So /r/trees wasn't far behind now that I was a left libertarian smoking weed all day outside our dorms, fantasising about the next acid trip and trying to live for the moment.

Since getting chucked in the asylum after smoking legal highs, I've been unable to complete my third year of university. So now I sit at home on a kind of gap year, watcing anime and reading spiritual texts.

I was three when 9/11 happened

Things have always seemed to be improving except at the very lowest of turning points. But I'm probably the kind of person you'd all look down upon, given my labels.
I'm Slavic (visiting my grandparents in Croatia the day after tomorrow!), gender non-binary, a former degenerate drug addict, a dropout, an anime fan (posting on a transdimensional circuit-scaling map in the current cycle) and anarchist learning on politically apathetic.

But I like awoo~s and am content to sit around here posting ayy lmaos and generally contributing TOP QUALITY CONTENT like this shitty diary.

I hope you're proud of me, Sup Forums.

c-can I call you daddy

You type too much.

i was born in 92 and my brother in 95. He has typical millenial values and I don't.

>there are kids born too late to remember what they were doing on 9/11 besides besides being toddlers that post here
>there are kids would couldn't perceive the Bush administration as it was happening that post here
>there are kids who's first video game console was from the 6th gen that post here
>there are adults that still post here even though by measure of general grammar and memes, the average poster is probably barely over 18

Let that sink in.

wew you were literally birthed from a pokeball when pokemon red came out

feeling old, that is the same yardstick i use with m young family: how many years before/after game boy pokemon was released?

How did you get here Sup Forumsacks
I used reddit when I was 15 but mostly for tech news
I switched to Sup Forums around that time and discovered anime
From that point on it was all a big haze

friend showed me the website